Synergy, it would be impossible not to talk about doctrine justification, since it is the central theme of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
All religions in Mystery Babylon preach on Justification, from the Pope to the unknown preacher in the backwoods of all counties.
What does that prove as far as knowing the truth on this subject? Nothing, other than they all think they know the truth~I've listen to men like Jimmy Swaggart, who has worked to reinvent himself, and in his mind, he has succeeded; to Kenneth Copeland, poor guy, not sure where his next meal is coming from; to just about every main preachers in the last fifty years, plus, and found very few who have the
slightest understanding on this subject. There are a few, but they are unknown, God's misfits, hated by the world, both religionist and non-religious.
exactly what all of those mentioned above "
just talk about" ~ they know
nothing of the truth of
free justification through the obedience and faith
of Jesus Christ. You truly skipped the most important starting point on Justification and went straight to the conclusion, so bear with me, for I want to post the truth only one time and be
as thorough as I possible can be with the fewest words being used.
All seven verses you posting above, most all of them used justified
in different senses, only one used in a legal sense, if one uses the KJV~Galatians 2:16, for your version perverts its God given teaching. Later on this point.
You truly need to go back to where Paul started, instead of using his conclusion of his teaching concerning justification.
Start here, and
then read the conclusion in verse 28!
Only then will one truly understand the truth concerning free justification through Jesus' life of faith and obedience as the means of God being Just and the justifier of sinners. The righteousness of God is without the law, meaning any law that said
"this DO and live, sin and die" ~God's righteousness is witnessed by the law and the prophets; which reveals to us that it is by
the faith of Jesus Christ, which faith caused him to live in perfect obedience to the law of God,
as the surety for God's elect. God can freely justify by grace through the redemption provided by Christ. Those whom God freely justify are known
by their faith,
the system which God chose to reveal free justification to those for whom Christ lived and died for as their surety.
Now the conclusion is found in verse 28 of Romans three~
3:28 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.
Therefore we conclude.
Truth lovers appreciate conclusions, for we come to resting places regarding doctrine. A
therefore usually indicates a conclusion, but Paul by the Spirit expressly declared it. Paul proved already that a system of conditional justification, especially one based on the Jewish system of Moses’ law, cannot possibly be true or ever succeed (1:18 – 3:20). Paul defined the true doctrine based on God’s free grace and Christ’s work (3:21-26).
Paul assumed here and shortly that the Jews understood that boasting condemned any system, as he has just argued in 3:27 (4:2;
Is 10:15;
Jer 9:23-24). Paul’s conclusion is based on at least three general groups of evidence for grace by faith.
- Mankind is guilty and condemned, regardless of the law in any sense (1:18 – 3:20).
- Justification is based on God’s grace in Jesus Christ’s redemptive work (3:21-26).
- Boasting cannot be included at all, as Paul has and will argue (3:27; 4:2).
That a man is justified by faith.
The faith here is our faith, as assumed in 3:22 and 3:26 and pursued from here on, the evidence of justification and the initial event bringing God’s declaration of righteousness.
The words by faith cannot mean a condition, instrument, or means for election in eternity … or a synergistic participation in Jesus Christ’s legal work on the cross and in heaven … or a decisional act of cooperation in one’s quickening and regeneration from death …… but rather the identifying evidence that lays claim to justification for our assurance.
Why did Paul not constantly contrast the works of the law to
justification by grace, instead of
justification by faith? Because the crucial issue with Jewish legalists was the identifying evidence and personal assurance of justification against their nationalistic confidence in their relation to Abraham, their confidence in the Law, etc. Why did Paul not teach here that faith without works is dead? Because it would have diluted his argument and confused his hearers susceptible to Jewish legalism, so it is taught elsewhere in this epistle and in other epistles (Rom 6-8,12-16;
James 2:14-26; etc.). Though justification in several phases is entirely by grace irrespective of faith, yet justification is declared, identified, and proven to be upon men with faith, as Abraham illustrates in chapter four, confirmed by works (
James 2:14-26;
Ist Thess 1:2-4; etc.).
Without the deeds of the law.
There can be no combination of grace and works of Moses’ law, otherwise both are corrupted and perverted, for their very definitions are mutually exclusive (11:6). There can be no combination of grace and works, otherwise Christ’s works are made of none effect and the heretical compromiser falls from the truth of grace (
Gal 5:1-4).