Why All Is Not Ordained

God desires/wills that all be saved (1Tim 2:4). If you believe that mixed in with your statement, that makes you a universalist.

We've covered this before. The context is that God not only wants common people saved, but also kings and those in authority. All simply means "all without distinction of their social status".

2 I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
We've covered this before. The context is that God not only wants common people saved, but also kings and those in authority. All simply means "all without distinction of their social status".

2 I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
Kings are men too so they're also included in "all men". So again, who is excepted? Aliens?
You offered no exceptions and I agree with that. There are no exceptions.

So I begin with the fact that your "non-thrawting" belief of 1Tim 2:4 (for all men) clearly makes you a Universalist. Plain and simple.
All you have to do now is prove there are no exceptions. How much longer do you intend to dodge the question?

Your claim presumes your understanding of the word "all".
All you have to do now is prove there are no exceptions. How much longer do you intend to dodge the question?

Your claim presumes your understanding of the word "all".
I'm trying my best to help your side but the only other exception to "all men" that I can see is Aliens. I'm trying the best that I can but I see nothing else being excepted.

Therefore, the fact remains that your "non-thrawting" belief of 1Tim 2:4 (no exceptions) clearly makes you a Universalist. Plain and simple.
I'm trying my best to help your side but the only other exception to "all men" that I can see is Aliens. I'm trying the best that I can but I see nothing else being excepted.

Therefore, the fact remains that your "non-thrawting" belief of 1Tim 2:4 (no exceptions) clearly makes you a Universalist. Plain and simple.
Again, your presuming your understanding of "all men" without exception.
Again, your presuming your understanding of "all men" without exception.
Well, you haven't offered any exceptions either. I tried the best that I could. Until then, I suggest you book yourself in for let's say 2 Universalism Detoxification sessions and see how it goes.
Well, you haven't offered any exceptions either. I tried the best that I could. Until then, I suggest you book yourself in for let's say 2 Universalism Detoxification sessions and see how it goes.
The claim is yours sir. All means all without exception.

How about the house of Eli? 1 Samuel 3:14?
I'm trying my best to help your side but the only other exception to "all men" that I can see is Aliens. I'm trying the best that I can but I see nothing else being excepted.

Therefore, the fact remains that your "non-thrawting" belief of 1Tim 2:4 (no exceptions) clearly makes you a Universalist. Plain and simple.

I've long argued that the natural result of Calvinism is Universalism. Former Calvinists end up in Universalism. John Murray started out with Whitefield and ended up founding the Universalist denomination in the US.
You've offered no exception, therefore, "all men" does mean all men (without exception).

What about it? It's an awe-inspiring verse. Be aware that I'm not into rabbit holes conversations.
1 Sam. 3:14. You asked for a example and I gave you one. Now it's time to deflect?
You asked for a example and I gave you one. Now your lost and are trying to steer the convoluted on a different direction.
That example actually proves my point - that God's will to save everyone can be thwarted, by those who do evil.

If you would put in the effort to think it through you would see that. That's why I asked you for your explanation.

Now you're totally confused. What do you actually believe?
That example actually proves my point - that God's will to save everyone can be thwarted, by those who do evil.

If you would put in the effort to think it through you would see that. That's why I asked you for your explanation.

Now you're totally confused. What do you actually believe?
Again, you assume His attempt to save everyone. Which, by the way, makes Him a colossal failure.

Now address my text instead of running.
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