I think a regenerated individual will not stop actually believing in his salvation.
Jesus had something to say about that. About people that followed him for a while and then turned back to their old life. They were never really born again.
One part of Matthew 7:21-23 That sticks out to me is "I never knew you". They just couldn't seem to get through that narrow gate.
"One part of Matthew 7:21-23 That sticks out to me is "I never knew you". They just couldn't seem to get through that narrow gate."
Yes, there are
two very different ways that people perceive
Luke 13:24 -- "Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able."...and it's critically important that we gain a proper perspective of it.
The big question here is, "who are you trusting in to save you?" Have you trusted in Christ to save you, or is your entry in Heaven depended upon your (past, present, or future) behavior or performance? My friend, it doesn't get any more important than this, we simply cannot afford to get this one wrong.
Those who are depending upon their performance to "compliment" or 'complete" Christ's finished work on the cross (in some manner, in one degree or another) will never gain full assurance that their sins were all washed away, and that they will receive a Heavenly inheritance. This "PBA" mindset ("performance based acceptance" before God) is what prevents multitudes from entering the narrow gate, and explains why Jesus said the path to destruction is so very wide. It lies at the heart of the deceived masses of humanity.
Matthew 7:13,"“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it."
1 Corinthians 6:11 we are told, "And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.".... All those who have been justified (past tense) are also clearly said to have been sanctified (past tense)....then,
Hebrews 10:14 we are told, "For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified."...those who are in the process of sanctification are said to be perfected
forever! ... this truth in itself should put to rest the entire debate over the issue of the eternal security of the believer.
Those who have not yet entered into the strait or narrow gate (through faith in the atoning work of Christ and the imputed righteousness of Christ on their behalf) are
yet seeking for salvation (as their absence of full assurance inwardly testifies to them). Those who have placed their full confidence in Christ's atonement have
already entered in through that narrow gate, they have (past tense) obtained eternal life.
So yes, there is a sense in which we are exhorted to "strive" to enter in, but the meaning is quite the opposite of what most people believe. The true sense of "striving" brings with it the sense of searching out the scriptures for ourselves for the truth, so that we can discover the method or means in which we can be justified or accepted before God. Think about it, what is the grand distinction between the true Christian faith and all of the rest of the world's major religions?.. all of them, in some form or another, are seeking acceptance before the One True God through their (self-righteous) performance, and deny the scriptural truth that trusting in Christ's atoning work is the only "work" required for justification or acceptance before Him....this is the common denominator in all of them!
Many have a difficult time accepting this ultimate reality of the grace of God. They wrongly suppose that once a sinner accepts the free gift of eternal life and are guaranteed a future entrance into Heaven, they then believe that they have received a free pass or license to sin. This is a total misunderstanding of the nature of grace, and what develops in the constitution of the sinner's mindset subsequent to their new birth. After regeneration they are in no sense whatsoever striving to gain or "maintain" acceptance before God; but instead, by virtue of their new nature, they will desire to please their Heavenly Father.
The Apostle Paul knew full well the problems that would exist, that is, the denials , and misunderstandings that would exist concerning the true nature of the amazing grace of God, and addressed it in the book of Romans...
Romans 6:1-2,"What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it?
That is to say, all those who truly have experienced the new birth will not continue to practice sin in thought and deed as they priorly did, but will possess an inward desire and ability to depart from it's practice.
1 John 3:9,"Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God." (see my post #61 - July 27th - page 4) - those who have truly experienced new birth will not habitually, deliberately, and characteristically practice sin.
This reality was made actual through the Holy Spirit's agency when He implanted a new heart in the believer (and thereby became a new creation).
2 Corinthians 5:17-21,"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new."
The necessary conditions/requirements/fruits/works mentioned throughout scripture will be manifested and produced in all true believers by virtue of the Holy Spirit's indwelling presence. They will exist as the inevitable by-product of the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit and the new nature/heart miraculously delivered at the new birth (
John 3:3-8;
Titus 3:5). (see my post # 62 - Aug.14 -page 4).
There are many who would like to label this great gospel truth, the claim that eternal life is forever secured for a person when they place their full confidence in Christ's substitutionary work on the cross on their behalf, as "easy believeism". My question to them is, "If it's so easy to believe, then why do so very few truly believe it?"