The Trinity and the Incarnation

The Greek word for Lord is kurios and is a masculine title of respect and nobility, which is why we see many others besides God and Jesus being called the “Lord."

  • Property owners are called the "Lord" (Matthew 20:8) kurios is “owner” in the NIV.
  • Heads of households are called the "Lord" (Mark 13:35) kuriosis "owner."
  • Slave owners were called the "Lord" (Matthew 10:24) kuriosis "master."
  • Husbands were called the "Lord" (1 Peter 3:6) kurios is "master" in the NIV.
  • A son called his father the "Lord" (Matthew 21:30) kuriosis "sir."
  • The Roman Emperor was called the "Lord" (Acts 25:26) kurios is "His Majesty."
  • Roman authorities were called the "Lord" (Matthew 27:63) kurios is "sir."
While κυριος could be used culturally as a term of respect or authority, the Apostles specifically used "Lord" (κυριος) to indicate divine authority, reverence, or worship when referring to Jesus or God the Father.

For example, Peter addresses Jesus as "Lord" (κυριος) with the understanding of His divine nature, particularly after Jesus' resurrection (Acts 2:36). Similarly, "Lord"(κυριος) is also used in prayers addressed to God the Father (as in Acts 4:24). The Apostles reserve this title, in its spiritual sense, for the divine alone, and there is no record of them calling any other human "Lord" in the same way as they did for Jesus and the Father.
While κυριος could be used culturally as a term of respect or authority, the Apostles specifically used "Lord" (κυριος) to indicate divine authority, reverence, or worship when referring to Jesus or God the Father.

For example, Peter addresses Jesus as "Lord" (κυριος) with the understanding of His divine nature, particularly after Jesus' resurrection (Acts 2:36). Similarly, "Lord"(κυριος) is also used in prayers addressed to God the Father (as in Acts 4:24). The Apostles reserve this title, in its spiritual sense, for the divine alone, and there is no record of them calling any other human "Lord" in the same way as they did for Jesus and the Father.
Yes its the divine title/name of YHWH in the Septuagint- the same book used in the time of the N.T. used by believers. As you know its the Greek Translation of the Hebrew O.T.
Yes its the divine title/name of YHWH in the Septuagint- the same book used in the time of the N.T. used by believers. As you know its the Greek Translation of the Hebrew O.T.
Sam Shamouns blog goes into great detail re YHWH-you should give it a go brother.

While κυριος could be used culturally as a term of respect or authority, the Apostles specifically used "Lord" (κυριος) to indicate divine authority, reverence, or worship when referring to Jesus or God the Father.
Correct. but one question, in your response, qualifying both titles to Jesus or God the Father. Question, "Is not Jesus the Father also in shared flesh and bones?".

If Jesus is God then God has a God correct? Because Jesus has a God-his Father, you know the only one Paul calls God-1Cor 8:6--The one Jesus teaches is the only true God= Father- one who sent him-John 17:3--Its a matter of who one believes.

The Bible presents Christ Himself as God's mystery, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. As a Jehovah's witness, you only want to see Jesus as simply an exalted man. But the Bible is FULL of information that He is much more than that.

The magi from the East KNEW that this King of the Jews was God in the flesh. That's why they prostrated themselves on their faces before Him and worshiped Him. The Bible is crystal clear - ONLY God is deserving of worship, yet these magi were worshiping this young boy, who was probably only 1 1/2 years old at the time of their visit. It is a mystery how Jesus calls His Father His God and yet He Himself gladly received worship from many people - including Thomas who called Him "my Lord and my God!" Even in the story of the magi, obviously God led them, not only to find the King of the Jews, but when they did, to fall down and worship Him and to give Him very expensive gifts.

Paul called Jesus "our great God and savior, Christ Jesus, ..." Titus 2:13

So do you worship Jesus, as countless people did in the Bible? If you don't, then you're NOT in the same category as all those in the Bible who did, who counted themselves as His disciples. If you do worship Him, yet at the same time you don't believe He is God, then you are guilty of idolatry, because ONLY God can be worshiped. To worship anyone besides God is the sin of idolatry.
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So you're caught between a rock and a hard place.

If you don't worship Him, then you're not His disciple.
If you do worship Him, and yet don't believe He is God, then you are guilty of the sin of idolatry.
He set the earth on its foundations;
it can never be moved.

This ball of mud ... no.

But you do not understand what is said by John, or do you just discount what he says because it does not agree with your beliefs?

This ball of mud will not be the New Earth.

But I am done trying to make you see anything...
There is nothing wrong with this Earth or creation that God cannot fix.
The New Earth= Gods kingdom rule in full control forever, no more satan influences, ever. All things back to perfection.
Prov 2:21-22 assures( the great crowd( Rev 7:9) are going nowhere and will remain on this Earth forever.
In the third chapter of Exodus, God first reveals Himself as “I Am” to an 80-year-old man named Moses.

After the fall of man in Genesis, mankind no longer had direct access to God, and even the people of Israel only knew certain aspects of their Creator. In Exodus, God states His own name for the first time: “God said to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM.’ And He said, ‘Say this to the people of Israel: ‘I AM has sent me to you’” (Exodus 3:14).

Wikipedia › wiki › I_Am_that_I_Am

I Am that I Am - Wikipedia

According to the Hebrew Bible, in the encounter of the burning bush (Exodus 3:14), Moses asks what he is to say to the Israelites when they ask what gods have sent him to them, and YHWH replies, "I am who I am", adding, "Say this to the people of Israel, 'I am has sent me to you

I am (biblical term) - Wikipedia

It is connected to the passage in Exodus 3:14 in which God gives his name as אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה ‎, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, translated most basically as "I am that I am" or "I shall be what I am". In the Hebrew Bible (Exodus 3:14), it is the personal name of God, revealed directly to Moses. [1]

View attachment 1201
God’s word to Moses,
“I AM WHO I AM” in the
Hebrew text of Exodus 3:14-15

Now I dont have time to get verses 14 and 15 in full listed here in the Hebrew with the corresponding translations... so here is the link to that

Scroll down to the verses and remember to read right to left

I just told you it came from a corrupted latin translation. Its FACT.
The Bible presents Christ Himself as God's mystery, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. As a Jehovah's witness, you only want to see Jesus as simply an exalted man. But the Bible is FULL of information that He is much more than that.

The magi from the East KNEW that this King of the Jews was God in the flesh. That's why they prostrated themselves on their faces before Him and worshiped Him. The Bible is crystal clear - ONLY God is deserving of worship, yet these magi were worshiping this young boy, who was probably only 1 1/2 years old at the time of their visit. It is a mystery how Jesus calls His Father His God and yet He Himself gladly received worship from many people - including Thomas who called Him "my Lord and my God!" Even in the story of the magi, obviously God led them, not only to find the King of the Jews, but when they did, to fall down and worship Him and to give Him very expensive gifts.

Paul called Jesus "our great God and savior, Christ Jesus, ..." Titus 2:13

So do you worship Jesus, as countless people did in the Bible? If you don't, then you're NOT in the same category as all those in the Bible who did, who counted themselves as His disciples. If you do worship Him, yet at the same time you don't believe He is God, then you are guilty of idolatry, because ONLY God can be worshiped. To worship anyone besides God is the sin of idolatry.
Error translations give worship to one who has a God. Its the same Greek word as bowing in (Obeisance to a king, that is what the 3 magi did.
Error translations give worship to one who has a God. Its the same Greek word as bowing in (Obeisance to a king, that is what the 3 magi did.

Where was anyone commanded to love King David, or Moses, or any prophet, more than his own life.

There are many unique demands of centrality toward Christ that are towards no one else.
There is nothing wrong with this Earth or creation that God cannot fix.
The New Earth= Gods kingdom rule in full control forever, no more satan influences, ever. All things back to perfection.
Prov 2:21-22 assures( the great crowd( Rev 7:9) are going nowhere and will remain on this Earth forever.
Do you not hear yourself or read what you write.

You you said it was going to be perfect and Satan will be loosed in perfection again. I am paraphrasing you....That is just the idea from someone who does not know how silly that sounds.

When "new" is talked about.... NOT renewed.

That absolutely would not change your beliefs one iota, except you seem to like to argue.
I just told you it came from a corrupted latin translation. Its FACT.
Copy it in full here. Inquiring minds want to know.

I want to see how the Latin got translated to Hebrew, for it is from the Hebrew I am talking and providing evidence.
While κυριος could be used culturally as a term of respect or authority, the Apostles specifically used "Lord" (κυριος) to indicate divine authority, reverence, or worship when referring to Jesus or God the Father.

For example, Peter addresses Jesus as "Lord" (κυριος) with the understanding of His divine nature, particularly after Jesus' resurrection (Acts 2:36). Similarly, "Lord"(κυριος) is also used in prayers addressed to God the Father (as in Acts 4:24). The Apostles reserve this title, in its spiritual sense, for the divine alone, and there is no record of them calling any other human "Lord" in the same way as they did for Jesus and the Father.
They called Jesus Lord because he was divine. He was the son of God, the Messiah to Israel, and then made both Lord and Christ after he was resurrected out from among the dead.
Where was anyone commanded to love King David, or Moses, or any prophet, more than his own life.

There are many unique demands of centrality toward Christ that are towards no one else.
Jesus is Gods son, he sacrificed his life for all who obey him. Yes all are told to Love their neighbor as themself, thus would love all as much as self.
Do you not hear yourself or read what you write.

You you said it was going to be perfect and Satan will be loosed in perfection again. I am paraphrasing you....That is just the idea from someone who does not know how silly that sounds.

When "new" is talked about.... NOT renewed.

That absolutely would not change your beliefs one iota, except you seem to like to argue.
Satan will be destroyed prior to Rev 21:1
Copy it in full here. Inquiring minds want to know.

I want to see how the Latin got translated to Hebrew, for it is from the Hebrew I am talking and providing evidence.
Anyone can Google the term I am that i am and find out-i will be what i will be is the correct translating of that Hebrew statement.
Anyone can Google the term I am that i am and find out-i will be what i will be is the correct translating of that Hebrew statement.
You are correct. In order for the Trinitarian argument that Jesus' "I am" statement in John 8:58 makes him God, his statement must be equivalent with God's "I am" statement in Exodus 3:14. The two statements are very different. The Greek phrase in John does mean "I am." The Hebrew phrase in Exodus means "to be" or "to become." God was saying "I will be what I will be."
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