Why All Is Not Ordained

It's NOT LOGICAL to say NOTHING can thwart the purposes of God but somethings do. Come on, my goodness
It is logical when you take into consideration the Predetermination/Election of the Cross. Everything leading up to and including the Cross was predetermined. Stubbornly evil people who were in the path of the Cross had their hearts hardened so that the Cross would happen. From the OT (the Pharoah) to the NT (the mob around Christ's trial) they had their hearts hardened for the Cross to happen.

Now we're in Post-Cross times. The Cross has happened. We are now regenerated with the Holy Spirit to guide us. The OT Saints were not regenerated. Pentecost had not happened. It is our responsibility to act accordingly. We are now predestined to be conformed to the image of Christ. We must be willing agents of that. It is a massive Calvinist error to be inert, do nothing, and expect God to zap you with regeneration because you happen to win the election lottery.
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It is logical when you take into consideration the Predetermination/Election of the Cross. Everything leading up to and including the Cross was predetermined. Stubbornly evil people who were in the path of the Cross had their hearts hardened so that the Cross would happen. From the OT (the Pharoah) to the NT (the mob that demanded that Christ be crucified) they had their hearts hardened for the Cross to happen.

Now we're in Post-Cross times. The Cross has happened. We are now regenerated with the Holy Spirit to guide us. The OT Saints were not regenerated. Pentecost had not happened. It is our responsibility to act according. We are now predestined to be conformed to the image of Christ. We must be willing agents of that. It is a masive Calvinist error to be inert, do nothing, and expect God to zap you.
Amen !
It is logical when you take into consideration the Predetermination/Election of the Cross. Everything leading up to and including the Cross was predetermined. Stubbornly evil people who were in the path of the Cross had their hearts hardened so that the Cross would happen. From the OT (the Pharoah) to the NT (the mob that demanded that Christ be crucified) they had their hearts hardened for the Cross to happen.

Now we're in Post-Cross times. The Cross has happened. We are now regenerated with the Holy Spirit to guide us. The OT Saints were not regenerated. Pentecost had not happened. It is our responsibility to act according. We are now predestined to be conformed to the image of Christ. We must be willing agents of that. It is a masive Calvinist error to be inert, do nothing, and expect God to zap you.
Sorry, it's simply not logical.
Do you agree nothing can thwart the purposes of God but some things do?
I answered it with Jesus teaching on prayer and the Pharisees who thwarted Gods will.

I'm not going to play your question game where you re-ask it again and again and rephrase it every which way.
Your total inability to explain why my comments are not logical proves conclusively that you have no footing to stand on. Until and when you do it is Case Closed!!!
LOL, do you agree with the premise that NOTHING can thwart the purposes of God but some things do?
Sounds like you're a Universalist believer or a closet Universalist at least.
Way to address the point.

Here, let me repeat it. Yet He creates a world purposely where that will never happen.

Your position also question begs your understanding of the world "all".
Way to address the point.
Yes. I diagnosed your ailment directly and concisely. I'm prescribing that you attend several universalism detoxification sessions and report to me back as soon as you're cured.
Here, let me repeat it. Yet He creates a world purposely where that will never happen.

Your position also question begs your understanding of the world "all".
Let's cure you of the universalism ailment you have and then we can focus on any other topic you wish to discuss. One thing at a time. Ok?
Yes. I diagnosed your ailment directly and concisely. I'm prescribing that you attend several universalism detoxification sessions and report to me back as soon as you're cured.

Let's cure you of the universalism ailment you have and then we can focus on any other topic you wish to discuss. One thing at a time. Ok?
I am not a universalist. If anyone here is a universalist here it would be you.

So save the stupidity
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