Why The Trinity is Wrong: Pronouns

You should not need a link that provides a rationalization but plain Scripture. How do you explain the masculine pronoun?

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.
John 14:26
the link is filled with cites. Also all OT references are feminine.

I won't be able to debate it as I am sharing what I understand and that is all I can do for you as I don't debate. You can do your own research in the OT and can always look into the passages cited in the linked, including to scripture, and talk to Him about it. And reread the posts I made on this thread... and of course decide for yourself. This is my understanding as per my previous posts. The only purpose of the link is to show some cites. I do not care about the explanations there and gave my own better ones in this thread. But the cites are there to some ancient texts and scripture if those interest you to read from scripture.
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Just in case you do need a link, here it is. The long and short of it is that some languages attach gender to inanimate object. La Casa in Spanish is feminine but that does not make "house" feminine.

In greek but the greek language is based on their culture and pagan views of a neuter ugly set of deities. I am not a pagan and prefer to use hebrew as the source.

ancient languages were hieroglyphic and do not detach gender from language. I do, as a scholar, believe that gender and language are tied and have a correlation. That's just me, you may prefer to believe those who say otherwise. I read literally and therefore accept what He says about this topic. I have shared and take it at that. If you do not have time to study it, I understand.
The Creator of the universe is referred throughout Scripture over 5,000 times using singular pronouns, e.g., he, him, me, I. Trinitarians suppose all this should be subordinated to a verse or 2 where who God is talking to is ambiguous. For God so loved that world that he (singular) gave his (singular) only son.

A synonym for God is "father," such as Ephesians 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. "Father" is a relational word that refers to a single individual and not a plurality. Although not a pronoun, "father" serves as a substitute for a singular being. Whereas there is a verse or 2 where God uses plural pronouns, there is not one single verse where God is referred to as the parents of Jesus. Yet, this has no significance for trinitarian dogma.
They are all singular. The three are one. There is one Father, one Son, and one Holy Spirit, and they all are one God.

What some trinitarians have wrong is the word "persons." There are not three individual persons. They are one in that they are inseparable, but have different functions. Jesus embodies the invisible Father who is the mind of Jesus, and the invisible Holy Spirit who is the heart of Jesus, His emotions, conscience and supernatural power of Jesus. We are a triune being just as 1 Thess. 5:23 says. That should verify what I'm saying and they are not three persons, but three functional parts embodied in one person, Jesus. That is the original meaning of "the Trinity."
I won't be able to debate it as I am sharing what I understand and that is all I can do for you as I don't debate.
I understand and once that as you do that the HS was feminine. Too bad you cannot explain the masculine pronoun in referring to the HS.
There is one Father, one Son, and one Holy Spirit, and they all are one God.
We know this is what trintiarians claim but is not found anywhere in Scripture. Only the father is uniquely identied as God. This should give trinitarians pause.

What is absent from Scripture is damning to the doctrine.

The obvious reason there is not "God, the HS," or "God, the son" is the monotheist Jews who wrote Scripture only believed in one God, YHWH, who is the father (or Creator) of us all.

What is absent from Scripture is a trinity verse. Doesn't that concern you about the validity of the claim? To be clear, when I write that the trinity is not found anywhere in Scripture, I mean that neither the word nor the concept of the trinity is explicitly in the Bible. To avoid the inevitable Appeal to Strawman, there simply is no verse that reads something like The nature of God is a trinity - consisting of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit who are co-equal, co-substantial and co-eternal - and if you do not believe this, you cannot be saved but are damned to hell forever. If there were such a verse, it would be the most quoted verse in Scripture by those who claim one’s salvation depends on believing it. The concept of the trinity is so important that in 66 books, it is not mentioned once! Why are you comfortable with such a trinity verse being absent?
They are one in that they are inseparable
Interesting. Another poster, @civic dismisses Jesus death as merely being separation from God. But according to you, that is an impossibility. Very interesting.

I suspect, in addition to rejecting logic via dualism, where 1 = 3, the reply will be 1 of those 3 also has 2 natures, where one nature can separate. Funny that thread on the trinity being easy.
I understand and once that as you do that the HS was feminine. Too bad you cannot explain the masculine pronoun in referring to the HS.
oh I can explain the relation of masculine to feminine..
for we are made in His image.. and its not at all what you'd expect ...

im not so concerned with interpretations by translators who simply
were not hearing Him and translated according to their belief
Interesting. Another poster, @civic dismisses Jesus death as merely being separation from God. But according to you, that is an impossibility. Very interesting.

I suspect, in addition to rejecting logic via dualism, where 1 = 3, the reply will be 1 of those 3 also has 2 natures, where one nature can separate. Funny that thread on the trinity being easy.
dualism in general is the good and evil tree = the fallen situation type of thinking. So, dualism logic is very limited and not how God speaks to us in His words to us.
dualism in general is the good and evil tree = the fallen situation type of thinking. So, dualism logic is very limited and not how God speaks to us in His words to us.
Dualism stands in opposition to logic, which is the non-contradictory identification of truth.

For dualists, it is entirely possible for the same thing to be IN and OUT at the same time, etc.
Interesting. Another poster, @civic dismisses Jesus death as merely being separation from God. But according to you, that is an impossibility. Very interesting.

I suspect, in addition to rejecting logic via dualism, where 1 = 3, the reply will be 1 of those 3 also has 2 natures, where one nature can separate. Funny that thread on the trinity being easy.
Christ was separated because he was in this fleshbody, which also separates us from God.

However, His soul was never separated from God and He could hear His father talking to Him. And at His transfiguration He was restored
His body of paradise given Him by God.

Regarding the concept of a body --- His Nature in eden paradise is not the same 'nature' as here... (which is corrupt)
the nature here blocks everything of God and is not of Him.
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Dualism stands in opposition to logic, which is the non-contradictory identification of truth.

For dualists, it is entirely possible for the same thing to be IN and OUT at the same time, etc.
i try to stay as far as I can from aristotle or christian exegesis based on his(aristotle's) pagan logic.
So I can't really relate to what you wrote. (get sleepy reading it) ... Can you rephrase ?
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We know this is what trintiarians claim but is not found anywhere in Scripture. Only the father is uniquely identied as God. This should give trinitarians pause.

What is absent from Scripture is damning to the doctrine.

The obvious reason there is not "God, the HS," or "God, the son" is the monotheist Jews who wrote Scripture only believed in one God, YHWH, who is the father (or Creator) of us all.

What is absent from Scripture is a trinity verse. Doesn't that concern you about the validity of the claim? To be clear, when I write that the trinity is not found anywhere in Scripture, I mean that neither the word nor the concept of the trinity is explicitly in the Bible. To avoid the inevitable Appeal to Strawman, there simply is no verse that reads something like The nature of God is a trinity - consisting of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit who are co-equal, co-substantial and co-eternal - and if you do not believe this, you cannot be saved but are damned to hell forever. If there were such a verse, it would be the most quoted verse in Scripture by those who claim one’s salvation depends on believing it. The concept of the trinity is so important that in 66 books, it is not mentioned once! Why are you comfortable with such a trinity verse being absent?
He hates Esau..
many souls of jacob do not know but....will understand during trib..
and be saved back to paradise. He loves jacob....

He does not damn his own souls who want Him
though they do not understand everything.

this earth is already part of the satanic reality...
so it is hell already. We are prisoners.
We know this is what trintiarians claim but is not found anywhere in Scripture. Only the father is uniquely identied as God. This should give trinitarians pause.

What is absent from Scripture is damning to the doctrine.

The obvious reason there is not "God, the HS," or "God, the son" is the monotheist Jews who wrote Scripture only believed in one God, YHWH, who is the father (or Creator) of us all.

What is absent from Scripture is a trinity verse. Doesn't that concern you about the validity of the claim? To be clear, when I write that the trinity is not found anywhere in Scripture, I mean that neither the word nor the concept of the trinity is explicitly in the Bible. To avoid the inevitable Appeal to Strawman, there simply is no verse that reads something like The nature of God is a trinity - consisting of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit who are co-equal, co-substantial and co-eternal - and if you do not believe this, you cannot be saved but are damned to hell forever. If there were such a verse, it would be the most quoted verse in Scripture by those who claim one’s salvation depends on believing it. The concept of the trinity is so important that in 66 books, it is not mentioned once! Why are you comfortable with such a trinity verse being absent?

Who is our God and Savior?
i try to stay as far as I can from aristotle or christian exegesis based on his(aristotle's) pagan logic.
So I can't really relate to what you wrote. (get sleepy reading it) ... Can you rephrase ?
Sure. Logic is based on the Law of Identity. This is symbolized by the expression "A is A." It means things are what they are - AND they are not what they are not.

All scientific progress is based on logic, on the Law of Identity.

If something is heavier, it means it is NOT lighter.

Dualism reject this. Dualism holds contradictory things are valid. So, for instance, something is heavier AND is also lighter. What do you believe, A or B?
A. Logic. If something is heavier, it means it is NOT lighter?​
B. Dualism. Something can be heavier AND lighter at the same time?​
They are one in that they are inseparable, but have different functions. Jesus embodies the invisible Father who is the mind of Jesus, and the invisible Holy Spirit who is the heart of Jesus, His emotions, conscience and supernatural power of Jesus. We are a triune being just as 1 Thess. 5:23 says. That should verify what I'm saying and they are not three persons, but three functional parts embodied in one person, Jesus. That is the original meaning of "the Trinity."

I wouldn't call them 'parts' though heart and soul may have given you that idea... attributes of Him is better.
Sure. Logic is based on the Law of Identity. This is symbolized by the expression "A is A." It means things are what they are - AND they are not what they are not.

All scientific progress is based on logic, on the Law of Identity.

If something is heavier, it means it is NOT lighter.

Dualism reject this. Dualism holds contradictory things are valid. So, for instance, something is heavier AND is also lighter. What do you believe, A or B?
A. Logic. If something is heavier, it means it is NOT lighter?​
B. Dualism. Something can be heavier AND lighter at the same time?​
science is but descriptions of this fallen reality.

God never talks about science since it is not His. Dualism includes either or logic. law of identity and excluded middle are platonic and aristotelian, thus of the greek pagan reality - fallen context.
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