Eternal Security

If you, as a father, adopt a child and write that child into your will as an heir in equal measure to your biological children, does that make the adopted child a thief? No. It makes you a generous father, to have taken in an orphan and made them co-heirs with your other children. And if one of your biological children commits a crime, or in some other way violates your trust, and you write that child out of your will, and forbid them a portion of the inheritance, that does not make the other children (natural or adopted) thieves. It is the father's prerogative to give the inheritance to whomever he wills, and this is exactly what God has done.
True to your Gentile heritage and the behaviors of your fathers you will do, and that is, to weasel your way into a Jewish Covenant that never included Gentiles now according to the Law, Psalms, and the Prophets (Hebrew Scriptures) never will.
God has covenant with Abram the Hebrew and his seed. God never made covenant with Gentiles and Gentiles are not of Abraham's seed. So, all your analogy falls short and would only work if God had actually made covenant (or side-covenant) with Gentiles, but the fact remains - and you should accept it - is that God made no covenant with hard-core, uncircumcised, non-covenant Gentiles.
That is the way it appears, but the promise was made to Abraham's SEED (singular), not to the multitude of children they had. And Jesus alone is that SEED, and those who are "in Him", whether Jew or Gentile, are heirs of that promise.
The promise was made to Abraham SINGULAR - the person) and to his seed (PLURAL - his children/people.) At least, that's how it reads in the Scripture where the covenant is found (Gen. 17.)
You have no room on which to stand, because you are completely contradictory to Scripture. God has made the Gentiles equal heirs to the promise He made to Abraham that He would bless the whole world through Abraham's SEED (Jesus). The New Covenant is the the fulfillment of that promise.
Where in the Law, Psalms, and Prophets where the covenant is made does it say Gentiles are "equal heirs" to the Abrahamic Covenant Promises? Post your Scripture from Genesis 17 where the covenant is found.
True to your Gentile heritage and the behaviors of your fathers you will do, and that is, to weasel your way into a Jewish Covenant that never included Gentiles now according to the Law, Psalms, and the Prophets (Hebrew Scriptures) never will.
It is not my analogy, but God's. God has adopted into His family everyone who believes in Jesus and obeys Him as their Lord (Eph 1:5, Rom 8:15).
God has covenant with Abram the Hebrew and his seed. God never made covenant with Gentiles and Gentiles are not of Abraham's seed. So, all your analogy falls short and would only work if God had actually made covenant (or side-covenant) with Gentiles, but the fact remains - and you should accept it - is that God made no covenant with hard-core, uncircumcised, non-covenant Gentiles.
What does "hard-core" Gentiles mean?
God does make covenant with uncircumcised Gentiles, as we see in Rom 2:25-27, it is not physical circumcision that matters, but obedience to God. And the fact that He makes covenant with them means that they are no longer "non-covenant". Remember, God is the God of both the Jew and the Gentile (Rom 3:29).
The promise was made to Abraham SINGULAR - the person) and to his seed (PLURAL - his children/people.) At least, that's how it reads in the Scripture where the covenant is found (Gen. 17.)
Yes, it appears that way when you read it without the Holy Spirit guiding your understanding. But when you see it through the Holy Spirit, as Paul did when he wrote Gal 3:16, you see that the focus of the promise was Jesus, and that all mankind would be blessed and brought into covenant with God through Jesus.
Where in the Law, Psalms, and Prophets where the covenant is made does it say Gentiles are "equal heirs" to the Abrahamic Covenant Promises? Post your Scripture from Genesis 17 where the covenant is found.
The Law, Psalms, and Prophets are not the only Scriptures. The writings of Paul are also Scripture. And no, you do not find the Gentiles brought into the covenant in the Law, Psalms, and Prophets, because it is through Messiah Jesus that the Gentiles are grafted in.
It is not my analogy, but God's. God has adopted into His family everyone who believes in Jesus and obeys Him as their Lord (Eph 1:5, Rom 8:15).
God has covenant with Abraham and HIS FAMILY. Gentiles do not come from his family, so why do you keep trying to prove an impossible? If you said that to any knowledgeable Jew they'd laugh in your face. Gentiles DO NOT come from Abraham biologically nor are Gentiles joined to Abraham spiritually. You don't know how to make distinction between Israel (natural) and Israel (spiritual) and body of Christ. Just because a Gentile is born-again does not miraculously change their spiritual or natural DNA and "POOF!" now they are a Hebrew and Jew.
What does "hard-core" Gentiles mean?
It is a Gentile who is uncircumcised, is an idol-worshiper, and as opposed to a knowledgeable, circumcised Gentile proselyte who has made vows and made sacrifice and vowed to live according to the Law of Moses and teach their wives and children from that day forward to live as a citizen of Jewry. Being a Gentile proselyte does not make them a Jew and in covenant with Israel because the covenant is with the Hebrews/Jews and Gentiles are not born from Hebrews/Jews.
Unless the context in the bible is clearly stating uncircumcised Gentiles then such Gentile mentioned would have to be a proselyte because they would be the first Gentiles to be informed of Israel's Messiah going to sabbath day synagogues when any Jewish Christian is there testifying about their experiences with the Holy Spirit of Promise and this Jesus called Messiah. Uncircumcised, idol-worshiping Gentiles are separated from the Jewish community and live separate lives from the Jews. They don't know anything about Judaism nor do they have desire to learn anything Jewish.
God does make covenant with uncircumcised Gentiles, as we see in Rom 2:25-27, it is not physical circumcision that matters, but obedience to God. And the fact that He makes covenant with them means that they are no longer "non-covenant". Remember, God is the God of both the Jew and the Gentile (Rom 3:29).
Does your Scripture proving God makes covenant with Gentiles look like this, containing intent and covenant language?

9 And I, behold, I establish my covenant with you, and with your seed after you;
Gen. 9:9.


7 And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.
Gen. 17:7.


31 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD,
That I will make a new covenant
With the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:
Jer. 31:31.

THAT'S what it looks like in Scripture of God's Covenants. There is covenant intent and covenant language. And there is NOTHING in your "New Testament" of anything like this proving God made covenant with Gentiles.
Yes, it appears that way when you read it without the Holy Spirit guiding your understanding. But when you see it through the Holy Spirit, as Paul did when he wrote Gal 3:16, you see that the focus of the promise was Jesus, and that all mankind would be blessed and brought into covenant with God through Jesus.
So, God spends 4000 years dealing with the Hebrew people, put up with their unfaithfulness, betroths Himself to them through covenantal matrimony, sends them prophets and leaders and kings to lead and guide them in their lives, makes covenant with them to the exclusion of Gentiles and later on because Christ appears includes Gentiles in His marriage covenant with Israel after all His covenants are people-specific and closed? One would think it'd be easier if God would have just included Gentiles in the covenants as He made them in Israel's history - but then they would have to be circumcised and then they would not be just Gentiles but Gentile proselytes and live as a Hebrew citizen.

Here's where you misunderstand Saul and the truth.

14 That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.
Gal. 3:14.

First, if there is no clear information that Gentiles mentioned are uncircumcised Gentiles, then this would have to be Gentile proselytes that are being referred to.
Second, even Gentile proselytes are NOT in any Hebrew Covenant because they are NOT the seed of Abraham.
Third, receiving the blessings of covenant (which is what proselytes receive) is NOT the same as being IN covenant. As Saul says above, the "BLESSING" of Abraham IS receiving the "promise of the Spirit" and I got no problem with that. Uncircumcised Gentiles were being born-again without benefit of being in any covenant and are receiving the BLESSINGS of covenantal promises such as the Holy Spirit. But their numbers were miniscule in contrast to the Jewish Church Jesus was building before the destruction of their Temple effectively ending the "ism" of Judaism. Then the Times of the Gentiles soon began and increasingly more Gentiles were being born-again. But understand that Gentiles being born-again joined them to Christ NOT to any of the Hebrew Covenants. Because again, the Covenants were with Abram the Hebrew (Gen. 14:13) and with his seed, and Gentiles do not come from his seed. So, make a distinction and try using that grey matter above your neck and think this through.
The Law, Psalms, and Prophets are not the only Scriptures. The writings of Paul are also Scripture. And no, you do not find the Gentiles brought into the covenant in the Law, Psalms, and Prophets, because it is through Messiah Jesus that the Gentiles are grafted in.
There you go again.
Gentile propaganda.
Gentiles being joined to Christ does not make them in any of the Hebrew/Jewish Covenants because Gentiles do not come from the loins of Abraham and the covenants are with Abraham and his seed which means twelve Hebrew tribes.
God has covenant with Abraham and HIS FAMILY. Gentiles do not come from his family, so why do you keep trying to prove an impossible? If you said that to any knowledgeable Jew they'd laugh in your face. Gentiles DO NOT come from Abraham biologically nor are Gentiles joined to Abraham spiritually. You don't know how to make distinction between Israel (natural) and Israel (spiritual) and body of Christ. Just because a Gentile is born-again does not miraculously change their spiritual or natural DNA and "POOF!" now they are a Hebrew and Jew.
Correct, because it does not take becoming a Jew to be in covenant with God in the New Covenant. Jewishness is irrelevant in the New Covenant (Rom 2:27-29). When the Apostles (all Jewish men) were questioned about what was required of the Gentiles who were joining the Church, they did not even begin to encourage them to keep the Law, or to observe the sabbath, or to be circumcised (Acts 15:13-21).
It is a Gentile who is uncircumcised, is an idol-worshiper, and as opposed to a knowledgeable, circumcised Gentile proselyte who has made vows and made sacrifice and vowed to live according to the Law of Moses and teach their wives and children from that day forward to live as a citizen of Jewry. Being a Gentile proselyte does not make them a Jew and in covenant with Israel because the covenant is with the Hebrews/Jews and Gentiles are not born from Hebrews/Jews.
Unless the context in the bible is clearly stating uncircumcised Gentiles then such Gentile mentioned would have to be a proselyte because they would be the first Gentiles to be informed of Israel's Messiah going to sabbath day synagogues when any Jewish Christian is there testifying about their experiences with the Holy Spirit of Promise and this Jesus called Messiah. Uncircumcised, idol-worshiping Gentiles are separated from the Jewish community and live separate lives from the Jews. They don't know anything about Judaism nor do they have desire to learn anything Jewish.
Gal 5:1-6 has something to say about that. Yes, if you are trying to keep the Law, and be bound to the Law for your salvation, then circumcision is of great importance. But if you belong to Christ, then having yourself circumcised to keep the Law cuts you off from Christ, and He is of no value to you toward salvation. You can either be Christ's or you can follow the Law of Moses, but you cannot have both. And this goes for Gentiles as well as Jews.
Does your Scripture proving God makes covenant with Gentiles look like this, containing intent and covenant language?

9 And I, behold, I establish my covenant with you, and with your seed after you;
Gen. 9:9.


7 And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.
Gen. 17:7.


31 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD,
That I will make a new covenant
With the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:
Jer. 31:31.

THAT'S what it looks like in Scripture of God's Covenants. There is covenant intent and covenant language. And there is NOTHING in your "New Testament" of anything like this proving God made covenant with Gentiles.
Matt 26:28
Luke 22:20
1 Cor 11:23-32
Communion, which is the repurposing of Passover, commemorates the death of Jesus which sealed the New Covenant, and all (Jew and Gentile) who eat and drink are eating and drinking the Covenant of Christ (the New Covenant).
So, God spends 4000 years dealing with the Hebrew people, put up with their unfaithfulness, betroths Himself to them through covenantal matrimony, sends them prophets and leaders and kings to lead and guide them in their lives, makes covenant with them to the exclusion of Gentiles and later on because Christ appears includes Gentiles in His marriage covenant with Israel after all His covenants are people-specific and closed? One would think it'd be easier if God would have just included Gentiles in the covenants as He made them in Israel's history - but then they would have to be circumcised and then they would not be just Gentiles but Gentile proselytes and live as a Hebrew citizen.
Who are you, or I, to say to God in all our our wisdom, "God, you did it wrong. You should have done it this way. That would have been better."
Here's where you misunderstand Saul and the truth.

14 That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.
Gal. 3:14.

First, if there is no clear information that Gentiles mentioned are uncircumcised Gentiles, then this would have to be Gentile proselytes that are being referred to.
There is discussion of whether or not the Gentile converts needed to become circumcised (meaning that they were not at the time), and the consensus of the Apostles, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, was that they did not need to be circumcised.
Second, even Gentile proselytes are NOT in any Hebrew Covenant because they are NOT the seed of Abraham.
Wrong. You cannot gain the benefits of the covenant if you do not also have the responsibilities of the covenant, and that makes you, by definition, in covenant.
Third, receiving the blessings of covenant (which is what proselytes receive) is NOT the same as being IN covenant. As Saul says above, the "BLESSING" of Abraham IS receiving the "promise of the Spirit" and I got no problem with that. Uncircumcised Gentiles were being born-again without benefit of being in any covenant and are receiving the BLESSINGS of covenantal promises such as the Holy Spirit. But their numbers were miniscule in contrast to the Jewish Church Jesus was building before the destruction of their Temple effectively ending the "ism" of Judaism. Then the Times of the Gentiles soon began and increasingly more Gentiles were being born-again. But understand that Gentiles being born-again joined them to Christ NOT to any of the Hebrew Covenants. Because again, the Covenants were with Abram the Hebrew (Gen. 14:13) and with his seed, and Gentiles do not come from his seed. So, make a distinction and try using that grey matter above your neck and think this through.

There you go again.
Gentile propaganda.
Gentiles being joined to Christ does not make them in any of the Hebrew/Jewish Covenants because Gentiles do not come from the loins of Abraham and the covenants are with Abraham and his seed which means twelve Hebrew tribes.
Biological lineage has absolutely no importance in the New Covenant (Gal 3:29, Matt 3:9-10) or in the Old Covenant for that matter (Rom 9:6-12). No, being joined to Christ does not make a Gentile Jewish, there is no need to do that because Jewishness does not save. It is union with Jesus that saves, and union with Jesus is possible for both Jew and Gentile.
It is not my analogy, but God's. God has adopted into His family everyone who believes in Jesus and obeys Him as their Lord (Eph 1:5, Rom 8:15).

What does "hard-core" Gentiles mean?
God does make covenant with uncircumcised Gentiles, as we see in Rom 2:25-27, it is not physical circumcision that matters, but obedience to God. And the fact that He makes covenant with them means that they are no longer "non-covenant". Remember, God is the God of both the Jew and the Gentile (Rom 3:29).

Yes, it appears that way when you read it without the Holy Spirit guiding your understanding. But when you see it through the Holy Spirit, as Paul did when he wrote Gal 3:16, you see that the focus of the promise was Jesus, and that all mankind would be blessed and brought into covenant with God through Jesus.

The Law, Psalms, and Prophets are not the only Scriptures. The writings of Paul are also Scripture. And no, you do not find the Gentiles brought into the covenant in the Law, Psalms, and Prophets, because it is through Messiah Jesus that the Gentiles are grafted in.
Yeah, you keep believing that.
Correct, because it does not take becoming a Jew to be in covenant with God in the New Covenant. Jewishness is irrelevant in the New Covenant (Rom 2:27-29). When the Apostles (all Jewish men) were questioned about what was required of the Gentiles who were joining the Church, they did not even begin to encourage them to keep the Law, or to observe the sabbath, or to be circumcised (Acts 15:13-21).
How can you contradict Scripture and say, "Jewishness is irrelevant?" God made New Covenant WITH JEWS! Blind as a blind man can be.
Gal 5:1-6 has something to say about that. Yes, if you are trying to keep the Law, and be bound to the Law for your salvation, then circumcision is of great importance. But if you belong to Christ, then having yourself circumcised to keep the Law cuts you off from Christ, and He is of no value to you toward salvation. You can either be Christ's or you can follow the Law of Moses, but you cannot have both. And this goes for Gentiles as well as Jews.
The Law of Moses (God) DIRECTED Israel TO THEIR MESSIAH.
Boy, it must be great to hold to error after 1900 years of Gentile propaganda.
Matt 26:28
Luke 22:20
1 Cor 11:23-32
Communion, which is the repurposing of Passover, commemorates the death of Jesus which sealed the New Covenant, and all (Jew and Gentile) who eat and drink are eating and drinking the Covenant of Christ (the New Covenant).
The New Covenant wasn't sealed by the death of Jesus Christ. He came to fulfill THE LAW as He said. The New Covenant has nothing to do with the cross.
Who are you, or I, to say to God in all our our wisdom, "God, you did it wrong. You should have done it this way. That would have been better."
That's your position in re-interpreting the Scripture with Gentile propaganda. That's what YOU do.
There is discussion of whether or not the Gentile converts needed to become circumcised (meaning that they were not at the time), and the consensus of the Apostles, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, was that they did not need to be circumcised.
Only to obey certain parts of the Law (which was error.)
Wrong. You cannot gain the benefits of the covenant if you do not also have the responsibilities of the covenant, and that makes you, by definition, in covenant.
The New Covenant was NOT made with Gentiles. Open your eyes! It was made with the House of Israel.
Say it. The New Covenant was made with the House of Israel. The Jews. There are NO GENTILES included in the New Covenant of Jeremiah 31:31-34.
Biological lineage has absolutely no importance in the New Covenant (Gal 3:29, Matt 3:9-10) or in the Old Covenant for that matter (Rom 9:6-12). No, being joined to Christ does not make a Gentile Jewish, there is no need to do that because Jewishness does not save. It is union with Jesus that saves, and union with Jesus is possible for both Jew and Gentile.
Revelation was written to Israel. It is the Omega to the plan of God for His Chosen people and Bride and Church: ISRAEL (No Gentiles.)

God made NO COVENANT with Gentiles. Edit by Admin
Good Lord, man. You're stuck. Seriously stuck.
Last edited by a moderator:
Correct, because it does not take becoming a Jew to be in covenant with God in the New Covenant. Jewishness is irrelevant in the New Covenant (Rom 2:27-29). When the Apostles (all Jewish men) were questioned about what was required of the Gentiles who were joining the Church, they did not even begin to encourage them to keep the Law, or to observe the sabbath, or to be circumcised (Acts 15:13-21).

Gal 5:1-6 has something to say about that. Yes, if you are trying to keep the Law, and be bound to the Law for your salvation, then circumcision is of great importance. But if you belong to Christ, then having yourself circumcised to keep the Law cuts you off from Christ, and He is of no value to you toward salvation. You can either be Christ's or you can follow the Law of Moses, but you cannot have both. And this goes for Gentiles as well as Jews.

Matt 26:28
Luke 22:20
1 Cor 11:23-32
Communion, which is the repurposing of Passover, commemorates the death of Jesus which sealed the New Covenant, and all (Jew and Gentile) who eat and drink are eating and drinking the Covenant of Christ (the New Covenant).

Who are you, or I, to say to God in all our our wisdom, "God, you did it wrong. You should have done it this way. That would have been better."

There is discussion of whether or not the Gentile converts needed to become circumcised (meaning that they were not at the time), and the consensus of the Apostles, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, was that they did not need to be circumcised.

Wrong. You cannot gain the benefits of the covenant if you do not also have the responsibilities of the covenant, and that makes you, by definition, in covenant.

Biological lineage has absolutely no importance in the New Covenant (Gal 3:29, Matt 3:9-10) or in the Old Covenant for that matter (Rom 9:6-12). No, being joined to Christ does not make a Gentile Jewish, there is no need to do that because Jewishness does not save. It is union with Jesus that saves, and union with Jesus is possible for both Jew and Gentile.
Yeah, you keep believing that Gentile propoganda.
Yeah, you keep believing that.
I will.
How can you contradict Scripture and say, "Jewishness is irrelevant?" God made New Covenant WITH JEWS! Blind as a blind man can be.
Jewishness was relevant under the Old Covenant. But being a Jew is totally irrelevant to salvation in the New Covenant.
The Law of Moses (God) DIRECTED Israel TO THEIR MESSIAH.
Boy, it must be great to hold to error after 1900 years of Gentile propaganda.
No, if you had presented me with any evidence that I was wrong, I would change my mind to follow the truth. But since what I have said comes directly from God's Word, I cannot agree with your assessment of the Gentile's position outside of the covenant of God.
The New Covenant wasn't sealed by the death of Jesus Christ. He came to fulfill THE LAW as He said. The New Covenant has nothing to do with the cross.
A covenant is not valid until it has been ratified by blood (Heb 9:15-22). And Jesus said that the blood of the New Covenant was His own blood (Matt 26:28, 1 Cor 11:25).
That's your position in re-interpreting the Scripture with Gentile propaganda. That's what YOU do.
You keep accusing me of reinterpreting Scripture, but everything I have said comes directly from Scripture. It is God's Word that says that the Gentiles are now coheirs with Christ, and full members of the family of God in Christ.
Only to obey certain parts of the Law (which was error.)
Absolutely, it was error, because there is no need to keep ANY of the Old Testament Law to be a Christ follower.
The New Covenant was NOT made with Gentiles. Open your eyes! It was made with the House of Israel.
Say it. The New Covenant was made with the House of Israel. The Jews. There are NO GENTILES included in the New Covenant of Jeremiah 31:31-34.
I am sorry that you can only see that error. Being a Jew is no longer of any significance to salvation in the New Covenant. Being a Gentile no longer keeps one out of the Covenant, because anyone who comes to Christ is grafted into the tree that is the family of God.
Revelation was written to Israel. It is the Omega to the plan of God for His Chosen people and Bride and Church: ISRAEL (No Gentiles.)
Revelation was written to the Church. The Church is made up of everyone who comes to Christ (both Jew and Gentile alike). There is no division, separation, or difference between Jew and Gentile in the Church.
God made NO COVENANT with Gentiles. Edit by Admin
Good Lord, man. You're stuck. Seriously stuck.
I am done arguing this with you. You need to go back to the New Testament Scriptures and study. There is a lot about the New Covenant that you do not understand, and I pray that God would open your eyes to the truth.
Is there anything keeping you from accepting God’s free gift of salvation right now?
If I were a lost person, then the answer would be YES, since FAITH is required before I could become Born again, and the FAITH, would depent on CONVICTION OF SIN, which would come from the Holy Spirit. I can't "Just decide" to be saved, I have to be "Drawn" by God. It ALL starts with HIM. No "Conviction" = no conversion.
Do you think there's anything we could do to lose it?
There wouldn't be WARNINGS in the Bible about it, if we couldn't. Since Salvation is based on FAITH, and FAITH comes by God's WORD to us, and a "Living relationship" with Him, then It appears to be possible to simply NEGLECT our relationship to the point where instead of a living FAITH, is becomes the fading memory of having HAD a living relationship. It's also my experience that God does sent "Wake-up calls" (sometimes pretty brutal ones) to get your attention, when neglect is the issue. So I won't get adamant about the possibility of "Falling out", but I do consider it a possibility.
If I were a lost person, then the answer would be YES, since FAITH is required before I could become Born again, and the FAITH, would depent on CONVICTION OF SIN, which would come from the Holy Spirit. I can't "Just decide" to be saved, I have to be "Drawn" by God. It ALL starts with HIM. No "Conviction" = no conversion.

There wouldn't be WARNINGS in the Bible about it, if we couldn't. Since Salvation is based on FAITH, and FAITH comes by God's WORD to us, and a "Living relationship" with Him, then It appears to be possible to simply NEGLECT our relationship to the point where instead of a living FAITH, is becomes the fading memory of having HAD a living relationship. It's also my experience that God does sent "Wake-up calls" (sometimes pretty brutal ones) to get your attention, when neglect is the issue. So I won't get adamant about the possibility of "Falling out", but I do consider it a possibility.
Sounds good to me. I've had a few wake up call moments. You mentioned Relationship, I'm wondering if the warnings are about Moving from a good relationship which results from being a good and faithful servant. To a bad relationship resulting from doing life our way.

I like to say it's not a sin issue, It's an obedience issue. Sin was taken care of on the cross and that secured our salvation. Disobedience will make our testimony to no avail.
FAITH comes by God's WORD to us, and a "Living relationship" with Him, then It appears to be possible to simply NEGLECT our relationship to the point where instead of a living FAITH, is becomes the fading memory of having HAD a living relationship
You mentioned Relationship, I'm wondering if the warnings are about Moving from a good relationship which results from being a good and faithful servant. To a bad relationship resulting from doing life our way.
Precious friends, Why is it?:

That The Biblical Doctrines Of . . . . "God's Relationship With us," [ Immovable! ], and...
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
Rightly Divided (2 Timothy 2:15) From “Things That Differ” (online)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."...our fellowship with Him," { movable },

are constantly / consistently Mixed Up into the Confusion of the Un-biblical teaching of:

"losing" God's Eternal Salvation, That He Freely Gives By His Amazing Grace?


Three Tenses of God's Eternal Salvation
... ↓ ...... ↓ ...... ↓ ............. ↓
Precious friends, Why is it?:

That The Biblical Doctrines Of . . . . "God's Relationship With us," [ Immovable! ], and...
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
Rightly Divided (2 Timothy 2:15) From “Things That Differ” (online)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."...our fellowship with Him," { movable },

are constantly / consistently Mixed Up into the Confusion of the Un-biblical teaching of:

"losing" God's Eternal Salvation, That He Freely Gives By His Amazing Grace?


Three Tenses of God's Eternal Salvation
... ↓ ...... ↓ ...... ↓ ............. ↓
I strongly believe in OSAS. Salvation is the gift of God and I can't believe that he would take back a gift.

Then there's adoption.

For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, “Abba! Father!” The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.
Romans 8:15–16

What would possibly cause God to Un Adopt us. Actually back in Jesus's day It was illegal to Un Adopt.

God desires an intimate relationship with us. And He has taken it upon Himself to remove every possible barrier. Paul says the same thing in his letter to the Galatians:

But when the fulness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, in order that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. Galatians 4:4–5

Our Dad is not going to kick us to the curb. He paid a hefty price for us.

Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life. John 5:24

As a believer, you will never be judged for your sins. That is a settled issue. It is so settled in the mind of God that at the moment of your salvation, knowing full and well all the sins you were yet to commit, God adopted you into His family.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him. In love He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will. Ephesians 1:3–5

God chose to adopt us as His kids before the foundation of the world what could possibly cause him to change his mind?
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I will.
Jewishness was relevant under the Old Covenant. But being a Jew is totally irrelevant to salvation in the New Covenant.
God made covenant with the House of Israel. Last I checked the House of Israel are Jews. THEY are awaiting THEIR Messiah not a Gentile one.
No, if you had presented me with any evidence that I was wrong, I would change my mind to follow the truth. But since what I have said comes directly from God's Word, I cannot agree with your assessment of the Gentile's position outside of the covenant of God.
No, you wouldn't.
The practice of people here is not to receive the truth of Scripture but to present THEIR flawed understanding of that same Scripture. And the Gentile theology is flawed.
Ask a question you don't know the answer and I'll give you the Scripture to answer it.
You'll reject it.
A covenant is not valid until it has been ratified by blood (Heb 9:15-22). And Jesus said that the blood of the New Covenant was His own blood (Matt 26:28, 1 Cor 11:25).
You're not realizing every year the high priest performed your so call "Blood" covenant and sprinkled the children of Israel every year. God killed a lamb in the garden of Eden. More blood. Open your eyes.
God made covenant with a Hebrew (Abram Gen. 14:13) and HIS SEED, and God made covenant through Moses with Abraham's seed, and the New Covenant in Jeremiah 31 is with the House of Israel - NO GENTILES.

You keep accusing me of reinterpreting Scripture, but everything I have said comes directly from Scripture. It is God's Word that says that the Gentiles are now coheirs with Christ, and full members of the family of God in Christ.
The "co-heirs" were Gentile proselytes. They are the "WILD" Olive tree grafted into the natural Olive tree. That's how the Jews then and today receive it.
Absolutely, it was error, because there is no need to keep ANY of the Old Testament Law to be a Christ follower.
So, you don't have to "have no other gods before him?"
Yeah, right.
I am sorry that you can only see that error. Being a Jew is no longer of any significance to salvation in the New Covenant. Being a Gentile no longer keeps one out of the Covenant, because anyone who comes to Christ is grafted into the tree that is the family of God.
According to the New Covenant terms which state God makes covenant with the House of Israel and Judah - Hebrews. NOT GENTILES. God made NO COVENANT with Gentiles.
You're listening to Gentile propaganda. If you're a Christian you are obligated to accept the Word of God as written, don't change a thing, don't add to it, don't subtract from it, but you do all those things.
When the two JEWISH witnesses, the two Tabernacle candlesticks arrive they will set ALL YOUR GENTILES STRAIGHT!
But you won't like it and will join them against Israel because God says in Zechariah He will gather ALL NATIONS against Israel, but Christ Himself will return and kill every one of "you" with the breath of His mouth.
Revelation was written to the Church. The Church is made up of everyone who comes to Christ (both Jew and Gentile alike). There is no division, separation, or difference between Jew and Gentile in the Church.
Look at the terminology of Revelation. It talks about candlesticks from the Hebrew Tabernacle, it talks about Temples and high priests and other things JEWISH.
You have been infected by Gentile propaganda. Open your eyes!
I am done arguing this with you. You need to go back to the New Testament Scriptures and study. There is a lot about the New Covenant that you do not understand, and I pray that God would open your eyes to the truth.
The New Covenant writings of Matthew, James, John, Peter, Saul were written by these Jewish Christians and others TO and FOR other Jewish Christians and they discuss the result and effect their Messiah had on their Abrahamic and Mosaic Covenants. And why not? With the advent of their Messiah and Holy Spirit they had to have TIME to search their Scriptures to understand this "New Thing" God was doing in the earth and WITH HIS chosen people Israel.
Israel is His Bride.
Israel is His Church.
And after God removes their blindness THEN Christ will continue to build His Church as He promised.
Salvation is OF THE JEWS.
Receive or reject. There is no medium.
God made covenant with the House of Israel. Last I checked the House of Israel are Jews. THEY are awaiting THEIR Messiah not a Gentile one.
Yes, most of them are still awaiting Him. But they have missed Him, and so He has been taken away from them and given to others who will accept Him (Matt 21:43). And as I have said before, anyone who accepts Christ and becomes obedient to Him is grafted into the tree that is Israel, and thereby becomes part of Israel (Gal 3:29).
No, you wouldn't.
The practice of people here is not to receive the truth of Scripture but to present THEIR flawed understanding of that same Scripture. And the Gentile theology is flawed.
Ask a question you don't know the answer and I'll give you the Scripture to answer it.
You'll reject it.
I have changed my opinion many times when I was shown in Scripture that my opinion contradicted the Scriptures. Have you? I have shown you many places in Scripture where it says that Gentiles are made equal heirs with all those who believe in Jesus. But have you repented and believed the testimony of Scripture? No, you have doubled down on your claim that these were proselytes who were circumcised and following the Jewish Law. But when I show you that they were not circumcised and were told that they did not need to obey the Jewish Law, you ignore the Scriptures and continue in your deluded belief.
You're not realizing every year the high priest performed your so call "Blood" covenant and sprinkled the children of Israel every year. God killed a lamb in the garden of Eden. More blood. Open your eyes.
God made covenant with a Hebrew (Abram Gen. 14:13) and HIS SEED, and God made covenant through Moses with Abraham's seed, and the New Covenant in Jeremiah 31 is with the House of Israel - NO GENTILES.
Yes, the high priest performed those sacrifices every year. But we have a greater High Priest, who brought a greater sacrifice, and with one sacrifice for all time has expiated all sin for all people who will come to Him and make Him their Lord. All people, not just the Jews, have been invited in, as I have shown you before.
The "co-heirs" were Gentile proselytes. They are the "WILD" Olive tree grafted into the natural Olive tree. That's how the Jews then and today receive it.
And the Jews then and today are wrong. I know many Jews personally who believe as you do, and I know many Jews who are Messianic, who believe the truth that I have been trying to help you see from Scripture. It is not just the proselytes that are being brought into the New Covenant, but all people who will accept Jesus as Lord.
So, you don't have to "have no other gods before him?"
Yeah, right.
That command has been restated in the New Covenant (Matt 4:10, 1 Tim 2:5, 1 Cor 8:4, Matt 22:37-40), and so it is still something God demands of us.
According to the New Covenant terms which state God makes covenant with the House of Israel and Judah - Hebrews. NOT GENTILES. God made NO COVENANT with Gentiles.
You're listening to Gentile propaganda. If you're a Christian you are obligated to accept the Word of God as written, don't change a thing, don't add to it, don't subtract from it, but you do all those things.
When the two JEWISH witnesses, the two Tabernacle candlesticks arrive they will set ALL YOUR GENTILES STRAIGHT!
But you won't like it and will join them against Israel because God says in Zechariah He will gather ALL NATIONS against Israel, but Christ Himself will return and kill every one of "you" with the breath of His mouth.
LOL, I am part of Israel, because I have confessed Jesus as my LORD, and I have been baptized in His blood. I am pure, holy, and righteous in His sight, because I walk in the Light, and have fellowship with Him and His Church. You are reading into the OT Scriptures what you want to find, and are ignoring what God says in His New Covenant. When Christ Jesus comes again, I will be standing on the front lines with the rest of Israel against the NATIONS who do not believe in Jesus the Messiah.
Look at the terminology of Revelation. It talks about candlesticks from the Hebrew Tabernacle, it talks about Temples and high priests and other things JEWISH.
You have been infected by Gentile propaganda. Open your eyes!
Yes, Revelation talks about those things, because those things in the Temple in Jerusalem were a reflection, a shadow, of the real things in Heaven. And most of Revelation takes place in Heaven. John was seeing the real things, not the shadows, and he told us as much as we can understand about what God revealed to him. But he also reveals that there will be many in Heaven from all the Nations (Gentiles) who worship God and who are brought into God's family and given rest (Rev 7:9-17). Revelation is not about Jews, but about the fact that God wins the war, and all those (Jew and Gentile alike) who are on His side will win with Him.
The New Covenant writings of Matthew, James, John, Peter, Saul were written by these Jewish Christians and others TO and FOR other Jewish Christians and they discuss the result and effect their Messiah had on their Abrahamic and Mosaic Covenants. And why not? With the advent of their Messiah and Holy Spirit they had to have TIME to search their Scriptures to understand this "New Thing" God was doing in the earth and WITH HIS chosen people Israel.
Israel is His Bride.
Israel is His Church.
And after God removes their blindness THEN Christ will continue to build His Church as He promised.
Salvation is OF THE JEWS.
Receive or reject. There is no medium.
Israel is not the Church, the Church is Israel, big and very important difference. All those, Gentile and Jew alike, who are part of the Church are part of Israel.
Salvation is from the Jews, but not only for the Jews.
And Christ has continued to build His Church even while the Jews have blinded themselves to their Messiah. He is there waiting on them to open their eyes, and He will draw them back into Israel, but until they come to Jesus and accept Him as their Messiah, the Jews are not part of Israel (no matter who their daddy is).
Which reminds me, you still have not told me from which tribe you descend. In Jesus' time, anyone could recite his lineage back to Adam. But it seems that you cannot. What is your lineage? From which tribe do you descend? If you can't tell us, then maybe you aren't really a Jew, and aren't part of the Israel you claim. Please, I am really curious to know if you can trace your lineage back to Abraham.
Yes, most of them are still awaiting Him. But they have missed Him, and so He has been taken away from them and given to others who will accept Him (Matt 21:43). And as I have said before, anyone who accepts Christ and becomes obedient to Him is grafted into the tree that is Israel, and thereby becomes part of Israel (Gal 3:29).
More Erroneous Gentile Propaganda. You don't know your Bible. In other words, you don't read and study your bible, but instead regurgitate other men's bible studies without CHECKING YOUR BIBLE.

First, the Abrahamic Covenant is an EVERLASTING Covenant:

7 And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.
Gen. 17:6–7.

Second, it's an EVERLASTING Covenant in which Abraham and his seed will live and serve the God of Abraham, and third, the God of Abraham will have Abraham and his seed (Israel) as his people. EVERLASTING. That means ETERNAL LIFE FOR ISRAEL.
Now, I want to know if you believe what is written above.
I have changed my opinion many times when I was shown in Scripture that my opinion contradicted the Scriptures. Have you? I have shown you many places in Scripture where it says that Gentiles are made equal heirs with all those who believe in Jesus. But have you repented and believed the testimony of Scripture?
My God, how many times do I have to tell you Gentiles ARE NOT AN OLIVE TREE. NOWHERE IN SCRIPTURE DOES IT SAY SUCH A THING. More Gentile propaganda.
In each of the covenants (Abrahamic, Mosaic, and New Covenant) there is NO MENTION of Gentiles in these covenants. God made NO COVENANT with Gentiles.
No, you have doubled down on your claim that these were proselytes who were circumcised and following the Jewish Law. But when I show you that they were not circumcised and were told that they did not need to obey the Jewish Law, you ignore the Scriptures and continue in your deluded belief.
No, they are proselytes or God-Fearers unless the context says "uncircumcised" Gentiles. You need to go back to school, BUT not Gentile school. Find somewhere in which a Jewish Christian will hold your hand and try to sever you from childish things such as your exclusion of proselytes and God-Fearers in the Jewish community.
Yes, the high priest performed those sacrifices every year. But we have a greater High Priest, who brought a greater sacrifice, and with one sacrifice for all time has expiated all sin for all people who will come to Him and make Him their Lord. All people, not just the Jews, have been invited in, as I have shown you before.
NO, Israel has covenant with God. Gentiles don't.
And the Jews then and today are wrong. I know many Jews personally who believe as you do, and I know many Jews who are Messianic, who believe the truth that I have been trying to help you see from Scripture. It is not just the proselytes that are being brought into the New Covenant, but all people who will accept Jesus as Lord.

That command has been restated in the New Covenant (Matt 4:10, 1 Tim 2:5, 1 Cor 8:4, Matt 22:37-40), and so it is still something God demands of us.
Good Lord. Gentile, Gentile, Gentile.
LOL, I am part of Israel, because I have confessed Jesus as my LORD, and I have been baptized in His blood. I am pure, holy, and righteous in His sight, because I walk in the Light, and have fellowship with Him and His Church. You are reading into the OT Scriptures what you want to find, and are ignoring what God says in His New Covenant. When Christ Jesus comes again, I will be standing on the front lines with the rest of Israel against the NATIONS who do not believe in Jesus the Messiah.
You are part of Israel? Really? WHICH TRIBE?
Yes, Revelation talks about those things, because those things in the Temple in Jerusalem were a reflection, a shadow, of the real things in Heaven. And most of Revelation takes place in Heaven. John was seeing the real things, not the shadows, and he told us as much as we can understand about what God revealed to him. But he also reveals that there will be many in Heaven from all the Nations (Gentiles) who worship God and who are brought into God's family and given rest (Rev 7:9-17). Revelation is not about Jews, but about the fact that God wins the war, and all those (Jew and Gentile alike) who are on His side will win with Him.

Israel is not the Church, the Church is Israel, big and very important difference. All those, Gentile and Jew alike, who are part of the Church are part of Israel.
Salvation is from the Jews, but not only for the Jews.
And Christ has continued to build His Church even while the Jews have blinded themselves to their Messiah. He is there waiting on them to open their eyes, and He will draw them back into Israel, but until they come to Jesus and accept Him as their Messiah, the Jews are not part of Israel (no matter who their daddy is).
Which reminds me, you still have not told me from which tribe you descend. In Jesus' time, anyone could recite his lineage back to Adam. But it seems that you cannot. What is your lineage? From which tribe do you descend? If you can't tell us, then maybe you aren't really a Jew, and aren't part of the Israel you claim. Please, I am really curious to know if you can trace your lineage back to Abraham.
You know, stop responding to my threads because I'm not going to spend my time teaching you when you don't want to learn but regurgitate GENTILE PROPAGANDA.
I get tired of repeating myself to a neophyte.
More Erroneous Gentile Propaganda. You don't know your Bible. In other words, you don't read and study your bible, but instead regurgitate other men's bible studies without CHECKING YOUR BIBLE.

First, the Abrahamic Covenant is an EVERLASTING Covenant:

7 And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.
Gen. 17:6–7.

Second, it's an EVERLASTING Covenant in which Abraham and his seed will live and serve the God of Abraham, and third, the God of Abraham will have Abraham and his seed (Israel) as his people. EVERLASTING. That means ETERNAL LIFE FOR ISRAEL.
Now, I want to know if you believe what is written above.

My God, how many times do I have to tell you Gentiles ARE NOT AN OLIVE TREE. NOWHERE IN SCRIPTURE DOES IT SAY SUCH A THING. More Gentile propaganda.
In each of the covenants (Abrahamic, Mosaic, and New Covenant) there is NO MENTION of Gentiles in these covenants. God made NO COVENANT with Gentiles.

No, they are proselytes or God-Fearers unless the context says "uncircumcised" Gentiles. You need to go back to school, BUT not Gentile school. Find somewhere in which a Jewish Christian will hold your hand and try to sever you from childish things such as your exclusion of proselytes and God-Fearers in the Jewish community.

NO, Israel has covenant with God. Gentiles don't.

Good Lord. Gentile, Gentile, Gentile.

You are part of Israel? Really? WHICH TRIBE?

You know, stop responding to my threads because I'm not going to spend my time teaching you when you don't want to learn but regurgitate GENTILE PROPAGANDA.
I get tired of repeating myself to a neophyte.
I will respond to, and refute, false doctrine everywhere I see it. And your continued babbling about "gentile propaganda" is absolute false doctrine. Go back and read your Bible, because you have missed a lot that God has done in the last 27 books of it. I am not a neophyte, nor am I unstudied in the Word of God. I have studied more of it, it seems, than you have, because you seem to have only studied the Old Testament Scriptures. There is a lot in the New Testament that changes what you know.
I will respond to, and refute, false doctrine everywhere I see it. And your continued babbling about "gentile propaganda" is absolute false doctrine. Go back and read your Bible, because you have missed a lot that God has done in the last 27 books of it. I am not a neophyte, nor am I unstudied in the Word of God. I have studied more of it, it seems, than you have, because you seem to have only studied the Old Testament Scriptures. There is a lot in the New Testament that changes what you know.
The 27 letters and gospels and prophecy of the New Covenant Scriptures are only Jewish Christians trying to make sense of the New Covenant happenings taking place among the Jews and to Israel as a whole. It took time to understand the things they wrote about. Saul's first letter was Galatians in A.D. 54 or thereabouts. That's 22 years after Christ's resurrection and about 17-20 years after Saul was born-again from above. He spent 17 years out in the boonies researching the Hebrew Scriptures (he had copies) before he visited Jewish Christians first in the synagogues in their respective cities and then in their home churches before he wrote them after considering their concerns as to the effect of Israel's Messiah upon the Abrahamic and Mosaic Covenants. That was one of their first concerns he addressed from Jewish Christians in the Galatian region.
And yes, you are a neophyte who regurgitates Gentile propaganda you learn from men's books. That makes you a man of men, NOT a man of God.
The 27 letters and gospels and prophecy of the New Covenant Scriptures are only Jewish Christians trying to make sense of the New Covenant happenings taking place among the Jews and to Israel as a whole. It took time to understand the things they wrote about. Saul's first letter was Galatians in A.D. 54 or thereabouts. That's 22 years after Christ's resurrection and about 17-20 years after Saul was born-again from above. He spent 17 years out in the boonies researching the Hebrew Scriptures (he had copies) before he visited Jewish Christians first in the synagogues in their respective cities and then in their home churches before he wrote them after considering their concerns as to the effect of Israel's Messiah upon the Abrahamic and Mosaic Covenants. That was one of their first concerns he addressed from Jewish Christians in the Galatian region.
And yes, you are a neophyte who regurgitates Gentile propaganda you learn from men's books. That makes you a man of men, NOT a man of God.
I have not studied any "man's" book, only Scripture. I do look, once in a while, to see what other men have said about a particular passage, to see if their understanding is similar to mine, but I first listen to God's Spirit within me before I look to see what other men say.

No, Saul (who changed his own name to Paul) did not spend 17 years studying the Scripture on his own. He was taught by Jesus (in the Spirit) while he spent three years in Arabia. After that, he began teaching and ministering, first to Jews in synagogues, and then to Gentiles who were not coming to the synagogues (not proselytes).

You can keep believing that the only people who can be saved (in covenant with God) are the Jews, but you will continue to be wrong until you accept what Scripture says very clearly. I am done here.
I have not studied any "man's" book, only Scripture. I do look, once in a while, to see what other men have said about a particular passage, to see if their understanding is similar to mine, but I first listen to God's Spirit within me before I look to see what other men say.
IF you knew Scripture, you'd recognize my posting of Scripture outright or my comments paraphrased from Scripture, but you don't. I don't "do" man's books either. I've put away childish things when I became a man and learned how to study the Word of God under the anointing and in accordance with my gifts and call. But I can see you have it backwards. Listening to God's Spirit within you is dangerous because IF you do not know God's Presence from your own spirit you'll end up with false understanding. The Word of God comes FIRST. The Comforter glorifies Christ and Christ is the Word of God (Heb. 1:1.) You should have said you listen to the Word of God and IF you have the Holy Spirit dwelling within you THEN He will glorify the Word of God you're supposedly say you're reading. You have it backwards and I think you've unknowingly revealed where you get your understanding of spiritual things and natural: YOURSELF.
No, Saul (who changed his own name to Paul) did not spend 17 years studying the Scripture on his own. He was taught by Jesus (in the Spirit) while he spent three years in Arabia. After that, he began teaching and ministering, first to Jews in synagogues, and then to Gentiles who were not coming to the synagogues (not proselytes).
Let me guess. You're talking about the "revelations" he said he was taught, right? Galatians 1:11-12?
Whatever revelations God gave Saul are directly tied to his study of the Scripture copies he had. The Lord does the same thing with any obedient servant of God. I can say the same thing as Saul in that what I was taught (of Scripture) was not of any man but the revelation of Jesus Christ Himself through His Holy Spirit. You actually think Christ sat with Saul time after time and actually through person to person contact taught Saul what he knows? NOW I know how your mind works. You elevate Saul more highly than you ought (Rom. 12:3), and yourself in your statement that you "listen to God's Spirit within [me]." Saul was a Pharisee. He had daily access to the Scriptures, and he studied those Scriptures. But he did it with an understanding of the letter of the Law which is why he became a "blasphemer, injurious, and a murderer" because he did it in ignorance. BUT once the Holy Spirit indwelt him and illuminated the Word of God in his soul THEN he understood the spirit of the Law. BUT because of this "new thing" God was doing he did what we do today and that is study the Law, Psalms, and the Prophets (Hebrew Scriptures) to understand not just the New Covenant (which didn't include Gentiles) but ALL the covenants God made with Israel to understand the effect of their Messiah's arrival had on their covenants - which was a new revelation in and of itself. THEN, he had to study the Hebrew Scriptures to understand what a "Holy Spirit of Promise" was, and he found out. He was a Person. And this Person is who indwelt him and knocked him off his high horse on the road to Damascus.
And I'll give you that are correct. Saul, when he visited any city where there were Jewish Christians, he went into the synagogues FIRST and fellowshipped with Jewish Christians in the synagogue and these included circumcised Gentile proselytes AND God-Fearers, NOT hard-core, uncircumcised, non-covenant common, run-of-the-mill Gentiles. Except for Timothy ALL the New Covenant writings of Saul, Matthew, James, John, Peter, etc., were written by Jewish Christians TO and FOR other Jewish Christians in their respective cities, towns, and homes. It was AFTER the first persecution and split with the Judaizers when Jewish Christians then excommunicated from their synagogues began to gather and fellowship and worship in their homes. The beginning of home bible studies.
Everything that happened at Pentecost and after happened TO THE JEWS and for the next four decades Christianity was ONLY Jewish. 18 years after Pentecost and at the Jerusalem Council (A.D. 50) it was chaired and populated and officiated by Jews - NO GENTILES. You have a great deal to learn, youngster. Let me guess. You been "born-again" for what? About a year? Everything I read of yours is infected with a Gentile bias and mindset. You DON'T KNOW how to study the Jewish Scriptures with a Jewish mindset because you are Gentile through and through and THINK that God after spending 4000 years dealing with His Chosen people beginning with Abraham, even sending His very own Son to die for Israel according to the Scriptures that His first words at the beginning of the Jewish New Covenant era is to Gentiles? What a laugh. YOU NEED to be discipled, youngster. Find a teacher and live with him the way Jesus taught it and be discipled. But you won't because that kind of Biblical discipleship doesn't happen in today's Gentile fellowships. They think a one-week convention or mid-week bible studies on Wednesday nights is discipleship. What a joke!
You can keep believing that the only people who can be saved (in covenant with God) are the Jews,
All three salvic covenants God made with Abraham and his seed (Mosaic, New) were made with HEBREWS. In other words, it's in the Scripture. God made covenant with the House of Israel NOT the house of Gentiles.
but you will continue to be wrong until you accept what Scripture says very clearly. I am done here.
Goodbye, youngster. Don't let your laptop screen injure you on the way OUT!
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