Let me show the reader 3 verses that presents Jesus in a way that underpins the doctrine of the Trinity.
Look at :
John 1:10.. IN this verse, you find Incarnate JESUS as the creator of the WORLD..
So, where does this come from?
It comes from the fact that "God Spoke Creation into existence" and Pre-incarnate Jesus, was "the Word who was God".
So, notice that Speaking..... and Word.........are ONE..... and that is why John 1:10 and Colossians 1:16 present Jesus as the Creator.
Then, in Genesis 2, we find that God "breathed" into Adam, the living Spirit and Adam was made alive.
That Breath is the Holy Spirit,
Notice now .. John 20:22........"Jesus BREATHED on the Apostles and told them to receive you the HOLY Spirit".
See How GOD did the same with Adam, and JESUS who is God in the flesh, did the same to the Apostles ?
Reader, only GOD can give the Holy Spirit., and They did.
I never saw it that way. God breathed into Adam's nostrils "the breath of life". Genesis 2:7 The Holy Spirit does not enter a body through his nostrils. Genesis 2:7 Adam had his own spirit that God breathed into him, not the Holy Spirit. It DOES appear that Jesus imparted the Holy Spirit to His apostles, who already had their own spirit, in John.
Notice that Jesus did not FORCE the Holy Spirit on them, but commanded them to receive it. They had to be WILLING to receive it and obedient, which it appears that they were.
I know that all to well and was on vacations all the time for opposing calvinism. Now I can debate it until my hearts content.

without a vacation. rofl. I would even get banned for using a popcorn emoji, saying I'll get the popcorn ready.
I was banned for a week on the Bible Forum, for strongly defending the Deity of Christ against 2, sometimes 3 anti-Trinitarians. In fact that thread is still going today with 111,633 posts as of today. I started it over a year ago with the title "Jesus is God". One of the "Jesus is not God" guys in particular would constantly reject the plain and simple and oftentimes obvious meaning of any verse or passage that I brought up showing that Jesus is God. He would get out his microscope and pretend he was analyzing a particular word. Usually his analysis would be a mile long and he enjoyed using words that I had to look up in the dictionary, or quoting so-called Bible scholars, who I always found out after a little investigation were biased against the Trinity to begin with. I told him repeatedly that he had a knack for making the simple, complex and confusing. When he was done, his conclusion was often a self-righteous "it's obvious that most Bible scholars disagree with you and any reasonable, thinking Christian can see that you are wrong.", or something to that effect.
But whenever the back and forth got a little heated, the "Administrator" would jump in and immediately chastise me for not acting like a Christian, and accusing me of turning everything into an unChristian-like verbal attack. He said that I should be learn from my "opponent's" example of how to behave like a Christian. When I responded to him, saying that it was not true that my desire was to turn everything into a heated, verbal attack, he fired back, basically saying, "Are you calling me a liar?" He immediately threatened to block me from getting on the forum for a week, to see if maybe that would teach me a lesson, although he said he doubted that it would. Shortly after that, I was blocked for 7 days.
I felt like a little kid whose Dad had sent to his room, until he learned to behave properly. He had NO respect for me whatsoever. I couldn't even defend myself, saying that his accusations against me were just as offensive as what he accused me of. In other words, he was a hypocrite, doing the very thing that he accused me of. But that must have infuriated him, since he was incapable of doing any wrong, being the mature "Christian" that he was.
After a week, I was able to return, but it was walking on eggshells. Several months later, our posts once again were a little too strong for his liking, so out of nowhere, he interjects, basically starting where he left off, accusing me, attacking me, shaming me for pretending to be a Christian. I saw no escape from this guys obvious hateful bias against me. He was getting ready to "teach me another lesson" by blocking me again. I decided to go over his head and email the person who was the head over all that ministry, who I happen to know personally. I explained everything to him as honestly as I could. He said he would talk with the Administrator, and tell him NOT to block me, or to EVER block me again. WOW! Thank you Lord!
Give someone a little power - even a "mature" Christian, and it sometimes goes straight to their head.
Thank you guys, on this forum, for not being proud, arrogant, know-it-all administrators, and recognizing that all deserve respect, and maybe sometimes the decency of a gentle rebuke, and also knowing that you too are flesh and blood.