I guess I shouldn't be surprised you don't see that they do. Take them all together (and there are a lot more), and they certainly do.
What the verse actually says, without the paraphrase's added words, is: "So faith is from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ."
And to you, since you assume self-determination, you think that verse logically implies that hearing then produces an act of the will of the hearer, no? So ok, do your will. But HOW did the hearing produce the willed decision? How does a person even have ears to hear? And how does the verse imply that doing your will to believe, produces belief? The belief comes by the Spirit of God, and, yes, upon hearing the word of Christ.
Bad reasoning: Coincidence is not time sequence, and even time sequence doesn't necessarily designate causal sequence. The verse doesn't say what causes what—it only says, "when", and, "and". The unbeliever is by definition made a believer when he is given the faith.