Your Views on The Trinity

If the Apostle Thomas thought Jesus was God. Would he have not believed God could have gotten up from the dead?
It's only after God had gotten up from the dead that Thomas realized that Jesus is God. How about you? What more will it take for you to realize that Jesus is God?
That cannot be true since Jesus is not God and Thomas knew that.

Your false assumption without any proof. "My God" in the Bible is always used this way (see my previous post). Thomas would have most probably have known this and Jesus would have most definitely have known this.
Your false assumption without any proof. "My God" in the Bible is always used this way (see my previous post). Thomas would have most probably have known this and Jesus would have most definitely have known this.
The Bible is an Eastern book written in an Eastern cultural. And that is not a false assumption. Also if the Apostle Thomas thought Jesus was God. Would he have not believed God could have gotten up from the dead?
The Bible is an Eastern book written in an Eastern cultural. And that is not a false assumption.

And in the Bible whenever a believer uses the expression "my God" it is always in reference to the Almighty.

Also if the Apostle Thomas thought Jesus was God. Would he have not believed God could have gotten up from the dead?

He should have believed it, but with three days gone and it didn't happen his faith waned. This is why Jesus told him "be not unbelieving, but believing." (John 20:27)
And in the Bible whenever a believer uses the expression "my God" it is always in reference to the Almighty.

He should have believed it, but with three days gone and it didn't happen his faith waned. This is why Jesus told him "be not unbelieving, but believing." (John 20:27)
Yes especially from the lips of a Jew. :)
And in the Bible whenever a believer uses the expression "my God" it is always in reference to the Almighty.

He should have believed it, but with three days gone and it didn't happen his faith waned. This is why Jesus told him "be not unbelieving, but believing." (John 20:27)
Yeah Right. If anybody believed Jesus was God they would have never not believed he would have come out of the grave.
So don't doubt His ability like Thomas did, but instead refer to Jesus (as Thomas would later do) as "my God."
He may have said my God not referring that Jesus was God or he may have said my god referring to Jesus being divine. But he never said Jesus was God.
He may have said my God not referring that Jesus was God or he may have said my god referring to Jesus being divine. But he never said Jesus was God.

"My God" was used in reference to Jesus.
And every obedient Jew used this expression in reference to the Almighty.

100% of the time.
He may have said my God not referring that Jesus was God or he may have said my god referring to Jesus being divine. But he never said Jesus was God.
so Peterlag notes that Thomas is not referring to Jesus being of the Triune God but Jesus is divine -- i.e. part of the Triune God. Maybe if we try to resolve that conflict we find Peterlag is holding to Mormon doctrine. I speak of Jesus as divine but I speak this way while not realizing there were many times Jesus is more directly referred to as God
If the Apostle Thomas thought Jesus was God. Would he have not believed God could have gotten up from the dead?
Well, he certainly believed it after he saw Him alive, didn't He? Had we been part of the 12, we might have had some doubts ourselves.
Remember the New Testament says several times that God kept them from understanding things that Jesus said would happen - and some of those times He was predicting His resurrection. But it also says that they understood later, after His resurrection.
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He may have said my God not referring that Jesus was God or he may have said my god referring to Jesus being divine. But he never said Jesus was God.
What's the difference between being divine and being God? I think they are the same. So do you believe Jesus was divine?
Well, your reasoning cannot be true because Jesus is not God.
Peterlag supposedly does not see my posts. The testimony of Thomas is all the more powerful since Jews were not going to blithely speak of Jesus as God. Second, Jesus did not correct or rebuke Thomas for saying that.
Then we saw that other passages mention Jesus as God in accord with the

I do not think Peterlag has shared his Greek expertise on this point.
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What's the difference between being divine and being God? I think they are the same. So do you believe Jesus was divine?
Getting up from the dead and being the first to do so having been the Messiah, the son of God would definitely put someone in the category of being divine.
Well, your reasoning cannot be true because Jesus is not God.

Says you - in contradiction to what "my God" means.
This is another reason (among many) that Unitarianism is in contradiction to what the Bible teaches concerning the Lord Jesus.
Says you - in contradiction to what "my God" means.
This is another reason (among many) that Unitarianism is in contradiction to what the Bible teaches concerning the Lord Jesus.
We cannot approach the Bible with wisdom and “reason together” if we must invent and use non-biblical phrases to support our theology. The Bible calls Jesus the “Son” of God for the simple reason that he had a beginning. Jesus had been part of God’s plan since the foundation of the world, but he began his actual life when God “fathered” him and Mary conceived him in her womb. There are many verses where Jesus and God are portrayed as two separate beings and there are too many examples to list, but just to mention a few we can look at when Jesus told the rich young ruler that he was not good, but “God” was good. Also Jesus grew in favor with “God” and with men, and he told his disciples“ Believe in God; believe also in me."

I find it interesting that the Church Epistles were authored by both God and Christ and we see this in 1 Corinthians 1:3 that says “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” There's a lot of Scripture that shows Jesus to be separate and distinct from“God” which is what the people of the time believed and expected. The Trinitarian explanation of these verses is that Jesus is God and so“ God” means “the Father” when Jesus speaks of himself and “God.” But the Bible never says that. It's only because Trinitarian doctrine asserts that Jesus is God that the assumption is made that “God” means “the Father” when Jesus and God appear together.
We cannot approach the Bible with wisdom and “reason together” if we must invent and use non-biblical phrases to support our theology. The Bible calls Jesus the “Son” of God for the simple reason that he had a beginning. Jesus had been part of God’s plan since the foundation of the world, but he began his actual life when God “fathered” him and Mary conceived him in her womb. There are many verses where Jesus and God are portrayed as two separate beings and there are too many examples to list, but just to mention a few we can look at when Jesus told the rich young ruler that he was not good, but “God” was good. Also Jesus grew in favor with “God” and with men, and he told his disciples“ Believe in God; believe also in me."

I find it interesting that the Church Epistles were authored by both God and Christ and we see this in 1 Corinthians 1:3 that says “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” There's a lot of Scripture that shows Jesus to be separate and distinct from“God” which is what the people of the time believed and expected. The Trinitarian explanation of these verses is that Jesus is God and so“ God” means “the Father” when Jesus speaks of himself and “God.” But the Bible never says that. It's only because Trinitarian doctrine asserts that Jesus is God that the assumption is made that “God” means “the Father” when Jesus and God appear together.
So Peterlag supposes that Paul should start his letters with God and God. That would lack a certain poetic aesthetic. At least he has shown us that even an extended argument against the nature of God proves to be insufficient against the testimony of scripture. Peterlag has only been able to do week denials of the meaning of the passages that have come up for discussion. At least we have been able to experience some of the debate and thus conclude that the Trinitarian concept is the best we have to understand God.
"My God" is not a non-biblical phrase.
We cannot approach the Bible with wisdom and “reason together”if we must invent and use non-biblical phrases to support our theology. Such as words like God the son, the deity, trinity, or that “God” means “the Father” when Jesus speaks of himself and “God.”
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