Thomas... My Lord and my God

Two of them in this thread say it is okay to pray to Jesus.

Since you don't have any argument with them then I am glad you agree with their teaching.
I don't agree with that, but I won't be pitted against brothers by someone being divisive. Maybe you should rescind your talking points if you agree that there are no teachings about praying to Jesus.
I don't agree with that

You just wrote in post 260 that you didn't have any argument with them, but now you say you don't agree with their teaching.

Get your story straight. I know your heresy falls apart so easily that it is impossible for you to do so, but wow it is quite a spectacle to see.
You just wrote in post 260 that you didn't have any argument with them, but now you say you don't agree with their teaching.

Get your story straight. I know your heresy falls apart so easily that it is impossible for you to do so, but wow it is quite a spectacle to see.
I don't have an argument which is why you haven't seen me arguing with him. Not agreeing is a different idea all together.

So you still don't have any teachings about praying to Jesus. What an embarrassment for you.
I don't say people should not talk to Jesus. Absolutely, talk to Jesus. I have many times. Jesus, as our Lord, must be talked to.

If 1 million people spoke to Jesus at the same time, for 1 hour, in 50 different languages, would He fully understand all that was said unto Him?
You dodged this:

Where does the Bible say that people today can speak to Jesus?

Time for you to wake up.
nothing about praying to Jesus in the Bible. I am about to just start copying and pasting. Don't start a debate you will never win. If you had the verse you would have already been parading it all over the forum. You have nothing.
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