Why All Is Not Ordained

STRAWMAN ALERT! no one said He uses force or coercion.

You God wishes to save all but fails to do so. He tries hard but the almighty will of man wins out for most in the end. So much for "no one can stay His hand" right?
Are you saying it is not possible that God would leave the decision to believe up to man?
It is your decision. A decision determined by God.

Would you object if God determined you and your family to believe? If He did would you say no thanks.

There is no evidence for that and much contrary to it.

Would you object if he determined your family not to believe as your theology holds is the case with most

There is no evidence for that and much contrary to it.

Would you object if he determined your family not to believe as your theology holds is the case with most
Anyone with a moral compass would that’s for sure


Non-Calvinist: God's purposes cannot be thwarted, but some can. LOL
Of course you cut out qualifying statements that have been made about this to make people look stupid and laugh to add an extra touch of being condescending. .

You were told however THIS in post #150

Why can't you grasp a simple concept that purposes of a certain type nobody can go against but purposes of a different type they potentially could?

You were told as well in the same post #150 two illustrations where this clearly can be seen to be true. Sorry but you're obviously not interesting in responding with good sincere dialogue . To others you can see this issue was dealt with in post 150. Thanks.

Would you object if God determined you and your family to believe? If He did would you say no thanks.
If this one of your gotcha questions? Misses the mark by a mile though. Sure if this was the only way one's dear loved one would not be thrown into a fire why should you stop if from occuring? Such a loved one would be in a state of absolute desperation! Such wouldn't mean however that one would appreciate the character of the one who did this considering them to be a fair, kind and a gracious entity.
If this one of your gotcha questions? Misses the mark by a mile though. Sure if this was the only way one's dear loved one would not be thrown into a fire why should you stop if from occuring? Such a loved one would be in a state of absolute desperation! Such wouldn't mean however that one would appreciate the character of the one who did this considering them to be a fair, kind and a gracious entity.
its works as good on us as it did on the pharisees with Jesus. :)

Would you object if God determined you and your family to believe? If He did would you say no thanks.
Sorry but this kind of comment also leaves one with a sense you better just be thankful for what you've got and forget about any proper sense of what justice and love are all about.
Sorry but this kind of comment also leaves one with a sense you better just be thankful for what you've got and forget about any proper sense of what justice and love are all about.
It was not a comment, it was a question. See the question mark?👈
Of course you cut out qualifying statements that have been made about this to make people look stupid and laugh to add an extra touch of being condescending. .

You were told however THIS in post #150

Why can't you grasp a simple concept that purposes of a certain type nobody can go against but purposes of a different type they potentially could?

You were told as well in the same post #150 two illustrations where this clearly can be seen to be true. Sorry but you're obviously not interesting in responding with good sincere dialogue . To others you can see this issue was dealt with in post 150. Thanks.
Notice my claim goes unaddressed. This is exactly what they are selling.

Provisionist: God's purposes can not be thwarted, but some can.

There is no evidence for that and much contrary to it.

Would you object if he determined your family not to believe as your theology holds is the case with most

Where does my theology teach most of my family was determined not to believe?
Sorry but this kind of comment also leaves one with a sense you better just be thankful for what you've got and forget about any proper sense of what justice and love are all about.
Amen it makes God immoral , unjust and outright a monster, in fact evil. It’s an assault on our God who wishes / desires / not willing( not His will ) that anyone perishes but that everyone/ all come to repentance and be saved. This is our long suffering and patient God. The gospel is good news for every single person not just some elect predetermined group.
This is exactly what they are selling.

Provisionist: God's purposes can not be thwarted, but some can.
No it's not. You willingly are leaving out qualifying statements I made back in post 150.

Why can't you grasp a simple concept that purposes of a certain type nobody can go against but purposes of a different type they potentially could?

Your cute little gotcha statement God's purposes can not be thwarted but some can and you leave out how that's meant to be understood is being purposely misleading. You make it seem like I said purposes of a certain type cannot be thwarted but some of that type can. So sorry but you're being disengeious.
No it's not. You willingly are leaving out qualifying statements I made back in post 150.

Why can't you grasp a simple concept that purposes of a certain type nobody can go against but purposes of a different type they potentially could?

Your cute little gotcha statement God's purposes can not be thwarted but some can and you leave out how that's meant to be understood is being purposely misleading. You make it seem like I said purposes of a certain type cannot be thwarted but some of that type can. So sorry but you're being disengeious.
No it's not. You willingly are leaving out qualifying statements I made back in post 150.

Why can't you grasp a simple concept that purposes of a certain type nobody can go against but purposes of a different type they potentially could?

Your cute little gotcha statement God's purposes can not be thwarted but some can and you leave out how that's meant to be understood is being purposely misleading. You make it seem like I said purposes of a certain type cannot be thwarted but some of that type can. So sorry but you're being disengeious.
And there are 100’s of passages showing that Gods will on earth is not being done like it is in heaven which is the point in Jesus prayer guide on how and why we are to pray - otherwise His instruction becomes nonsense.
No it's not. You willingly are leaving out qualifying statements I made back in post 150.

Why can't you grasp a simple concept that purposes of a certain type nobody can go against but purposes of a different type they potentially could?

Your cute little gotcha statement God's purposes can not be thwarted but some can and you leave out how that's meant to be understood is being purposely misleading. You make it seem like I said purposes of a certain type cannot be thwarted but some of that type can. So sorry but you're being disengeious.
Yes it is, exactly. I say no purpose of God is thwarted and all I hear is yes they are! By the will of almighty man no less.
It is logical when you take into consideration the Predetermination/Election of the Cross. Everything leading up to and including the Cross was predetermined. Stubbornly evil people who were in the path of the Cross had their hearts hardened so that the Cross would happen. From the OT (the Pharoah) to the NT (the mob around Christ's trial) they had their hearts hardened for the Cross to happen.

Now we're in Post-Cross times. The Cross has happened. We are now regenerated with the Holy Spirit to guide us. The OT Saints were not regenerated. Pentecost had not happened.
Who is teaching you these things? Pentecost had been observed by God's People since Passover was established. Even Abraham understood this. Gen. 22: 8 And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself "a lamb" for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together.

It is our responsibility to act accordingly. We are now predestined to be conformed to the image of Christ. We must be willing agents of that. It is a massive Calvinist error to be inert, do nothing, and expect God to zap you with regeneration because you happen to win the election lottery.

To preach that Noah or Abraham was not "regenerated", and conformed to the image of Christ or that Caleb and Joshua were not regenerated and led by the Same Holy Spirit that led the Apostles is simply untrue, given what the Scriptures actually say. The Holy Scriptures teach the Christ was slain from the foundation of the world. Simeon and Anna and the Wise men knew this and were conformed to the image of Christ before HE even became a man. And were led by the Same Holy Spirit that was in the Prophets prophesying of the Messiahs coming.

This truth is written in all of our own Bibles.

Phil. 2: 8 And being found in fashion as a man, he (The Jesus of the Bible) humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

Gen. 26: 5 Because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws. (Just like Jesus, "Conformed to the image of Christ")

1 Kings 14: 8 And rent the kingdom away from the house of David, and gave it thee: and yet thou hast not been as my servant David, who kept my commandments, and who followed me with all his heart, to do that only which was right in mine eyes; (Conformed to the image of Christ)

Luke 1: 5 There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judaea, a certain priest named Zacharias, of the course of Abia: and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elisabeth. 6 And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless. (Conformed to the image of Christ)

There are many more examples of men throughout the Holy Scriptures that were conformed to the image of Christ and led by His Same Spirit that led those who participated in the first Pentecost under the New Priesthood.
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