Why The Trinity is Wrong: Language Usage

OK. Say again what your rejection criteria is; what set of words disprove the trinity? (Don’t copy and paste. Thanks)

1. The Lord Jesus would not be proper recipient of prayer.

--The fact that the Lord Jesus is the proper recipient of prayer proves He is God.
Don't respond with a ridiculous post saying others are prayed to, because if anyone other than God is prayed to then it is prayer done IMPROPERLY.

2. Old Testament texts about YHWH are applied in reference to Jesus in the New Testament.
1. The Lord Jesus would not be proper recipient of prayer.

2. Old Testament texts about YHWH are applied in reference to Jesus in the New Testament.
Both already refuted multiple times. Your rejection criteria is Circular and hence, invalid. What is you valid rejection criteria? You got none.

That is, how can both 1 and 2 be true AND Jesus not be God? That is the rejection criteria I am asking.
That's just it.
There is no valid proof against it.

Your choice by denying Jesus is God is to have the Bible contradict itself.
No. You are setting up the contradictions. Others are prayed to. Doesn’t make them God.

Jesus is the prophesied Messiah. Doesn’t make him God.
You are not recognizing Jesus is not God and that is how they are ‘different’, modalism aside.

Said differently, moralism is just a form of mystical dualism - which I reject.
But there are many cults that deny His Humanity and many cults that deny His Deity.
And many cults that deny the Trinity of God expressed in Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Which one is you?
Or should I guess?
It'd be easier if you just told me which cult you belong to.
What makes Jesus not God is many things. In this thread, I've repeatedly demonstrated Language Usage. 'God gave Jesus' is not to be construed to mean that God gave himself.

Drops Mic

Thanks for refuting Modalsim, not Trinitatianism.

Pick up Bible.
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