My God how blind are they. listen, if 101G says he will write the name of his father, and then said, I will writer my/101G name who name did he write? answer 101G.
now listen, John 3:13 "And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven."
while on earth speaking to Nicodemus in flesh and blood, the same time was in Spirit.
see you don't KNOW nor UNDERSTAND God's Nature in the ECHAD of the Equal Share. when on earth in flesh and blood, (the Son) is his, GOD, Jesus body on earth. hence the speech my Son/Body on earth. in heaven the Spirit, (Father), is his GOD/JESUS Spirit hence the speech my Father/Head/in Heaven. this is just too easy not to understand.