Veneration of Mary

1. Nothing in Revelation 8:3 teaches that those on earth addressed any of their prayers to the 28 (4 living creatures and the 24 elders).
Those are not the only Saints in Heaven. There are multitudes of Saints in Heaven.
2. Nothing indicates they fully know the hearts from which these prayers sprang forth. Since they do not fully know the hearts of all then they are not the proper recipient of prayer.
1 Kings 8:38-39
whatever made by any man...then hear in heaven...for You alone know the hearts of all the sons of men.
It's not beyond the power of God to make known to Saints things that are beyond human normal abilities. The Biblical examples mentioned in the video are proof of that. Did you see the video?
3. That they ceremoniously present prayers to the Lord doesn't mean they are being spoken to by those on the earth, and then tasked with carrying these prayers to the Lord in order for Him to find out what these prayers are about. The Lord already knows this. To believe otherwise is to deny the omniscience of the Lord.
Then what do you think is the purpose of the prayers being placed before the Throne of God? Remember that each and every vision in Revelation is what John actually saw. This cannot be dismissed as just metaphor.
Those are not the only Saints in Heaven. There are multitudes of Saints in Heaven.

And they also are not the proper recipients of prayer.
It's not beyond the power of God

That would mean God contradicts Himself as being the ONLY one who knows the hearts of all people.
to make known to Saints things that are beyond human normal abilities. The Biblical examples mentioned in the video are proof of that. Did you see the video?

I won't watch anything else by Sam Shamoun after his disgusting words to me after pointing out he is contradicting what is taught in 1 Kings 8:38-39.
And they also are not the proper recipients of prayer.
Please explain why.
That would mean God contradicts Himself as being the ONLY one who knows the hearts of all people.
Nobody ever claimed that any Saint "knows the hearts of all people". Nevertheless, God does have the power to reveal snippets of things that are beyond the abilities of human normal operations. The Biblical examples mentioned in the video are proof of that.
I won't watch anything else by Sam Shamoun after his disgusting words to me.
Sam can be pretty direct in his communications. Anyways, my question had to do with Revelation, not Sam. What do you think is the purpose of the prayers being placed before the Throne of God? Remember that each and every vision in Revelation is what John actually saw. This cannot be dismissed as just metaphor.
See 1 Kings 8:38-39 in which I already quoted.

Thus, they are not the proper recipients of prayer.
That does not preclude God from revealing snippets of things to his Saints that are beyond the abilities of normal human operations. Our God is not a limited God.

Also, what do you think is the purpose of the prayers being placed before the Throne of God? Remember that each and every vision in Revelation is what John actually saw. This cannot be dismissed as just metaphor.
That does not preclude God from revealing snippets of things to his Saints

He can do that, but He won't ever make them to be able to know the hearts of all people, because then they too would be the proper recipient so prayer.

That is why the word "alone" is there in 1 Kings 8:39.
He can do that, but He won't ever make them to be able to know the hearts of all people, because then they too would be the proper recipient so prayer.

That is why the word "alone" is there in 1 Kings 8:39.
Ok. Now what about my question concerning the prayers of Saints in Revelation. What do you think is the purpose of the prayers being placed before the Throne of God? Remember that each and every vision in Revelation is what John actually saw. This cannot be dismissed as just metaphor.

They are presented to Him in praise of His glory.

Every prayer by every saint who has ever lived is for His glory.
So intercessory prayers from Saints do reach the Throne of God, right? If so then I think we have an agreement here.
Those are not the only Saints in Heaven. There are multitudes of Saints in Heaven.

It's not beyond the power of God to make known to Saints things that are beyond human normal abilities. The Biblical examples mentioned in the video are proof of that. Did you see the video?

Then what do you think is the purpose of the prayers being placed before the Throne of God? Remember that each and every vision in Revelation is what John actually saw. This cannot be dismissed as just metaphor.
there is NO HUMAN after they die can intercede for us. its simply not possible nor Bibibcal. understand this you can always find someone that will tell you what you want to hear . you tube is full of ear ticklers and so is the internet and t.v . you show me scripter that tells us pray Hail mary . she is just a woman a chosen vessel highly favored to bring the Christ seed in. what do you do with rahab the harlot a gma figure she helped bring the Christ seed in. only Mary gave birth. but no your claim does not line up with scripture .
there is NO HUMAN after they die can intercede for us. its simply not possible nor Bibibcal. understand this you can always find someone that will tell you what you want to hear . you tube is full of ear ticklers and so is the internet and t.v . you show me scripter that tells us pray Hail mary . she is just a woman a chosen vessel highly favored to bring the Christ seed in. what do you do with rahab the harlot a gma figure she helped bring the Christ seed in. only Mary gave birth. but no your claim does not line up with scripture .
Please forward the Bible verse that supports your statement: "no Human after they die can intercede for us". I thank you in advance.
What do you make of the golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints (Rev 5:8), and that were offered by an angel upon the golden altar which was before the Throne of God (Rev 8:3) ?
Chuckle!!!! ALL BORN AGAIN CHRISTIANS are "Saints" So some of the prayers in those bowls are MINE. If you're Born again, and not just a Catholic Paradigmatic, your prayers are there too.
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