ptolemy ii viewed himself as a god. All his statuary is greek. All the pomp and imagery at his coronation was Greek, and pagan. the cost of that one (coronation) event was more than the total worth of the richest man on earth today... in gold coin. the same man built the library in which he wanted to place a copy of hebrew 'scripture.' To fit his own view, which was not christian. He had the men who would translate vetted, ending of course with those sympathetic to his views. And they proceeded to write down a version of what God said. This was the septuagint. It was not what God said.
Our Lord never mentioned the septuagint, which should show us what he thought of it. He always quoted the scriptures written
by Hebrew prophets, written
to the Jews in their own language. A number of times during His earthly ministry, Jesus responded to questions with, “It is written…” (7 times in Matthew, 4 times in Mark, 5 times in Luke, 1 time in John). In the Bible, we also read of many time when Jesus quoted the truths of God from the
Hebrew Scriptures~many, many times.
Later came the kjv. James - an occultist as were newton, kant, descartes and many others (not in historical order) - hired magician and occultist John Dee to oversee the work. To this day the new age adores john Dee as a sorcerer and 'science' gives him accolades and celebrates him. Much of this project involvement is scrubbed from the net but available to research at university libraries. This first edition of the kjv is filled with masonic symbolism and continues the sorcery of the septuagint. To see but one example of the continuity of these texts, affecting every modern bible, here.
John Dee died before the work was even started if I'm correct, or at least died while it was being translated. Besides the first English Bible was done in
1382~The Bible
in its entirety was translated into English, with John Wycliffe's translation in
1382..200 plus years earlier. Also, who cares how we got the scriptures, God is able to protect his word for his children just as he first gave it to Moses, no problem~he has used unregenerate men in the past to do his will, there are many examples in the scriptures concerning this~ Also, please consider:
Proving the King James Version Where is scripture in 2023? We must have God's words for our faith and practice. Are they in paraphrases or the Pope's library? Do we pick and choose from the Babel of competing versions? God promised to preserve His words, and He gave rules to identify them, so
As to early theology, it was enthralled in the medieval period with greek philosophy (which IS greek theology) and this philosophy was viewed as science, a classical education. Newtons laws are straight out of plato. Jerome writing letters to greeks for understanding, Augustine converts to christianity because it accepts greek knowledge. Augustine's trinitate (on the trinity) text is a text of aristotelian and platonic substance theory, Augustine's genesis writings are a horror, and yet, he is elevated and makes many decisions on canon. The protestant reformation fails to examine this. Much of Augustine's theology remains in place. The reformation failed. Aquinas' summa later on: a treatise of greek theology marked as christianity, using greek exegetical method and logical structures and greek concerns as its truth by which to discuss christianity, all in response to averroes, an islamic aristotelian scholar whose theological acumen Aquinas admired.
You may very well be correct concerning Newton whom I do not accept as a true bible believer based upon what little I know of him, even though many do.
Augustine I do accept as a true man of man, mostly based upon his work later in his life, not at the beginning. Near the end of his life, Augustine of Hippo meticulously reviewed everything he had ever published. He wrote an entire catalogue of his own works, a painstakingly annotated bibliography with
hundreds of revisions and amendments to correct flaws he saw in his own earlier material. The book, titled
Retractationes, is powerful evidence of Augustine's humility and zeal for truth. Not one of his earlier publications escaped the more mature theologian's scrutiny. And Augustine was as bold in recanting the errors he perceived in his own work as he had been in refuting the heresies of his theological adversaries. Because he reviewed his works in chronological order,
Retractationes is a wonderful memoir of Augustine's relentless, lifelong pursuit of spiritual maturity and theological precision. His forthrightness in addressing his own shortcomings is a good example of why Augustine is esteemed as a rare model of both godliness and scholarship.
I base my feelings toward him on his understanding of the scriptures~his work on Revelation 20 was way ahead of his time, a view still embraced by many of God's children including myself, I found his work after I came to the knowledge of the truth on this subject.
Augustine's genesis writings are a horror~Eve, so would some of mine concerning the book of Revelation, when I first started out fifty years ago, that I was taught by the premill followers~much like watching to a science fiction movie! Christians do get converted just as I did about three years after coming to Christ (and still am btw) Conversion is a life long cycle which most all of God children go through.
I'm just cliff noting. It's a bit much information and I do not know the extent of your desire to study it. But this gives a very rough sketch of the evil done to keep His sons today from understanding what He said!!
Eve, *I'm not going to waste precious time studying things that do not profit, the scriptures have too many truths within them to learn, and we will never be converted to the extent we could be, if we follow the philosophy of the world in seeking after their foolish wisdom.
Colossians 2:8
“Beware lest any man
spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and
not after Christ.”
Now that's one person I would never even consider trusting! A profess infidel! His works have been almost put on par with God's words and has been used t
o support one of the most wicked doctrines being taught today................ the 70 A.D. theory
as a fulfillment of bible prophecy.
Eve, thank you for your time, time is precious. RB