Why The Trinity is Wrong: Pronouns

It is not circular. You are pretending that "Being" is not synonymous with person.

Deut 6:4 Listen, Israel: Yahweh is our Elohim. Yahweh is the only God. (NOG)

YHWH is the only God. Not Jesus or any other person; only YHWH.
being is correct and person is the same thing as being...
The difference is that as Attributes of God, then there is no one versus three problem.
His Male and Feminine attributes are His Hands, as a type He uses in OT in explanation,
of which man is in His Image, male and female.
Scripture explicitly calls him a man, just like myself. He said to pray to our father - not him, not his father.

Clearly your argument on pronouns is so weak you have to change the subject to me AS IF one cannot keep the 1st Commandment AND be a Christ follower.
and the explanation of His attributes makes sense of this

Everything of us comes from His blueprints...
even the concept of male and female...
and these are His Hands... (as an archetype given in scripture
to express His Nature)
He is the father of Christ and His Spirit...
Two gorgeous Beings! ... where
Christ represents the sons and His Spirit represents our comforter

truly so so incredible is Our Father!

the concepts of male and female are IN God, came from GOD, are His attributes,
belonging to Him, and He created us in their image.

Any archetype belonging to God came from somewhere
and it has to be IN Him.

He does not create from anything but from Himself!
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As soon as admitting Christ and His Spirit are beings,
His Hands, then the whole weird pagan-aristotle
form of kabala-trinity goes away...
also...note all the feminine language for His Spirit
in all His Words to us.

His Trinity is clear.

Christ and His Spirit
represent us, and we are in the image of.
He is our Father.
Christ represents His Father for us,
in relationship.
So, Jesus fathered himself eh?
Well The Triune God did say:
“Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness.” Genesis 1:26

So there you have all three of them working together to create the human race. I believe they did the same thing with our savior. It was God's plan to redeem man, Jesus spoke about it all through the Bible, and the Holy Spirit made it happen.

"This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit." Matthew 118.
The Creator of the universe is referred throughout Scripture over 5,000 times using singular pronouns, e.g., he, him, me, I. Trinitarians suppose all this should be subordinated to a verse or 2 where who God is talking to is ambiguous. For God so loved that world that he (singular) gave his (singular) only son.

A synonym for God is "father," such as Ephesians 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. "Father" is a relational word that refers to a single individual and not a plurality. Although not a pronoun, "father" serves as a substitute for a singular being. Whereas there is a verse or 2 where God uses plural pronouns, there is not one single verse where God is referred to as the parents of Jesus. Yet, this has no significance for trinitarian dogma.

Guess you are in error.
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The Creator of the universe is referred throughout Scripture over 5,000 times using singular pronouns, e.g., he, him, me, I. Trinitarians suppose all this should be subordinated to a verse or 2 where who God is talking to is ambiguous. For God so loved that world that he (singular) gave his (singular) only son.

A synonym for God is "father," such as Ephesians 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. "Father" is a relational word that refers to a single individual and not a plurality. Although not a pronoun, "father" serves as a substitute for a singular being. Whereas there is a verse or 2 where God uses plural pronouns, there is not one single verse where God is referred to as the parents of Jesus. Yet, this has no significance for trinitarian dogma.

Guess you are in error.
In no way does "our" = 3. The fact you assert such a thing shows how weak your argument is.
Why is Jesus called the Word?
Michael S. Heiser

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1 is, by far, one of the most familiar verses in the Bible. We know “the Word” speaks of Jesus (John 1:14), but where did John get the idea that “the Word” could refer to God as a person?

Part of the answer concerns the translation John used. While John used the Greek word logos (λόγος) when referring to “the Word,” he himself was drawing on Aramaic translations of the Old Testament. In Jesus’ day, Aramaic was the native language of the Jewish people.

While the Old Testament was translated from Hebrew into Greek, the language of the wider Gentile world, it was also translated into Aramaic. These Aramaic translations are called Targums. One specific Targum of the Torah, Targum Onkelos, was sanctioned by Jewish religious authorities for use in the synagogue.

The Targums telegraph the idea of God as “Word” in many places—in vivid, sometimes startling ways. Many Jews of John’s day would have been familiar with the idea. The Aramaic term for “word,” memra, was often used as another way to refer to God. Consider Numbers 14:11, noting the underlined and bold portions:

And the Lord said to Moses, “How long will this people despise me? And how long will they not believe in me, in spite of all the signs that I have done among them?”

The Targum (Neofiti) renders part of this Old Testament verse as follows:

“How long will they not believe in the name of my Word in spite of all the signs of my miracles which I have performed?”

In the Targum rendering, the Lord refers to Himself as “my Word,” using the Aramaic term memra.

John calls Jesus “the Word made flesh” in John 1:14, referring to Numbers 14:11. He does this because the translations he had heard so many times in the synagogue had taught him that God was the Word—the memra—and he believed Jesus was God. John even echoes the Targum rendering of Numbers 1:14 later on:

When Jesus had said these things, he departed and hid himself from them. Though he had done so many signs before them, they still did not believe in him (John 12:36–37).

Memra is used more than 600 times in the Aramaic Targums to describe God, often in passages where the language presumes God is present in physical, human form:

And they heard the sound of the memra of the Lord God walking in the garden … (Gen 3:8).

Because of the Targums, Jews in the days of Jesus and John would have understood the notion that God could come to them in human form. John believed that was exactly what he and the disciples had witnessed in Jesus, so it was natural for him to refer to Jesus as the Word. John wrote his Gospel in Greek, but his theology was Jewish, conveyed to him through Aramaic. Therefore, both Jews and non-Jewish people got the point in unmistakable terms: The Word of the Old Testament had been made flesh (John 1:14) and walked among us.

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A piece of information you don't know about-since I know you haven't listen to the video clips.
The Triune God did not began with the Church fathers or with Christianity-it was well known among the ancient rabbis-think East, read rabbinical sources and then make up your mind.
But I am not here to force you to believe what I believe to be true.

Isa 9:6 (5) For unto us a yeled is born, unto us ben is given; and the misrah (dominion) shall be upon his shoulder; and Shmo shall be called Peleh (Wonderful), Yoetz (Counsellor), El Gibbor (Mighty G-d), Avi Ad (Everlasting Father), Sar Shalom (Prince of Peace).

Who is Jesus to you? Just a Man? Created?

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No ma'am. Language is not used to refer to one's attribute as Son. A son is a created being or person, by definition.

Have you ever considered that God is Spirit and is holy and having 2 persons who are both spirits and holy serve no purpose. I mean, they call God the Father as a unique differentiator but Scripture tells us his Spirit is what led to Christ's incarnation. So, that makes the Holy Spirit the Father but not the Father in trinity land, right?
Please read all my replies about His attributes - who are His Son and His Feminine Spirit, two gorgeous Beings.
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Please read all my replies about His attributes - who are His Son and His Feminine Spirit, two gorgeous Beings.
There is no femine spirit. If you check, you will find that male pronoun's are used to describe the Spirit of the Father.
Who is Jesus to you? Just a Man? Created?
When you use the word "just" it is used to diminish. And when you use the word "to me" it is as if who Jesus is is not explicitly stated over and over again in Scripture. Jesus is exactly what Scripture says he is - a man who is anointed by God, the adopted son of God, the liberating king, the savior of the world and my master.

But he is not God in any manner, shape or form. If he were, it would mean God is not one. Did you watch the video?

Listen, Israel: Yahweh is our Elohim. Yahweh is the only God.
Deuteronomy 6:4 (NOG)
Jesus is exactly what Scripture says he is - a man who is anointed by God, the adopted son of God, the liberating king, the savior of the world and my master.

According to Jude 4 the only Master (despotēs) that applies to each Christian is the Lord Jesus (Jude 4).

Do you agree?
When you use the word "just" it is used to diminish. And when you use the word "to me" it is as if who Jesus is is not explicitly stated over and over again in Scripture. Jesus is exactly what Scripture says he is - a man who is anointed by God, the adopted son of God, the liberating king, the savior of the world and my master.

But he is not God in any manner, shape or form. If he were, it would mean God is not one. Did you watch the video?

Listen, Israel: Yahweh is our Elohim. Yahweh is the only God.
Deuteronomy 6:4 (NOG)
No-I did not-unless you believe like the Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox Rabbins re the Shema.

Again-I am not here to convince you to believe as I do-I present Scriptures-and it is up to you to read, study and believe what stands written.

The links I have share goes into greater detail re Messiah from rabbinical sources-but I am aware-speaking from experience-that most don't read "links"
There is no femine spirit. If you check, you will find that male pronoun's are used to describe the Spirit of the Father.

edit: I do not have any info on the website or the owners of it. I only post this for the contained cites.

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You should not need a link that provides a rationalization but plain Scripture. How do you explain the masculine pronoun?

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.
John 14:26
You should not need a link that provides a rationalization but plain Scripture. How do you explain the masculine pronoun?

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.
John 14:26
Just in case you do need a link, here it is. The long and short of it is that some languages attach gender to inanimate object. La Casa in Spanish is feminine but that does not make "house" feminine.

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