God made covenant with the House of Israel. Last I checked the House of Israel are Jews. THEY are awaiting THEIR Messiah not a Gentile one.
Yes, most of them are still awaiting Him. But they have missed Him, and so He has been taken away from them and given to others who will accept Him (Matt 21:43). And as I have said before, anyone who accepts Christ and becomes obedient to Him is grafted into the tree that is Israel, and thereby becomes part of Israel (Gal 3:29).
No, you wouldn't.
The practice of people here is not to receive the truth of Scripture but to present THEIR flawed understanding of that same Scripture. And the Gentile theology is flawed.
Ask a question you don't know the answer and I'll give you the Scripture to answer it.
You'll reject it.
I have changed my opinion many times when I was shown in Scripture that my opinion contradicted the Scriptures. Have you? I have shown you many places in Scripture where it says that Gentiles are made equal heirs with all those who believe in Jesus. But have you repented and believed the testimony of Scripture? No, you have doubled down on your claim that these were proselytes who were circumcised and following the Jewish Law. But when I show you that they were not circumcised and were told that they did not need to obey the Jewish Law, you ignore the Scriptures and continue in your deluded belief.
You're not realizing every year the high priest performed your so call "Blood" covenant and sprinkled the children of Israel every year. God killed a lamb in the garden of Eden. More blood. Open your eyes.
God made covenant with a Hebrew (Abram Gen. 14:13) and HIS SEED, and God made covenant through Moses with Abraham's seed, and the New Covenant in Jeremiah 31 is with the House of Israel - NO GENTILES.
Yes, the high priest performed those sacrifices every year. But we have a greater High Priest, who brought a greater sacrifice, and with one sacrifice for all time has expiated all sin for all people who will come to Him and make Him their Lord. All people, not just the Jews, have been invited in, as I have shown you before.
The "co-heirs" were Gentile proselytes. They are the "WILD" Olive tree grafted into the natural Olive tree. That's how the Jews then and today receive it.
And the Jews then and today are wrong. I know many Jews personally who believe as you do, and I know many Jews who are Messianic, who believe the truth that I have been trying to help you see from Scripture. It is not just the proselytes that are being brought into the New Covenant, but all people who will accept Jesus as Lord.
So, you don't have to "have no other gods before him?"
Yeah, right.
That command has been restated in the New Covenant (Matt 4:10, 1 Tim 2:5, 1 Cor 8:4, Matt 22:37-40), and so it is still something God demands of us.
According to the New Covenant terms which state God makes covenant with the House of Israel and Judah - Hebrews. NOT GENTILES. God made NO COVENANT with Gentiles.
You're listening to Gentile propaganda. If you're a Christian you are obligated to accept the Word of God as written, don't change a thing, don't add to it, don't subtract from it, but you do all those things.
When the two JEWISH witnesses, the two Tabernacle candlesticks arrive they will set ALL YOUR GENTILES STRAIGHT!
But you won't like it and will join them against Israel because God says in Zechariah He will gather ALL NATIONS against Israel, but Christ Himself will return and kill every one of "you" with the breath of His mouth.
LOL, I am part of Israel, because I have confessed Jesus as my LORD, and I have been baptized in His blood. I am pure, holy, and righteous in His sight, because I walk in the Light, and have fellowship with Him and His Church. You are reading into the OT Scriptures what you want to find, and are ignoring what God says in His New Covenant. When Christ Jesus comes again, I will be standing on the front lines with the rest of Israel against the NATIONS who do not believe in Jesus the Messiah.
Look at the terminology of Revelation. It talks about candlesticks from the Hebrew Tabernacle, it talks about Temples and high priests and other things JEWISH.
You have been infected by Gentile propaganda. Open your eyes!
Yes, Revelation talks about those things, because those things in the Temple in Jerusalem were a reflection, a shadow, of the real things in Heaven. And most of Revelation takes place in Heaven. John was seeing the real things, not the shadows, and he told us as much as we can understand about what God revealed to him. But he also reveals that there will be many in Heaven from all the Nations (Gentiles) who worship God and who are brought into God's family and given rest (Rev 7:9-17). Revelation is not about Jews, but about the fact that God wins the war, and all those (Jew and Gentile alike) who are on His side will win with Him.
The New Covenant writings of Matthew, James, John, Peter, Saul were written by these Jewish Christians and others TO and FOR other Jewish Christians and they discuss the result and effect their Messiah had on their Abrahamic and Mosaic Covenants. And why not? With the advent of their Messiah and Holy Spirit they had to have TIME to search their Scriptures to understand this "New Thing" God was doing in the earth and WITH HIS chosen people Israel.
Israel is His Bride.
Israel is His Church.
And after God removes their blindness THEN Christ will continue to build His Church as He promised.
Salvation is OF THE JEWS.
Receive or reject. There is no medium.
Israel is not the Church, the Church is Israel, big and very important difference. All those, Gentile and Jew alike, who are part of the Church are part of Israel.
Salvation is from the Jews, but not only for the Jews.
And Christ has continued to build His Church even while the Jews have blinded themselves to their Messiah. He is there waiting on them to open their eyes, and He will draw them back into Israel, but until they come to Jesus and accept Him as their Messiah, the Jews are not part of Israel (no matter who their daddy is).
Which reminds me, you still have not told me from which tribe you descend. In Jesus' time, anyone could recite his lineage back to Adam. But it seems that you cannot. What is your lineage? From which tribe do you descend? If you can't tell us, then maybe you aren't really a Jew, and aren't part of the Israel you claim. Please, I am really curious to know if you can trace your lineage back to Abraham.