I am sure you know what that means
Many or most?
I am sure you know what that means
The question is who denied man is spiritually dead?We still have not got the answer as to what "dead in trespasses and sins" mean?
Also why does Christ have to make you alive if your not dead???
Lazarus was dead and entombed. Jesus was warned not to go in because it would stink. Jesus called Lazarus and he rose from the dead. Did Lazarus hear? No, his physical body did not hear. He was dead. But when Jesus commands, the command is always fulfilled.
That's why faith comes from hearing, but you won't get faith if you can't hear. Hearing comes from the word of Christ/God. Hearing comes when Christ says so.
That is a dodgeWhy did did God harden Pharaoh's heart after it was already hardened? Answer that and you have your answer.
Very good. So something dead chooses to live? LOLThe question is who denied man is spiritually dead?
Spiritual deadness refers to separation from God due to rebellion
Ephesians 2:1–12 (ESV) — 1 And you were dead in the trespasses and sins .......... 12 remember that you were at that time separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world.
How is a dead man made alive?
John 20:31 (ESV) — 31 but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.
John 5:40 (ESV) — 40 yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life.
John 6:53 (ESV) — 53 So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.
Yes, nice dodge. Why did God have to harden Pharaoh's heart after it was already hardened? Answer that and you have your answer. We both know ow you won't.That is a dodge
God was not trying to prevent one cannot believe from believing in the case of pharoah
So try again
The question is who denied man is spiritually dead?
Spiritual deadness refers to separation from God due to rebellion
Ephesians 2:1–12 (ESV) — 1 And you were dead in the trespasses and sins .......... 12 remember that you were at that time separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world.
How is a dead man made alive?
John 20:31 (ESV) — 31 but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.
John 5:40 (ESV) — 40 yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life.
John 6:53 (ESV) — 53 So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.
ExactlyAnd why would he need to harden one born unable to believe truth so they would not believe
John 12:40 (ESV) — 40 “He has blinded their eyes and hardened their heart, lest they see with their eyes, and understand with their heart, and turn, and I would heal them.”
And how did this unregenerate believe
Luke 8:13 (KJV 1900) — 13 They on the rock are they, which, when they hear, receive the word with joy; and these have no root, which for a while believe, and in time of temptation fall away.
Lets examine scriptureThat won't fit for the humanist Provisionist
I’m not sure if that is trueThe word I used was many
You know what that means
I will give that much creditI’m not sure if that is true![]()
Seems the dead can hear!Got to love the "I can hear but YOU can't hear" arguments here....
Joh 5:28 Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice,
Joh 5:29 And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.
Exactly which brings forth the new birth . The prerequisite is faith which is man’s responsibilitySo the Gospel isn't the "Word of God"?
See and respond tooSeems the dead can hear!
Great topicPsalm 95:7-11
For He is our God, and we are the people of His pasture and the sheep of His hand. Today, if you would hear His voice, do not harden your hearts, as at Meribah, as in the day of Massah in the wilderness, “When your fathers tested Me, They tried Me, though they had seen My work. For forty years I loathed that generation, and said they are a people who err in their heart, and they do not know My ways. Therefore I swore in My anger, Truly they shall not enter into My rest.”
Let's unpack what we see here. If everything is ordained as Calvinists say why would they be told not to harden their hearts? If all is ordained then they're going to harden their hearts regardless of the exhortation not too. So why then give the exhortation? Seems for only one reason. They could choose things outside of what God willed or wanted them to do. So goes down the tube that everything is ORDAINED.
The verse above also states the people err in their heart and they don't know God's ways. If all was ordained what could that mean they don't know God's way. God's way would be whatever they do. That is not however what God said. All things are not ordained. So God swore in his anger? Why anger if all things are ordained? If everything is and was ordained the anger would have to be a put on thing.....not based on any real sense of being grieved. All being ordained would have all things going according to plan.
God was determined to destroy pharoah and make known his powerYes, nice dodge. Why did God have to harden Pharaoh's heart after it was already hardened? Answer that and you have your answer. We both know ow you won't.
Some lively dead menSee and respond too![]()
Who would think contrary to the obvious truth ?Some lively dead men
in·fuseSure it does.
And no it don't. Giving faith is not necessarily infusing and you have not shown that to be so.
Not faring so well?