The logic of this devotion makes sure of my eternal security. I'm valuable to God. Jesus shed his blood for me.
Promise #289:
If I look after the sparrows, I will certainly look after you.
Luke 12:6-7 (WEB)
6 “Aren’t five sparrows sold for two assaria coins? Not one of them is forgotten by God.
7 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Therefore don’t be afraid.
You are of more value than many sparrows.
I love this passage of Scripture where Jesus tells us how important the sparrows are to God. Even though they do not have much value to us, He will not even forget one of them. In
Matthew 10:29 Jesus tells us that not even one of them will fall to the ground apart from His Father's will. This is the value He places on a single bird!
But then Jesus goes on to tell us that we have a value to God worth more than many sparrows! So if God looks after and watches over these little birds, how much more will He watch over us? Our value to God far exceeds the birds of the air who neither sow or reap or store into barns (
Matthew 6:25-34).
The next time you are feeling anxious about the future, just take a moment and look at a bird, or a squirrel, or a tree for that matter. God provides for all that He created because that is simply what good fathers do. If He looks after even the most insignificant of His creation, will He not also look after you?
Father Heart Communications
We find Matthew's account of Luke 12:6-7 in Matthew 10:26-27. From the context, Christ is speaking to His Apostles (Mt 10:1-4) INCLUDING JUDAS giving them what is sometimes called the limited commission.
In this context we find Judas was:
--given power
against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease, v1
--given miraculous gifts -- Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give, v8
--called a SHEEP in this midst of wolves, Judas was not a wolf himself, v16
--given inspiration by the Holy Spirit as to what he would speak, vs 19, 20
--would be saved if he endureth to the end, v22
--God is called the Father of Judas, vs 20, 29.
--receiving Judas was the same as receiving Jesus, v40.
NOTHING anywhere remotely indicates that Judas was "always lost, never saved" but rather that Judas was in a saved position from which he fell by transgression. Lk 6:13 Judas was a disciple of Christ, a possession of Christ, Judas was of "His (possessive pronoun) disciples". Judas was given to Christ by God and had the gift of eternal life (Jn 17:2,6), Judas was kept by Christ but BECAME lost (v12).
If I gave you 12 different colored pencils to keep and later you come back to me saying here are all the colored pencils except for the red one that was lost, you could not say that unless you were first given and kept the red one....see v12.