No it does not make him equal. If he were equal he wouldn't have had to be given all authority--Jesus is clear--The Father is greater than i.
you ERROR.
"The Father is Greater than I"
We will give you the Short version of the explanation, straight to the point.
John 14:28 "Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I".
this verse have been taken out of context for way to long, and grossly misunderstood. the scriptures say, in all thy getting get understanding. So, let’s get some understanding. the word, "GREATER", here in this verse is not the word GREAT, but, "GREATER", it's an Adjective used here, and not an Adverb, this is very important. because the word GREATER is the Greek word G3187 meizon (meid'-zone) adj. Which means,
1. larger (specially, in age)
{literally or figuratively}
[irregular comparative of G3173]
KJV: elder, greater(-est), more Root(s): G3173 define this word, as an Adjective, (of a city) considered with the inclusion of the outer suburbs: example, Greater London.
the definitions is indicating quantity, (MORE), instead of quality, (SUPERIOR). this is the key to understanding the scripture.
quantity: "an exact or specified amount or measure". measure here, in quantity, give us a starting point in the understanding of Greater.
So What did our Lord and saviour Jesus meant when he said, "The Father is Greater than I", Greater: the Greek word G3187 meizon (meid'-zone), as said indicate quantity, and quantity is synonyms for “MEASURE”. in the book of Romans 12:3 it states, "For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man
the measure of faith". this verse gives us the understanding of quantity, vs quality. every man is the same, (quality), no man is superior/quality to another, so there's no rank. also as with MALES and FEMALES in the kingdom of GOD. For there is neither male nor female, we all are the same when it come to the giving of FAITH from God. We all gets the same MEASURE/quantity. the same Spirit that is in every man, male/female, is given the same amount/measure or the same quantity of Faith. so likewise as the same Spirit that manifest in that fleshly body, only the quantity, or the Omni attributes did. other words his Omni attributes was as Phil 2:7 states, was in G2758 κεν?ω kenoo (ke-no-o'). let’s look at this in John the 14th. chapter. here, the Lord Jesus is speaking of the work of salvation. as the Spirit was in Christ, (the flesh), the man, he was limited, by that fleshly body with BLOOD. the Lord Jesus didn't go into all the world while he was here on earth in flesh and blood. he was limited in his work of salvation, because of that body he was in. but to see this clearly, watch the WORKS and how it is used. John 14:12 "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me,
the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do;
because I go unto my Father". see that word "greater" here in verse 12. it is the same word, "greater", our Lord Jesus uses in verse 28. wait a minute, is Jesus saying that men who believe is GREATER than him in power, (quality)? as which some been led to assume what greater means? NO. (is the servant GREATER than his Master?), again no. so what is the Lord Jesus really saying. as we have said, GREATER, have several meaning, depending on how you used it, in context or out of context, but let the bible explain itself. with that said, now we are seeing the real use of the word, in context meaning, greater as in quantity, and not in quality. greater used as an adjective, it means, "more" as in more believers to do the SAME quality of work, because it is the Lord HIMSELF who do the work. Once glorified, (in Spirit, the Comforter), a greater numbers/believers as he is Spirit in them/us doing the same quality of work he was doing as only one individual in flesh and blood. John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also;
and greater works, (there it is), than these shall he do;
because I go unto my Father". so we who believe will do the SAME works, (quality), but now as the body/church grows, Greater in numbers, there will be millions of Jesus, (indwelling Spirit), doing the same quality of work. so again greater here means more.
let’s look at the answer to this millions, (quantity), of Jesus workers at work as we’re co-worker with him. T
his is why he goes to the father, to be glorified in the Spirit. And in Spirit form he now can dwell in each and every believer doing the same work. listen, John 14:14 "If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it". let’s see those Omni attributes of JESUS,
after he goes to the Father and is glorified in the Spirit, (John 17:4 & 5), which only the Almighty possess. the verse to show this, John 14:14 again, “If ye shall ask any thing in my name,
I will do it". wait a minute, if Christ is in me, and the same Spirit of Christ is in you, wherever you are. this means that Jesus, #1 must be everywhere at the same time in order to hear your request, and he have to be everywhere at the same time to to , again to do the request, remember he said, "If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it", so he is doing the work, and if he's doing the work, and he have disciples, in Mobile, Baltimore, New York, Detroit, Dallas, Kansas City, Cairo, Hong Kong, Tokyo, and ect... then Jesus must be, #2 Omnipresent to do the work in all those places at the same time, and, and, and another and to know which disciple is asking, he must be #3 Omniscient, and, and for him to perform what is asked of him by his disciples, he must be Omnipotent. here the Lord Jesus is displaying all the attributes of GOD, who many calls FATHER. why? because he is GOD THE FATHER IN FLESH. Father is only a title that signify, "FIRST", and in Flesh, as Son, it Signify "LAST" as in Adam, who is "flesh". supportive scripture, Isaiah 41:4 "Who hath wrought and done it, calling the generations from the beginning? I the LORD, the first, and with the last; I am he". just as John 1:1 states the "Word was "WITH" God and is God. BINGO
now back to where we left off at. the Lord Jesus, the man didn't go into all the world. but he sent his disciples, (GREATER in quantity/numbers), THAT''S WHY HE GOES TO THE FATHER SO THAT HE CAN SEND/COME AS THE COMFORTER because of his glorification in the Spirit. And he, JESUS, as Spirit can now be in everyone who believes, quantity), that's why the scriptures say, "now we're the sons of God", why? because we're his HANDS, and his FEET, to go into all the world, that where he didn’t go while in the human nature, we do. just as that flesh of God was sent into the world, so are we, (who are of flesh), are sent into all the world, by the Spirit in us. Matthew 28:19 "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost”:. this work is not of angels, (who are spirits, without bodies), remember what Jesus said, "for a spirit have not flesh and bones as I do", (Luke 24:39). are you getting the picture now? they, the angles only help us. that's why the angel told Cornelius to send for Peter, he'll tell you what to do, See Acts chapter 10.
Let’s put this in simple form so all can understand.
GREATER is in quantity, for our Lord Jesus was in flesh in a G2758 κεν?ω kenoo (ke-no-o'), STATE. limited to time and space, while in that flesh. But Glorified in the Spirit, or empowered with the Omni attributes as he had before, now in the Glorified state, John 173-5, he fills both heaven and earth. So John 14:28 shows the “Diversity” of God in both flesh and spirit as to the accessibility of the Omni attributes which only God have. So yes, in flesh, in the diversified state, the “Spirit” with the Omni attributes is “GREATER that he, in the share body in flesh, in a G2758 κεν?ω kenoo (ke-no-o'), STATE., without the Omni attributes.
All of this is know from the understanding of, quantity, (MORE), instead of quality, (SUPERIOR).
let this edify you.