Why The Trinity Is Wrong: Theology

Angels only worship God their Creator.
Another Appeal to Diversion. This thread is about how the trinity is wrong because if the theology of the lamb must die, which proves he cannot be God as God cannot die.

Another back door attempt to rationalize violating the 1C.
Another Appeal to Diversion. This thread is about how the trinity is wrong because if the theology of the lamb must die, which proves he cannot be God as God cannot die.

Another back door attempt to rationalize violating the 1C.

If God didn't die, then you are still yet in your sins.

It is the quality of Divinity in Christ Jesus that made Him an acceptable sacrifice. Which is what you don't understand about the teaching of the Hypostatic Union.
Another Appeal to Diversion. This thread is about how the trinity is wrong because if the theology of the lamb must die, which proves he cannot be God as God cannot die.

Another back door attempt to rationalize violating the 1C.
Should I start a separate thread where we can discuss this ?
I know you do. Provide Scripture that establishes this.
What Scripture verse says that angels don't worship people?

This is a great example of the double standard of trinitarians. You want others to prove stuff but don't expect the same for yourself. All of this is a diversion, a back door attempt to avoid the OP.
What Scripture verse says that angels don't worship people?

This is a great example of the double standard of trinitarians. You want others to prove stuff but don't expect the same for yourself. All of this is a diversion, a back door attempt to avoid the OP.

This is an "argument from silence". I asked you for a specific verse. I asked for the Scripture that establish your argument. You can provide a framework from the Scriptures that establishes your argument. Go for it. All you have above is an argument from silence.
This is an "argument from silence". I asked you for a specific verse.
No. 1st, you asked a baited question.

I did not answer the way you wanted.

So, now you are moving the goalposts. Why did you ask me if angels worship me? Another obvious backdoor attempt to violate the 1C.
No. 1st, you asked a baited question.


I did not answer the way you wanted.

You didn't answer. Of course I want you to answer. Not answering is certainly not what I wanted.

So, now you are moving the goalposts. Why did you ask me if angels worship me? Another obvious backdoor attempt to violate the 1C.

Nonsense. Not moving any goalpost. In the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, we appeal vast amount of Scriptures that established the teaching. By all means, provide a argument from ScriptureS.....
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