I agree that not everyone has the eloquence and knowledge to lead a congregation.
It may not even take eloquence just obedience and commitment to God.
But that doesn't mean that everyone gets out of the way, sits back, and becomes passive.
God places everyone in the body of Christ.
Not everyone has the same ministry or gifts or temperament or talent (biblical talent) or personality or pound. But not everyone is called to preach. One must first be in a church fellowship that is Bible-base, exercises ALL the gifts of the Spirit, has apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers but not necessarily in number, seeks God and waits on their calling. But what is the teaching in churches today? It is that EVERYONE must preach the gospel, and this is error. We are not all the same part of the body. And until all these Biblical precepts are met, we are instructed to live our lives and not be a busy-body, and to always give an answer to those that ASK of the hope in us and if they are not asking then say nothing. Because for one thing the unsaved hate Christ, they neither come to himof their own volition nor do the seek Him. They love darkness and hate the light. So, when a Christian THINKS they are supposed to preach the gospel to the unsaved and God has not spoken to them to do so they are in effect mimicking and copying another brethren's ministry and not in their own and are doing damage to the body of Christ because unbelievers HATE when someone tries to tell them about "accepting Jesus into their heart" or that "God loves them" and all the other things that push them away and make us all look bad.
If you work in a firm or corporation and just hired to do a certain work you're not going to just up and start doing the job of the CEO of a president. You have to get the job first. And if you try to do that you'll get in the way in the least or get fired at the most.
But Christians think it's their mission to 'spread the gospel' all around and this is error.
I believe that God rewards those who energetically apply themselves to spread the kingdom of God.
God doesn't reward disobedience.
I am a big believer in a synergistic relationship with God.
Yes. But in the end, we must be obedient to God when He directs, instructs, and commands, and not everyone does that.
We stumble and fall many times but we brush ourselves off, learn, and do better next time. I am totally against a monergistic view of God.
It's a Master-servant relationship. There is a Head and then there are the body parts that are subservient to the Head and function as the Head commands. If not, then there's a sickness or a deformity in the body and this eventually harms the Head.
Disobedience accomplishes that.
And there's a great deal of disobedience in the body of Christ to the point that is we don't begin to become obedient to the truth of God and His Word and correct ourselves then when Christ returns His first duty will be to subdue His Church His unblushing bride.