Why The Trinity is Wrong: Language Usage

He doesn’t believe the Son of God is a Divine name/ title for Christ like Trinitarians who believe God the Son and Son of God are synonyms
Well, God is a jealous God and Scripture commands religious worship be given the Son.
Only God can give life.
Only God can raise the dead or open the eyes of the blind.
If he doesn't want to believe in the Trinity as revealed in Scripture, then this impacts his so-called relationship with God.
That's why I asked if he was a true born of God Christian. If God has truly revealed Himself and he rejects that revelation of three Persons, one God then it wasn't God who revealed Himself. It can't be a relationship unless I know the person. At least, it won't be intimate, and the only kind of relationships God has with men are intimate.
And one cannot have a relationship based on a lie.
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This is how language works. “God” in his singular, unitarian nature is the subject of John 3:16, doing the acting. Jesus is the object of the sentence, being acted upon. And this leads us to Jesus’ title. Messiah, which means Christ, which means Anointed. Jesus is the object of the Anointing. God, in his singular, unitarian nature, does the Anointing; Jesus is Anointed by God.

Going back to the confusing subterfuge trinitarians like to leverage AS IF “the Father” is anyone other than the only true God of Scripture; The Bible repeatedly and explicitly states ‘God the Father.’ Not one time is “God, the Holy Spirit” or “God, the Son” stated in Scripture. The absence of such explicit teaching in Scripture proves it’s a non-trinitarian story. See Mark 7:13 & 2 Cor 1:13 (NLT).

Agency. Much of the Bible is told through agency, one being/person doing things through another. Examples include both angels and God were speaking at the burning bush and the destroyer of Sodom and Gomorrah. God apparently delegated forgiving sins to Jesus, who in turn, delegated it to the Apostles. Forgiving sin is divine but does not make one a deity. Isaiah said ‘I am the first and the last’ as did Jesus. This is what prophets do, speak on behalf of God. It does not make them God. God’s agents are NOT God.

We speak this way today. People say Hitler killed 4M Jews. He actually killed no one. So, we credit/blame the commander for the actions of those he commands. None of those who killed on Hitler’s command are Hitler. Agency.
The first chapter of John, 1-5 contradicts you. And God did not apparantly delegate forgving sins to Jesus. He really did forgive sins. Jesus did not apparantly heal either. He really did heal people. He confirmed His right to forgive by healing the sinner as well, a direct reference to psalm 103.

You misunderstand the authority that believers have to forgive. It is not to forgive sin itself, that is obvious from the rest of the NT. I will explain. Sin has consequences even when sin is forgiven. If my son borrowed my car and was caught drunk driving, I would forgive him. I have no choice. However, sin is a debt he owes God, not me. What I may do is refuse to lend him my car again. So he suffers the consequences of his offence. However, I may eventually relent and allow him the keys to the car. That is the authority to forgive that Jesus gives us, not the debt that sinners owe God. An example of this is the immoral brother at Corinth. Paul advised the church to restore the repentant sinner. He was forgiven by God but then he needed to be forgiven by the church.
Exactly what Scripture explicitly says;
Jesus explicitly called himself the "I Am" of the OT who existed even before Abraham existed (John 8:58).
Thomas explicitly called Jesus "My Lord and My God!" (John 20:28) and Jesus accepted that declaration.
That's exactly what the Scripture explicitly reveals.
a man who is anointed by God, the son of God, the liberating King, our lord and savior,
Only God has the power to save us from our sins. Therefore, since the Bible explicitly does declare that Jesus saves (Matt 1:21) then Jesus is God.
whose resurrecton are the 1st fruits and guarentee of our inheritenace.
Only God can defang Hades. Jesus explicitly did just that by His Resurrection which proves that He is God.

That's 3 explicit proofs that Jesus is God (God the Son to be more exact) just from what you said.
The more you talk about the Biblical Jesus, the more you reveal His Divinity.
Exactly what Scripture explicitly says; a man who is anointed by God, the son of God, the liberating King, our lord and savior, whose resurrecton are the 1st fruits and guarentee of our inheritenace.
Jesus was born of a human woman and the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit said the child would be holy.
How do you account for the child to be holy and without sin? Sinlessness is the Nature of God.

Only God can raise the dead, right?
The Scripture says Jesus raised Himself from the dead.

And God ordained that all living 'creatures' (including mankind) have offspring "after their kind." If the Holy Spirit is involved in Jesus' birth, and Scripture declares Him the Son of God, then Jesus' birth was "after 'their' kind" meaning since the holy Spirit is God then the child is God and sinless (holy.)

Why do you refuse to understand this reasonable outcome for a denial of Jesus' Deity.
God commanded all the angels shall worship Him. God would not command anyone to receive worship except Himself. God is a jealous God and your denial of the Son of God as God doesn't change who Jesus is. Millions of unbelievers mentally assent that Jesus is God but you a professed believer reject this.

So, tell me, why?
John 20:31

The Son of God (John 20:31) is "my God" (John 20:28).

Robert Reymond: If John here intended something other than or less than an ascription of full deity to Jesus by the title "Son of God," one can only impute unforgivable ineptitude to him for bringing this lesser title into such close proximity to Thomas's confession of Jesus' unabridged deity. Clearly, the only adequate explanation for the near juxtaposition of the two titles is that, while "Son of God" distinguishes Jesus as Son from the Father, it does not distinguish Him as God from God the Father. To be the Son of God in the sense John intended it of Jesus is just to be God the Son (Jesus, Divine Messiah, page 214).
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it does not distinguish Him as God from God the Father. To be the Son of God in the sense John intended it of Jesus is just to be God the Son (Jesus, Divine Messiah, page 214).
so, the term "GOD" applies to the PERSON, Correct, no matter if it's the Father or the Son/ may 101G ask you this, the Son is God, and the Father is God but they are different or separate persons. let's see,
Hebrews 1:8 "But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom." Hebrews 1:9 "Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows." Hebrews 1:10 "And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands:"

so, the "Lord", the Son Laid the Foundation of the Earth correct. ok GOOD, now this,

Isaiah 48:12 "Hearken unto me, O Jacob and Israel, my called; I am he; I am the first, I also am the last." Isaiah 48:13 "Mine hand also hath laid the foundation of the earth, and my right hand hath spanned the heavens: when I call unto them, they stand up together."

so the First and the Last laid the Foundation of the Earth and spanned the Heavens, ... but is not the "LORD", all caps the First and the Last as Isaiah 48:12 states, and is not the Lord Jesus the First and the Last as Revelation 1:8 and 1:17 and 18 states?

was any of these other associates crucified? for the term "Smite" in Zechariah 13:7 is,
H5221 נָכָה nakah (naw-kaw') v.
to strike.
{lightly or severely, literally or figuratively}
[a primitive root]
KJV: beat, cast forth, clap, give (wounds), X go forward, X indeed, kill, make (slaughter), murderer, punish, slaughter, slay(-er, -ing), smite(-r, -ing), strike, be stricken, (give) stripes, X surely, wound.

and another word that is synonyms with "Smite" when used as a verb, "To cause (someone) pain, suffering or distress" is crucify, which can be found here at, https://www.wordhippo.com/what-is/another-word-for/smite.html#C0-1

and this MAN who is God's associate or Fellow is "ANOTHER" of God as a man.
Fellow, H5997 עָמִית `amiyth (aw-meeth') n-m.
1. companionship.
2. (hence, concretely) a comrade or kindred man.
[from a primitive root meaning to associate]
KJV: another, fellow, neighbour.

and this KINDRED MAN is he NOT "GOD?"... let's see. Revelation 22:16 "I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star."
is not Jesus God?
Offspring: G1085 γένος genos (ǰe'-nos) n.
{abstract or concrete, literal or figurative, individual or collective}
[from G1096]
KJV: born, country(-man), diversity, generation, kind(-red), nation, offspring, stock

Kin, or Kindred is the same as kindred man in Zechariah 13:7 ..... (smile)..... caught.

the same PERSON, who is GOD.

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