Only one greater can give that authority to another.=YHVH(Jehovah) the Father= the only true God.Matthew 28:18 Jesus said, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth."
So what authority does God have in heaven or earth?
Only one greater can give that authority to another.=YHVH(Jehovah) the Father= the only true God.Matthew 28:18 Jesus said, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth."
So what authority does God have in heaven or earth?
I also do believe that, Fred.
That is not a fact. It is a belief, and a wrong one.That's your rejection of the fact that God is more than 1 Person.
Try not dodging Matthew 28:18 next time.
Jesus (right now) has total authority over the universe which demonstrates He is God (Matthew 28:18).
Only one greater can give that authority to another.=YHVH(Jehovah) the Father= the only true God.
First, don't dodge that Jesus claimed in Mathew 28:18 that his authority was given.
It does, when God is in the equation.Functional subjection does not necessitate ontological inferiority (cf. Eph. 5:24).
It does, when God is in the equation.
Before his resurrection Jesus used the power and authority given to Him for the purpose given to Him.before His resurrection He simply refused to always employ His omnipotence.
Before his resurrection Jesus used the power and authority given to Him for the purpose given to Him.
That Jesus knew and publicly preached that his power and authority did not come from him is more than obvious.
How many verses do we need, from the lips of Jesus, to attest that?
I have already provided several, and can do it again, and again, and again, and again... just ask for them, please.
It will always be my pleasure, since I like the topic.
Resurrection and Ascencion didn't change the fact that Jesus considered his Father to be His God.
That's why we find the resurrected Jesus in John 20:17, and the exalted Jesus in Revelation 3:12, speaking about God as "My God", and the author of Revelation, in Rev 1:6.
So, any argument of a pre-resurrection and post-resurrection change of relationship towards His God is false.
In the meaning of the concept "God" resides the proof that functional submission to Gods necessitates ontological inferiority.No proof for that assertion.
As seen in post 884 Jesus function in submission to the Father, but this does not detract from Him being the Almighty in equality with the Father.
In the meaning of the concept "God" resides the proof that functional submission to Gods necessitates ontological inferiority.
True equality would mean that The Father can also obey Jesus,
One single example suffices, because God by definition don't need authorization or power from anyone else.It wouldn't matter if you could cite a million more examples. This does nothing to prove He isn't God.
One single example suffices, because God by definition don't need authorization or power from anyone else.
Unless, of course, I am debating with a Greek polytheist who believes that Hermes can submit to Zeus, be the messenger of Zeus, need approval from Zeus, and yet be as god as Zeus.
In that case, the debate is over.
No.Does the Jesus you believe in have all authority over the universe (Matthew 28:18)?
The Jesus I believe has been given by God all authority
No. It does not. Read again Mathew 28:18, and read the whole gospels, including the three verses I have mentioned from John (there are more).Matthew 28:18 teaches He has all authority --> in the universe (heaven and earth).
You have been refuted, Fred.You'll always lose when refusing to believe what it is teaching.
No. It does not.
It is completely relevant that Jesus calls The Father His God.Irrelevant. Jesus is still the Almighty.
It is completely relevant
Your sources are wrong, and you are confused, my brother.I have already cited enough sources that refute your confusion.
Your sources are wrong, and you are confused, my brother.