The Trinity The Touchstone of Truth

That's correct.
If the Bible presents the Holy Spirit as a separate being or entity from God, the Holy Spirit is not God.
We could say it is a Manifestation of God. Or a power, acting through the human. A power to understand, to speak, to act.
That's why the allusions to the Holy Spirit almost always imply an action executed by a prophet, a believer, Jesus Himself, etc.

There are many other similar terms.

The Spirit of God. The Love of God. The Grace of God. The Word of God, etc.

I could say "The grace of God freed me from the prison of sin and made me a new person", without implying that The Grace of God is a personal being separate from God who is at the same time God.

This must be the corrupt influence of Bahai. I cannot believe you came to this conclusion. What will you believe next? That if the Father is mentioned separately from God, that the Father, also, is not God?

I had hoped that you would see the folly of thinking that, since Jesus is mentioned separately from God, that he cannot be God.

Without any doubt, the Holy Spirit is God, even though He is mentioned separately from God many times in scripture.

Without any doubt, the Father is God and Jesus is God.

The Holy Spirit is not an "it". The Holy Spirit is a "He" or "Him".

This is why I said that you are obsessed with your own made - up idea that if Jesus is mentioned separately from God, that Jesus cannot be God.
In fact you have put so much faith in that deception, that now even the Holy Spirit cannot be God.

Instead of being made free, you are going further into darkness.
Matthew 6:24 Jesus said "No one can serve two masters; ... You cannot serve God and wealth."

Jesus is saying that you can't make wealth your "God" and then claim at the same time to worship the true God. In other words, you can only have ONE God.

Elijah told the people of Israel "How long will you hesitate between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him."

We could also say "If the Father is God, follow Him, but if Jesus is God, follow Him."

Yet Jesus claims to be our Master and Lord.

The apostle Peter said "There will also be false teachers among you ... even denying the Master who bought them ..." 2 Peter 2:1
Obviously, he's speaking of Jesus, who bought them with His own blood.

Jude, the half-brother of Jesus said "For certain persons have crept in unnoticed ... who turn the grace of God into licentiousness and deny our ONLY MASTER and Lord, Jesus Christ." Jude 4
Not only does Jude claim that Jesus is our Master, but he also says that Jesus is our ONLY MASTER.

So how can Jesus be our ONLY Master, if God the Father is our ONLY Master?

There's only one way. We must recognize that Jesus IS God.

"Exhibit R" Both God the Father and Jesus are our ONLY Master. But Jesus said that we cannot serve two masters. Therefore Jesus IS God.
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Pancho, I thought we were going through the letters. You didn't change your mind, did you?
I believe we were going through the books of Timothy.

1 Timothy 1:15 "It is a trustworthy statement, deserving full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, among whom I am foremost of all."

Do you understand that Paul is speaking GLOBALLY here?

You and I did not "come into this world" in the same sense that Jesus did - yes, we were born into the world. But the world, to us, was not the planet Earth. The world to us was an awareness of our mother and father and our siblings, our home, and all of our local environment.

Of course, Jesus experienced all of that too but, unlike us, he was aware that His true Father was God, even at the age of twelve. Also, unlike us, He was aware that His mission was the entire planet, not just Israel. How do we know that? Because He came to "save sinners", which would include all of mankind, past, present, and future. He didn't just come for the sake of Israel alone, although He was specifically sent to "the lost sheep of the house of Israel". Matthew 15:24

Not only that, but if He came to save sinners, then He Himself COULD NOT BE A SINNER. A sinner cannot save another sinner. So we see that Jesus was MORE THAN just a man, and His mission was TO SAVE ALL OF MANKIND. Otherwise He too would have been a sinner.

Given all of that, we can see that when Jesus came into the world, we can rightfully ask "Where was He before He came into the world?"
Jesus Himself gives us the answer "I came forth from the Father and have come into the world; I am leaving the world again and going to the Father." John 16:28

"Exhibit S" "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners." 1 Timothy 1:15 No one who is a sinful man can save billions of people, past, present, and future - from their sins. But Jesus DID JUST THAT! Therefore, Jesus IS God.
Pancho, you wanted someone to accept your challenge of going through the letters in the New Testament. Well I accepted that challenge, but once again, you haven't responded in over 4 days. So are you doing this or not? You said that you might have 48 or 72 hour intervals. Well, it's been over 103 hours.
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Okay, I guess Pancho wasn't serious about going through all the letters in the New Testament. I can see where that might be discouraging for him, since every one of them clearly displays that Jesus IS God.
Example please.
Where have you been? I've given 19 examples in this thread, starting on page 14 #278, with "Exhibit A". My latest example was "Exhibit S", #503 on this page, page 26. I call them "exhibits" like evidence in a courtroom. By quickly scanning through my posts during that time period, you can easily locate them. You can view all 19 of them and I'm sure there will be more forthcoming, because the New Testament is chock full of evidence of Jesus being God.
The question is whether one chooses to believe the scripture or not.
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