In this marvelous doxology Paul gives praise to the three persons of the eternal Trinity, (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), for the infinitely wise and gracious salvation of all the elect. In his adoration and praise to God, Paul proclaims to all men the method of God’s saving grace. He tells us how it is that God saves sinners.
1. God saves sinners by his own sovereign and eternal purpose of grace (3-6). Here are five things God did for all his elect in Christ before the world was created. He
blessed us with all spiritual blessings in him. In Christ all of God’s elect have every spiritual blessing which holiness can require, which grace can give and which sinful men can need. He
chose us in eternal election. God’s ultimate end in our election is that we (the objects of his love) should be perfectly holy and blameless in his sight. He
predestinated us to be his own dear children. He
adopted us into his family. Having adopted us, God sovereignly predestinated all things for us, securing our eternal enjoyment of his grace. He
accepted us in the Beloved. Before the world was made, before we became sinners, God accepted us in Christ.
2. God saves sinners by a legal and effectual blood atonement (6-12). All of those who were chosen by God in eternity were in time redeemed by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. In great wisdom, prudence and grace, God found a way to be both just and the justifier of his elect. He made Christ our Substitute. Charging Christ with our sin, and punishing him for sin, God fully redeemed and forgave all his elect when Christ died in our place.
3. God saves sinners by the irresistible power and grace of the Holy Spirit (13-14). In the fullness of time every sinner chosen by God and redeemed by Christ is called by the Spirit through the gospel. All who are called believe. All who believe are sealed by the Spirit. And all who are sealed will enter into eternal glory.