Veneration of Mary

we ask her to pray for us.
she cant she id dead. when a person is dead they dont have the ability to pray.. the Holy spirit intercedes for us romans 8:26

Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities; for we know not what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

mary was a chosen vessel to bring the Christ seed in. she had or has no spiritual power to pray. that is like asking gma after she passes to pray for us. it aint gonna happen
Actually, we're pretty united in the ESSENTIAL (Salvation by FAITH), and all over the place about peripherals. Luther got THAT ONE THING RIGHT:
Eph 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Eph 2:9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.

What's you're "Roman Catholic workaround" for that??

Chuckle!!!! Good bye. Enjoy your "Tradition". I don't think you'll appreciate where it takes you.
You disagree on every major aspect of doctrine because your false man made tradition “ sola scriptura”
From baptism, method, effect, applicability, Eucharist ( ditto) priesthood, soteriology, marriage, moral issues , end times et etc you disagree on the lot

And if you ever STUDIED catholicism you would see
“1996 Our justification comes from the grace of God. Grace is favor, the free and undeserved helpthat God gives us to respond to his call to become children of God, adoptive sons, partakers of the divine nature and of eternal life”

So it is not your nasty false invented caricature of catholicism
It is a DISGRACE to criticise something you know nothing about,

I hope you stay true to the faith handed down by those who were sent to preach as urged by Paul.
That is traditon, not your false caricature of it. It gives meaning to scripture it does not oppose it,

@civic. Do you think it is OK for carrabio to attack christians on issues he knows NOTHING about.
I don’t.
Rein him in or I’m off.
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she cant she id dead. when a person is dead they dont have the ability to pray.. the Holy spirit intercedes for us romans 8:26

Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities; for we know not what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

mary was a chosen vessel to bring the Christ seed in. she had or has no spiritual power to pray. that is like asking gma after she passes to pray for us. it aint gonna happen
Yet again catholics know scripture better than Protestants.

“God is a god of the living not of the dead” .

“ And the prayers of saints are there at the altar of God.”

Mary is the greatest of saints she is kechairotomene. Full of grace.
As a davidic queen she is given the power of intercession by the king who says “ I will do whatever you ask”

So Long before there was a New Testament , early fathers of the faith handed down by succession to them said:

” though you pray alone, the choir of saints prays with you”
They are the “ the cloud of witnesses”

The faith was handed down by succession long before there even was a new testament Which had to wait for christianity to be legalised under Constantine. Till then the vehicle of faith was tradition - paradosis - the faith handed down By those sent to preach.

Alas Protestants seem not to know sctripture, tradition or authority.

If Mary is dead how is it she performed a prophesied miracle in 1917 “ so that all might see and believe”?
And before you claim “demonic “ study scripture again. Jesus sends a message to John the Baptist to say know it is true, because “ the lame walk, the blind see”. Just as they have done at Marian sites.

I was a protestant for 20 years, so the cheap illinformed anti catholic tropes don’t work on me.
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Yet again catholics know scripture better than Protestants.

“God is a god of the living not of the dead” .

“ And the prayers of saints are there at the altar of God.”

Mary is the greatest of saints she is kechairotomene. Full of grace.
As a davidic queen she is given the power of intercession by the king who says “ I will do whatever you ask”

So Long before there was a New Testament , early fathers of the faith handed down by succession to them said:

” though you pray alone, the choir of saints prays with you”
They are the “ the cloud of witnesses”

The faith was handed down by succession long before there even was a new testament Which had to wait for christianity to be legalised under Constantine. Till then the vehicle of faith was tradition - paradosis - the faith handed down By those sent to preach.

Alas Protestants seem not to know sctripture, tradition or authority.

If Mary is dead how is it she performed a prophesied miracle in 1917 “ so that all might see and believe”?
And before you claim “demonic “ study scripture again. Jesus sends a message to John the Baptist to say know it is true, because “ the lame walk, the blind see”. Just as they have done at Marian sites.

I was a protestant for 20 years, so the cheap illinformed anti catholic tropes don’t work on me.
in the words of Christ let no man deceive you . your twisting scriptures praying in vain no place in scripture does it say pray to mary .. you have one thing right ill-informed you are following false doctrine
If Mary is dead
Chuckle!!! the REAL Mary, (Jesus' mom) has been PHYSICALLY DEAD for millenia, BUT ASSUMING (which I'm certainly willing to do) that she became a Christian (Probably why Jesus gave her to John, instead of her unbelieving natural family), then she's enjoying her eternity with Jesus like we (Born again Christians) will all do when physical life ends.

The Roman Catholic Mary, on the other hand, never existed, so none of the above applies to it. You do know (biblically) that satan, can also provide "lying wonders", don't you???
She did , on exactly the date and time prophesied.
It seems you know nothing about it.
you “ best wake up”
mr Blind man suppose you tell us/me exactly what and where this miracle was done and provide the prophesy . Mary was just the Birth mother of Jesus she has absolutely No power to preform miracles . why your following fables and false hoods is beyond me.. never the less i await your miracle
mr Blind man suppose you tell us/me exactly what and where this miracle was done and provide the prophesy . Mary was just the Birth mother of Jesus she has absolutely No power to preform miracles . why your following fables and false hoods is beyond me.. never the less i await your miracle
How dare you speak of “falsehoods and fables” or call anyone else blind?

Since you apparently have no idea of Christian history of how - in this case - God stopped the development of communism developing a first foothold In Europe, and later even how the Soviet Union fell.

Had you asked a question, I would have answered.
Since you insult I will not answer. You can stay blind.

Suffice to say it was on a massive scale, witnessed by 70000, prophesied 6 months before to the day and hour.
Nobody can explain the event. But that it was prophesied made it impossible to explain EVER

It also came with a message of how offended God is On the behaviour of man, and a second prophesy of an event that would herald WWII.

A sceptic press and anticlerical regime were intent on “destroying religion in a generation” - all of them came away confirming it happened including many professional witnesses like police , science professors, and all walks of life.
There are thousands of eye witness testimonies

As a result christianity poured back into a country destined to lose it.

Your problem is blinkered vision because of the false mediaeval man made traditon sola scriptura, in which you impose your assumptions of what is in scripture In defiance of those sent to preach since the first.

how do you know mary did it.. did anyone see he resurrected from the dead ?
it seems I need to quote scripture
“ You
are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God”
“ .God is not a God of the dead but a God of the living,”

And yes , many have seen her.

A miracle that God didn't do is magic.
In this case He did,
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Suffice to say it was on a massive scale, witnessed by 70000, prophesied 6 months before to the day and hour.
Nobody can explain the event. But that it was prophesied made it impossible to explain EVER

It also came with a message of how offended God is On the behaviour of man, and a second prophesy of an event that would herald WWII.

A sceptic press and anticlerical regime were intent on “destroying religion in a generation” - all of them came away confirming it happened including many professional witnesses like police , science professors, and all walks of life.
There are thousands of eye witness testimonies
hog wash none of this is scripture based .its a made up fantasy
hog wash none of this is scripture based .its a made up fantasy
so Ezra who wasn’t there , never studied it , says didnt happen.

70000 who were there as a result of a prophecy said it did.
And all the sceptics who came to mock were converted too.

I side with the evidence. Not Ezras illinformed personal “ opinions”

Its time you studied what scripture is And where it came from.
What it can tell you ad what it cant.
Who decided what was scripture. How the faith was passed on before there was a New Testament.
Who resolved disputes . You appear to have no idea.
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