Eternal Security

So we can buy our way into heaven, Who knew?
Having the OSAS view, I can see where you would come to that wrong conclusion. The truth is that Jesus was telling the rich young ruler that HE was worth more than all of the ruler's possessions. And Zaccheus realized that Jesus was worth more than everything He owned.
IMO, if we belong to Christ, and then later decide, because we have a free will, that we don't want to obey Him, we no longer belong to Him.
Precious friend, appreciate your humble opinion.

Since He "Has Always Known them that belong to Him", how does that
work out, since "He Has Never Known them that Do Not belong to Him"?
( C in this 'link' )

Having the OSAS view, I can see where you would come to that wrong conclusion. The truth is that Jesus was telling the rich young ruler that HE was worth more than all of the ruler's possessions. And Zaccheus realized that Jesus was worth more than everything He owned.
Having the work salvation view I understand how you could misinterpret the parable.

Your Your post on the Rich Young Ruler has already been rebuked. Smashed incinerated.

It’s not which is why there was no scripture reference
i like some kind scripture ref my self.. i dont go for this im so saved if i wanted go to hell i i find that flesh. what people dont get is our salvation is secure . its just not a license to sin. yes we all fall short and times fail miserbly . we should have enough about us to try make it right
i like some kind scripture ref my self.. i dont go for this im so saved if i wanted go to hell i i find that flesh. what people dont get is our salvation is secure . its just not a license to sin. yes we all fall short and times fail miserbly . we should have enough about us to try make it right
That's not even close to what the parable of the Rich Young Ruler is about. Jesus went through a checklist with him of The Commandments and he passed. Well at least according to his testimony. And that was before they ever got to his money and possessions.

“Do not commit adultery” OK, this one may have been a pretty easy check mark, that is, if he knew nothing about lust as committing adultery in our hearts. Remember Jesus talking about that one?

I am still willing to give the rich young ruler the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps he practiced a very disciplined life and did not feed his flesh with things that spur wrong thoughts. Let’s give him a check mark here.

“Do not murder” Of course, there’s that little “anger” issue that Christ discussed in Matthew About calling people fools, but let’s go ahead and give him a check mark on this one, too.

“Do not steal” Maybe we’ve never mugged someone on the street or even swiped candy from the convenience store, but did he ever secretly defraud or steal anything of a less tangible nature from another person? Perhaps so. I’m still willing to give him a check mark, but let me just say I’m impressed!

“Do not give false testimony” This command is simple: never tell anything false or untrue. Any exaggeration would fall under the category of false testimony. Picture us at age seventeen, talking to our friends on the telephone, giving our version of this story and that. Hopefully he never had time to fish and tell stories about the one that got away either. We can give him a check mark if he insists, but you better give me an X.

“Honor your father and mother” Let’s see. I hardly ever dishonored mine to their faces, but does it count if, behind their backs, I did a few things they told me not to do? Oops. Go ahead and give the wonder boy a check mark, but I get another X.
How did you fare throughout our game? Shall we call you perfection personified? Or is your halo slipping a bit? If we get honest, most of us will have to say, “I was thrown out of the game in the first inning, quarter, or whatever.”

Boy, am I thankful for a Savior! The rich young ruler needed one too. His good track record had certainly fogged up his mirror. Don’t get me wrong. I like him. I’m even impressed with him, but I’d rather be saved than be like him!

Christ’s response to the rich young ruler’s claim is best understood in Matthew 19:21: “Jesus answered, ‘If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.’”

If this were a game show, the bell indicating the mention of the secret word would have just sounded. Eternal life with God demands perfection. Someone has to be perfect. Either us or someone who stands in for us and that would be Jesus. This man wanted so badly for it to be him. As good as he had been and as hard as he had tried, he was still lacking. Christ then stuck a pin in the rich young ruler’s Achilles’ heel: his possessions.

One of the primary purposes of this divine pinprick was to show the man he wasn’t perfect nor would he ever be. I really believe a second purpose may have been to offer an authentic invitation for the searching young man to follow Him. Remember, Jesus didn’t have only twelve disciples. He had twelve apostles among a greater number of disciples. If the rich young ruler had done what Christ suggested, could he have followed Him? Certainly!

He simply needed to lighten his load and be free of wealth’s encumbrances. A truckful of possessions would have proved cumbersome.
I also believe Christ had a purely benevolent purpose for the seemingly harsh demand. Jesus looked at this young man and saw a prisoner. The man wasn’t really the ruler. His possessions were. Jesus pointed him to the only path to freedom. Sometimes when our possessions have us, we have to get rid of them to be free. False Doctrine can be the same way.

Of course, Christ knew in advance what the young man would choose. When it comes right down to it, we all follow our “god” until we accept Jesus and follow him.

My point is if we going to use scripture to prove a point we at least should use the scripture correctly. Which didn't happen in the above post that I'm responding to.
i like some kind scripture ref my self.. i dont go for this im so saved if i wanted go to hell i i find that flesh. what people dont get is our salvation is secure . its just not a license to sin. yes we all fall short and times fail miserbly . we should have enough about us to try make it right
Exactly we all fall short... But if we confess our sins God is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and cleanses from all unrighteousness 1 John 1:9 Paraphrased.

Some like to say we have to do a bunch of work, jumps through some hoops and be obedient which is all true. But that's not what keep us saved. God's love is what keeps us saved. He doesn't let us walk away. He leaves the 99 to go get the one last L a m b.

Think of it like this if you wandered away as a lamb often does and you find yourself out there with predators and no protection from the herd you would definitely hope the shepherd came along and got you. And that's how eternal security works. He just doesn't let us go because he loves us too much in Spite of Ourselves. We couldn't possibly been more messed up before we got saved and he saved us while we were yet sinners in that state "Sinners". What could possibly cause him to revoke that salvation, that free gift He gave us. He knew what he was getting before he laid the foundations of the world.
"absolute elimination of all free will" Sounds a lot like Calvinism...Just saying.

And how would you argue that a Calvinist doesn't have more eternal security than you do?

You might not have fired the magic "always saved" bullet with your free will, but they are secure no matter what.
It's just a logical conclusion.

Where are the rules of grammar and logic in the Bible?

That's a nonsensical question.
Apparently Logical conclusions can lead to nonsensical questions. But have no fear Burdock is here... bring all your non -sensical questions on. We'll get to the heart of the matter.
Jesus was basically telling the rich young ruler that He was worth far more than all of His possessions and therefore He told Him to give up all of that and follow Him. The young man didn't want to make that trade. The OSAS crowd wouldn't even expect him to do that. They would just say, "Hey, salvation is free, all you have to do is accept it by faith."
Zaccheus, on the other hand, showed Jesus and everyone else that following Jesus was more valuable than all of his possessions, and he also realized that he had to make restitution to those he cheated, to be right with God. The OSAS people would say that those sacrifices aren't necessary, because salvation is a free gift - just receive it by faith.

In both cases, each man had to REPENT, before they could be saved. The young ruler didn't - Zaccheus did. Salvation is not available to someone who won't repent. So to ask, "What is keeping you from receiving God's free gift of salvation?", it's because either they haven't repented or they're not willing to repent. In other words, they had not met Christ's requirement for salvation.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him. In love He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will.
Ephesians 1:3–5

Who's will? His will. Not a lot of free will there.

God chose to adopt you as His child before the foundation of the world. Why? For one reason and one reason only: He wanted to. That is what Paul means by the phrase, “according to the kind intention of His will.” No one forced Him. God wanted you as His child.
The only reason God blesses us with spiritual blessings is because we have chosen to be IN CHRIST by OUR FREE WILL, NOT GOD's. His will is to save those who have repented and put their faith IN CHRIST. YES, HE knew who they would be before the foundation of the world, (1 Peter 1:1-2 - "Who are chosen, according to the foreknowledge of God the Father ...") but they still made the FREE CHOICE to put their faith in Jesus. He did not WILL that some of us be saved, and then WILL that all the others be lost and sent to hell - JUST BECAUSE "HE WANTED TO". That's ridiculous, unBiblical and false. Each person has been given freedom to make their own choice.
"according to the kind intention of His will" means that ALL have the freedom to choose to be IN CHRIST and experience God's love and kindness. If it means that He chose who would be saved and who would be lost, then He's NOT KIND AT ALL, HE'S a CRUEL DICTATOR, UNFAIRLY SAVING SOME AND DAMNING OTHERS ONLY BECAUSE HE WANTS TO.
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