Calvinism : Fictional Characters

One aspect of the "Charismatic outpouring" back in the '70s was that It showed those of us who were part of it, the relative uselessness of "Theological systematics", and "Precious Denominational beliefs" that separated us. The "Holy Spirit led" portion of the "outpouring" began back in '66, or so, and was waning by '78. This was normal, since "times of refreshing Come, and GO, leaving their spiritual deposits in the visible churches.

The "Outpouring", then degenerated into the "Charismatic Movement" with people trying to "Keep it going" which was impossible without the Holy Spirit driving it. And, of course there were the lunatic fringers with their NEW imperatives - "Positive confession", "Force of FAITH", "Word of Faith", etc.

My favorite was Pat Robertson's "Word of Knowledge".

"Someone out there watching has a receding hairline where hair is growing back right now..."
Yes paired with James that God temps no one to sin.

Its never Gods will for man to sin otherwise it would be ok for God to temp them to sin and comply with His will.

See the double talk, the oxymoron in this man made up system. Its ridiculous. It looks like bipolar disorder.
It's contrary to scripture
My favorite was Pat Robertson's "Word of Knowledge".

"Someone out there watching has a receding hairline where hair is growing back right now..."
On the other hand I've also observed the "Word of knowledge" preceeding a genuine healing. GOd's not a "One trick Pony". It's obvious, however that ANYBODY can claim the "Unction of the Holy Spirit". the results of such utterances, tell the story, and the presence of the PHONY, doesn't eliminate the existence of the REAL.
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