Job and Calvinism?

Nice dodge once again here is the OP you ignored.

The LORD said to Satan, “Have you considered My servant Job? For there is no one like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, fearing God and turning away from evil.” Then Satan answered the LORD, “Does Job fear God for nothing? “Have You not made a hedge about him and his house and all that he has, on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased in the land. But put forth Your hand now and touch all that he has; he will surely curse You to Your face.” Then the LORD said to Satan, “Behold, all that he has is in your power, only do not put forth your hand on him.” So Satan departed from the presence of the LORD. Job 1: 6,12

Satan did not, DID NOT believe God put the reverence or fear of God within one by a regeneration. He believed Job feared or reverenced God because he was blessed materially. The devil also said, that if God would take away the blessings Job would curse him to his face. This shows he didn't believe God imparted an an irresistible quality of anything within Job or any one else for that matter. Giving the right pressure any man would fold and why did he believe that? Because he knew MAN had free will. So where is the Calvinism in the book of Job? I contend you just can't find it.
Yeah Calvinists won't answer the questions raised about the story of Job. Oh they'll try to land on one small verse here or there but they stay away from passages (more than just a cherry picked verse)

They won't answer how it is that in heaven Satan himself clearly didn't believe Job served God because he was regenerated to do so. The whole passage set's aside Calvinistic thinking. It's too bad they've stayed away from it. It could have made for some interesting discussions that might have helped them.
What website? Do tell..... I didn't quote a website from anywhere.
when one is defeated and cannot defend their doctrines they resort to the ad homs and personal insults, attacks, mockery, ridicule, belittling, false accusations , etc....

its why most of us do not want anything to do with some of the other forums where thats the norm.
when one is defeated and cannot defend their doctrines they resort to the ad homs and personal insults, attacks, mockery, ridicule, belittling, false accusations , etc....

its why most of us do not want anything to do with some of the other forums where thats the norm.
You didn't come up with it on your own that's for sure.

I've been a student of theology for close to 40 years now. I've spent more time studying and debating the Scriptures than I have most anything else in my life besides sleeping and working a full time job. I've spent countless hours and time commenting and discussing theology across most every category you can imagine. I am endlessly searching for where I'm wrong. I want to find where I'm wrong. I do my own work. I listen to others but I vet most everything I consume down to the source.

I don't care if you believe me or not. God has the record. What I said didn't come from any website.
No, it's Job 42. You know, the one you have been dodging for three days now
this thread is about Job 1.

nice dodge- plus I have answered the question. you can keep asking it but the answer remains the same. I have dismantled your strawman proving Gods will is not done here and his plans and intentions have changed many times in the bible. I provided dozens upon dozens of scriptures exposing your fallacious argument proving you do not know the meaning of your isolated verse that you have removed from the rest of the bible- ie EISEGESIS once again.
I've been a student of theology for close to 40 years now. I've spent more time studying and debating the Scriptures than I have most anything else in my life besides sleeping and working a full time job. I've spent countless hours and time commenting and discussing theology across most every category you can imagine. I am endlessly search for where I'm wrong. I want to find where I'm wrong. I do my own work. I listen to others but I vet most everything I consume down to the source.

I don't care if you believe me or not. God has the record. What I said didn't come from any website.
2 peas in a pod :ROFLMAO:
I've been a student of theology for close to 40 years now. I've spent more time studying and debating the Scriptures than I have most anything else in my life besides sleeping and working a full time job. I've spent countless hours and time commenting and discussing theology across most every category you can imagine. I am endlessly search for where I'm wrong. I want to find where I'm wrong. I do my own work. I listen to others but I vet most everything I consume down to the source.

I don't care if you believe me or not. God has the record. What I said didn't come from any website.
And you are to be commended. That does not mean you are right however.
this thread is about Job 1.

nice dodge- plus I have answered the question. you can keep asking it but the answer remains the same. I have dismantled your strawman proving Gods will is not done here and his plans and intentions have changed many times in the bible. I provided dozens upon dozens of scriptures exposing your fallacious argument proving you do not know the meaning of your isolated verse that you have removed from the rest of the bible- ie EISEGESIS once again.
You asked about Calvinism in Job. Job is more than one chapter right?

Job 42:2. OP answered and put yo rest.

What's next?
About the variant reference I mentioned to you concerning Job 42:2?

Also, you can include what I mentioned in another post concerning how Christ thwarted your damnation.
He did thwart my damnation just as God determined. Just as He was sent to do.

Variant from where? How does the Septuagent translate it?
He did thwart my damnation just as God determined. Just as He was sent to do.

Then you're full of "double talk". You believe God's purpose is thwarted sometimes and yet you're criticizing the position.

Variant from where? How does the Septuagent translate it?

I have posted this multiple times now. You're just ignoring me.....

One last time.

Job 42:2 I know that you do all things, and nothing is impossible with you.

Even said, God can not lie. It is impossible for God to lie.
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Then you're full of "double talk". You believe God's purpose is thwarted sometimes and yet you're criticizing the position.

I have posted this multiple times now. You're just ignoring me.....

One last time.

Job 42:2 I know that you do all things, and nothing is impossible with you.

Even said, God can not lie. It is impossible for God to lie.
Okay, then why does the majority of translations translate it the way they do?
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