Veneration of Mary

Here's an excellent Bible-based explanation of the Intercession of Saints topic by Sam Shamoun who also destroys the "Mary = Goddess" strawman.

CC: @mikepec , @Bob Carabbio , @ezra , @Frank Russell ,@Johann , @dizerner , @Complete
Meanwhile the true church , that is the one started by Jesus, that handed the faith down by those “ sent to preach”
given the power To “bind and loose “ ( ie declare what is true) says saints can Hear, and their prayers are there at the throne of God.

Without that same church your authors have no new testament to misinterpret, misrepresent and misquote.

Long before there was a New Testament early fathers spoke on intercession: . Those who chose the creed and canon were vociferous on intercession.

So Your authors are trapped by their own meagre and limited understanding of time , space, or the spiritual world.

Since they Cannot agree on most aspexts of doctrine with other Protestants who all disagree on meaning of scripture, and they are not part of the appointed succession, who cares what they think Scripture means? Even reformers could not agree. That’s how useless sola scriptura is.

Mary can have any powers granted her by God. You cannot limit them.
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Meanwhile the true church , that is the one started by Jesus, that handed the faith down by those “ sent to preach”
given the power To “bind and loose “ ( ie declare what is true) says saints can Hear, and their prayers are there at the throne of God.

Without that same church your authors have no new testament to misinterpret, misrepresent and misquote.

Long before there was a New Testament early fathers spoke on intercession: . Those who chose the creed and canon were vociferous on intercession.

So Your authors are trapped by their own meagre and limited understanding of time , space, or the spiritual world.

Since they Cannot agree on most aspexts of doctrine with other Protestants who all disagree on meaning of scripture, and they are not part of the appointed succession, who cares what they think Scripture means? Even reformers could not agree. That’s how useless sola scriptura is.

Mary can have any powers granted her by God. You cannot limit them.
The Apostles started planting Churches two decades before the ink on Paul's first Epistle was even dry. So Christianity was first led by Apostolic Church Traditions with the LXX OT. There is solid merit in Apostolic Traditions that Christianity must recover. The Apostolic NT came afterwards which supported everything Apostolic that was already in existence. My point is that Christianity must be based on everything that was bequeathed to us by the Apostles.
They're not omnipresent if that's what you're implying. Whatever capabilities they do have are granted by God as revealed in the Book of Revelation.
the Holy spirit intercedes for us no body else when we dont know how to pray the video is full of fantasy
ok . That’s one dimension of carrabionism.,
For the THIRD TIME it's Carabbianism!!!! if you're gonna attack it, at least SPELL IT CORRECTLY!!!!
certainly unusual, and ahistorical putting you at odds with most of the church.
Only that segment of Christendom that believes the LIE of "Baptismal regeneration". I doubt that your paradigm about that is as large as you seem to think it is.
Only when reformers went of the rails by all making up alternative meanings for scripture with no authority to do so was this ever challenged.
What the formers ACTUALLY DID was restore the TRUE meanings of Scripture that Catholicism (Roman and otherwise) has invented "Alternatives" for.

The restoration was based on ONE CRITICAL CONCEPT - A Person is Born Again and becomes a child of God BY FAITH, and not by "works", "Ceremonies", "Sacraments", or religious activities. Eph 2:8,9 is the "Reformation" in two Biblical verses.

Luther was shown by the Holy Spirit in: Hab 2:4, Rom 1:17, Gal 3:11, Heb 10:38 that Salvation was by FAITH - Period. Catholicism had fallen OFF THE RAILS on that truth centuries before.
When someone says “ are you saved?” The answer is, you started the journey with water baptism .
Actually I started MY journey in 1963 in Houston in my bedroom when, under conviction of SIN by the Holy SPirit, I surrenderdred to Him, Repented of my SIN, and called out to God for salvation. Then everything changed. THEN (4 days later) I was baptized Biblically as a testimony of what the Holy Spirit HAD DONE in my life.

Roman Catholics here typically would have to answer "Are you saved" with some version of "I HOPE SO".

I see no evidence in the testimonies of Roman Catholics on this site that they even have any ASSURANCE of their own salvation like a Born Again Christian has.
They apparently hope that a little time in an IMAGINARY "Purgatory" will take up the slack that Jesus' SIN OFFERING, and their OWN EFFORTS weren't sufficient to accomplish.

Bottom line If a Catholic dies, and finds themselves in a place of torment - IT'S HELL, They're NEVER getting out, and they were never Born again.

if you have not yet done so , I suggest you do: allow for the fact you may be wrong!
Take your own advice!!!! your eternity depends on it!!!!
The Book of Revelation is not Roman Catholic fantasy. The RC Church only started to exist about 900 years after the Book of Revelation was written.
🙄 and i got ocean front property in ariz for sale to. along with the golden gate bridge
Here's an excellent Bible-based explanation of the Intercession of Saints topic by Sam Shamoun who also destroys the "Mary = Goddess" strawman.

CC: @mikepec , @Bob Carabbio , @ezra , @Frank Russell ,@Johann , @dizerner , @Complete
It's hard to listen to because it is not a discussion.

I know from the scriptures that Jesus lives to intercede for us. The scripture does not say that the saints live to intercede for us. The scripture does not speak of Mary doing apostle like things once the new covenant blessings were poured out. Since Jesus said, those who would be considered greatest among you would be slave of all; The absence of the works of Mary is concerning considering these extra biblical claims of Mary made by the post nicene church.
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It's hard to listen to because it is not a discussion.

I know from the scriptures that Jesus lives to intercede for us. The scripture does not say that the saints live to intercede for us. The scripture does not speak of Mary doing apostle like things once the new covenant blessings were poured out. Since Jesus said, those who would be considered greatest among you would be slave of all; The absence of the works of Mary is concerning considering these extra biblical claims of Mary made by the post nicene church.
What do you make of the golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints (Rev 5:8), and that were offered by an angel upon the golden altar which was before the Throne of God (Rev 8:3) ?
What do you make of the golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints (Rev 5:8), and that were offered by an angel upon the golden altar which was before the Throne of God (Rev 8:3) ?

1. Nothing in Revelation 8:3 teaches that those on earth addressed any of their prayers to the 28 (4 living creatures and the 24 elders) - cf. Revelation 5.

2. Nothing indicates they fully know the hearts from which these prayers sprang forth. Since they do not fully know the hearts of all then they are not the proper recipient of prayer.
1 Kings 8:38-39
whatever made by any man...then hear in heaven...for You alone know the hearts of all the sons of men.

3. That they ceremoniously present prayers to the Lord doesn't mean they are being spoken to by those on the earth, and then tasked with carrying these prayers to the Lord in order for Him to find out what these prayers are about. The Lord already knows this. To believe otherwise is to deny the omniscience of the Lord.
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