We choose. We chose. You choose. You chose. You will choose.

Pascal's Determinism Wager:

Act like you have Libertarian Free Will and either way you do the right thing. Either:

1. God determined you to do it, so you had no choice anyway.
2. LFW is real, and you act according to the truth.
[Proverbs 21:1 NKJV] The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.

(Is Mary's heart any stronger?) ;)
The two examples are not antithetical to each other. Kings, as the head authority of their countries, are especially under God’s control to accomplish what he wants with them. Mary choosing to listen to Jesus doesn’t mean that God can’t or doesn’t take providential control of his actions or visa versa. The circumstances of the two situations are completely different: One is a government authority and one is a woman choosing to shirk her duties in the kitchen to learn from Jesus.

God tells us that he has determined the extent of the reigns and size of nations (Acts 17:24-27) but Jesus also said to allow even children to come to him to learn, and thus Jesus applauds Mary for making that choice.

Kings, as the head authority of their countries, are especially under God’s control to accomplish what he wants with them.

There's another way to take this verse with Hebrew grammar. There is no word corresponding to "is" there.

One could read it, "Like streams of water is the king's heart in the hand of the Lord—he turns it wherever he wishes it."

That is, when the king's heart is in the hand the Lord, that is when his heart is turned.

[Like] channels of water, is the heart of a king, in the hand of Yahweh,--whithersoever he will, he turneth it. (Prov. 21:1 ROT)
There's another way to take this verse with Hebrew grammar. There is no word corresponding to "is" there.

One could read it, "Like streams of water is the king's heart in the hand of the Lord—he turns it wherever he wishes it."

That is, when the king's heart is in the hand the Lord, that is when his heart is turned.

[Like] channels of water, is the heart of a king, in the hand of Yahweh,--whithersoever he will, he turneth it. (Prov. 21:1 ROT)

Thanks, that is interesting!

Pascal's Determinism Wager:

Act like you have Libertarian Free Will and either way you do the right thing. Either:

1. God determined you to do it, so you had no choice anyway.
2. LFW is real, and you act according to the truth.
1. No. God determined you to do it, so you chose to do that.
2. Again, no. Choice is real, and you do choose.
3. As a matter of fact, only because God has determined it, is your choice real.
I would like to know what good pleasure means to you.

Whatever God wills he does so according to his good pleasure.

I do agree that God does as He pleases. He was gracious to those that drown. That graciousness benefited them while it lasted.

This is a perfect example of how far one can stretch Scripture to accommodate the notion that "A loving God would never..."
Whatever God wills he does so according to his good pleasure.

This is a perfect example of how far one can stretch Scripture to accommodate the notion that "A loving God would never..."
That isn't describing what good pleasure means to you. It is nothing more than an excuse for choices you can't theological explain. It is essential stating that I know God's will...just trust me. Don't pay attention.

How am I stretching? They experienced the Grace of God. Do you deny that the goodness of God leads us to repentance?
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