Why All Is Not Ordained

So no purpose of God can be thwarted but some can?
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. The key for you to unlock your understanding to get this is to appreciate it's no purpose of God of the certain type it's talking about. eg if God brings judgment the things he's absolutely decided, OK that's it then that's it. But not all things are like that! Again the proof,

But the Pharisees and the experts in the law rejected God’s purpose for themselves, because they had not been baptized by John. Lk 7:30

So you see it right there.....men CAN reject the purposes of God. So how about not saying the can't.
Just like God's omniscience. He knows almost everything most of the time, maybe.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. The key for you to unlock your understanding to get this is to appreciate it's no purpose of God of the certain type it's talking about. eg if God brings judgment the things he's absolutely decided, OK that's it then that's it. But not all things are like that! Again the proof,

But the Pharisees and the experts in the law rejected God’s purpose for themselves, because they had not been baptized by John. Lk 7:30

So you see it right there.....men CAN reject the purposes of God.
You can reject them but that does not mean you can thwart them.

So no one can thwart the purposes of God but some do. That makes sense. LOL
This is like when people try to argue universalism regarding the "all means all" argument.

Its the same rebuttals. Being consistent in interpreting the bible for all doctrines avoids discussions of this nature.

Maybe all of one type is ordained, and nothing else. God knows what type that is, and we have no way of knowing so ..
Just like God's omniscience. He knows almost everything most of the time, maybe.
Yep. He still knows our sin even though He said He doesn't.

Omniscience is philosophy. Even the worst Calvinists will admit this when faced with the evidence.

When God says He doesn't know, He doesn't know. How is that for a good Calvinist determinist argument for you?
This is like when people try to argue universalism regarding the "all means all" argument.

Its the same rebuttals. Being consistent in interpreting the bible for all doctrines avoids discussions of this nature.

Maybe all of one type is ordained, and nothing else. God knows what type that is, and we have no way of knowing so ..
Yep. Type.. human beings. The seed of Adam. That is why I talk of "classes" of sinners to Calvinists and they ignore me. It must be nice to always be in just the right type no matter the context. There is a phrase for this perspective..... It is called "self serving"
Yep. Type.. human beings. The seed of Adam. That is why I talk of "classes" of sinners to Calvinists and they ignore me. It must be nice to always be in just the right type no matter the context. There is a phrase for this perspective..... It is called "self serving"
Seed of Adam is a type, so as in Adam all died, so in Christ all will be made alive. So only some die? lol

You can reject them but that does not mean you can thwart them.
What do you mean ? The text says in Lk 7:30 they rejected the purpose of God. You said before they couldn't do that, now if you're going to swing this as you can reject but not thwrart so how is not thwarting not being baptized by John?

What do you mean ? The text says in Lk 7:30 they rejected the purpose of God. You said before they couldn't do that, now if you're going to swing this as you can reject but not thwrart so how is not thwarting not being baptized by John?
We all reject the stated purpose of God in the law. By design. So no His purpose is not thwarted as the Bible makes clear I'm many places.
So no one can thwart the purposes of God but some do. That makes sense. LOL
What's so hard to understand about this. God told Moses to go back to Eypt to be the deliverer and spokesman. He resisted God on this so God said OK Aaron your brother will go with you . Moses thwarted the actually will and intent of God. Another eg God told Moses in Num 20:7 to speak to the rock and the water would come forth.

He thwarted the purpose of God and struck the rock with his rod instead. He could not however thwart the will of God by going into the land though. God said because he had done this he would NOT enter into the land. That he could not thwart. Example after example after example of this can be given in scripture so not sure why you would laugh about it and imply I'm in error.
What's so hard to understand about this. God told Moses to go back to Eypt to be the deliverer and spokesman. He resisted God on this so God said OK Aaron your brother will go with you . Moses thwarted the actually will and intent of God. Another eg God told Moses in Num 20:7 to speak to the rock and the water would come forth.

He thwarted the purpose of God and struck the rock with his rod instead. He could not however thwart the will of God by going into the land though. God said because he had done this he would NOT enter into the land. That he could not thwart. Example after example after example of this can be given in scripture so not sure why you would laugh about it and imply I'm in error.
It's NOT LOGICAL to say NOTHING can thwart the purposes of God but somethings do. Come on, my goodness
We all reject the stated purpose of God in the law. By design. So no His purpose is not thwarted as the Bible makes clear I'm many places.
Sorry Presby but it seems you've resorted to as the saying goes throwing spaghetti up against the wall and hoping something will stick.

I revealed to you that all that God desires and wills doesn't necessarily come about and you dish out like a rabbit out of a hat that we all reject the purpose of God in the law? Sorry but this is made up rhetoric on your part trying to get out of your problem. You're either going to believe God's will is always being done or you're not. I quoted you that the Pharisees rejected God's purpose for them. It says so in Lk 7:30 So sorry but there goes down the tube Calvinism's God will and purpose is ALWAYS being done.

But the Pharisees and the experts in the law rejected God’s purpose for themselves, because they had not been baptized by John. Lk 7:30
Sorry Presby but it seems you've resorted to as the saying goes throwing spaghetti up against the wall and hoping something will stick.

I revealed to you that all that God desires and wills doesn't necessarily come about and you dish out like a rabbit out of a hat that we all reject the purpose of God in the law? Sorry but this is made up rhetoric on your part trying to get out of your problem. You're either going to believe God's will is always being done or you're not. I quoted you that the Pharisees rejected God's purpose for them. It says so in Lk 7:30 So sorry but there goes down the tube Calvinism's God will and purpose is ALWAYS being done.

But the Pharisees and the experts in the law rejected God’s purpose for themselves, because they had not been baptized by John. Lk 7:30
Down goes Frazier, down goes Frazier. :)
So no purpose of God can be thwarted but some can?
Listen and learn.

Luke 7:30- But the Pharisees and expounders of the Law have frustrated God's purpose as to their own lives, by refusing to be baptized.

As Jesus taught His disciples to pray- Thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven.

ie this means Gods will is not done here and to pray for it to be done.

hope this helps !!!
Sorry Presby but it seems you've resorted to as the saying goes throwing spaghetti up against the wall and hoping something will stick.

I revealed to you that all that God desires and wills doesn't necessarily come about and you dish out like a rabbit out of a hat that we all reject the purpose of God in the law? Sorry but this is made up rhetoric on your part trying to get out of your problem. You're either going to believe God's will is always being done or you're not. I quoted you that the Pharisees rejected God's purpose for them. It says so in Lk 7:30 So sorry but there goes down the tube Calvinism's God will and purpose is ALWAYS being done.

But the Pharisees and the experts in the law rejected God’s purpose for themselves, because they had not been baptized by John. Lk 7:30
Here is my spaghetti. It's not logical, law of non-contradiction, to say nothing can thwart the purposes of God but some things do.

Same law applies to this arguement as well. You can't claim God's omniscience and on the otherhand claim something happens He did not intend.
Listen and learn.

Luke 7:30- But the Pharisees and expounders of the Law have frustrated God's purpose as to their own lives, by refusing to be baptized.

As Jesus taught His disciples to pray- Thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven.

ie this means Gods will is not done here and to pray for it to be done.

hope this helps !!!
You failed to address my question.

Is it your position NOTHING can thwart the purposes of God but some things do?
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