Thomas... My Lord and my God

Revelation 3:21 says that those who overcome sit with Jesus on his throne. So Christians sit on the throne of God? No?
Christians sit on Christ's Throne.
Don't go too far with Trinitarians philosophy. As you can see, your premise that Jesus sitting on the throne is something that makes him God is heresy.
You think its heresy because you have difficulty counting up to the number 2. There are 2 Thrones. Can you count up to 2 or is that asking too much for a heretic to do?
debatable but no deal . but here is something very simple
to see . JESUS HIMSELF says I am alpah and omega the first and the last
THE ONLY ONE who ever said that was GOD . you gonna try and twist that too .
That right there should end this debate .
But there is more , lots more .
TRY reading again even the simple words of JOHN that he left us in his gospel .
VERY PLAIN that is too . there are other places . BUT MAN you probably gonna try and twist and or omit them too .
You do realize what peter wrote was true
JUST as they twist other scriptures UNTO THEIR OWN DESTRUCTION .
and friend I DONT desire your destruction . SO its bess YA END this now , for your sake .
Well, you don't have a shoe in with Revelation 3:21. You also don't have a shoe in with "Alpha and omega, beginning and end, first and last" because all of those titles essentially mean a beginning and an end. God does not have a beginning, but Jesus does since he was both created and born. Those titles refer to class.

Any other angles you want to try?
You are frantically trying to neutralize Jesus' clear words that Jesus sat on His Father's Throne.

(Rev 3:21) To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.
Revelation 3:21 makes my argument for me. The Father and Jesus don't have the same throne. Sitting on Jesus throne happens for those who overcome, therefore sitting on the throne of Jesus does not make someone God. You have lost Revelation3:21 completely. Anything else?
How do you figure that? There are 2 Thrones. Can you count up to 2 or is that asking too much for a heretic to do?
"My throne" and "his throne" how many thrones you counting?
No matter how much you spit on Jesus' words, Jesus' words are 100% true. The sooner you stop your hallucinations and face reality, the better for you.
You're guilty of what you accuse me of.
Christians sit on Christ's Throne.
Christians don't sit on the throne of God. That's a check mate.
You think its heresy because you have difficulty counting up to the number 2. There are 2 Thrones. Can you count up to 2 or is that asking too much for a heretic to do?
Ahhh, you don't understand Trinitarianism. In your organization, the Father and Son are members of the three person Godhead and are co-equally and co-eternally God. It is necessary for the throne of Jesus to be the same exact throne of God despite the Father and Jesus having separate thrones. By the fact that Christians who overcome will "sit on the throne with Jesus" is a strong proof that Jesus is not God because by this very same logic you must cede that Christians are God. So you've gone too far with your theology. The only route out of the mess you stepped in is if Jesus isn't God.
debatable but no deal . but here is something very simple
to see . JESUS HIMSELF says I am alpah and omega the first and the last
THE ONLY ONE who ever said that was GOD . you gonna try and twist that too .
That right there should end this debate .
But there is more , lots more .
TRY reading again even the simple words of JOHN that he left us in his gospel .
VERY PLAIN that is too . there are other places . BUT MAN you probably gonna try and twist and or omit them too .
You do realize what peter wrote was true
JUST as they twist other scriptures UNTO THEIR OWN DESTRUCTION .
and friend I DONT desire your destruction . SO its bess YA END this now , for your sake .
Revelation 3:21 makes my argument for me. The Father and Jesus don't have the same throne. Sitting on Jesus throne happens for those who overcome, therefore sitting on the throne of Jesus does not make someone God. You have lost Revelation3:21 completely. Anything else?
So you can count up to 2. Excellent! You're starting to see the light. Jesus is already God as the OT Theophanies prove and as Jesus explicitly declared in the Book of John.
"My throne" and "his throne" how many thrones you counting?

You're guilty of what you accuse me of.
I've always maintained that there are 2 Thrones. How many do you count?
Soon all the deceived religoins and all the decieved within christendom
will rise under a saying
and they will be as one .
That saying will no longer imply you have to BELIEVE
it will imply YOU JUST HAVE TO LOVE . love . and they will chant as one GOD IS LOVE
GOD IS LOVE and they will truly hate and despise the true lambs who did not conform .
Under a powerful system , a digital system any and all who do not comply
to the inclusive love , WILL be cut out and seen as naught but potential terroists , dangerous , as haters
and the soluton will come , TO RID the earth of all who conformed not to what they all believed was love
As God . a strong delusoin has come and more and more will buy the lie and be damned .
Christians don't sit on the throne of God. That's a check mate.
I said that Christians sit on Christ's Throne, not on the Father's Throne. Can you understand that?
Ahhh, you don't understand Trinitarianism. In your organization, the Father and Son are members of the three person Godhead and are co-equally and co-eternally God. It is necessary for the throne of Jesus to be the same exact throne of God despite the Father and Jesus having separate thrones. By the fact that Christians who overcome will "sit on the throne with Jesus" is a strong proof that Jesus is not God because by this very same logic you must cede that Christians are God. So you've gone too far with your theology. The only route out of the mess you stepped in is if Jesus isn't God.
Ahhhh, actually it's you who doesn't understand Trinitarianism. Since Jesus is God then he has the property of omnipresence. He can simultaneously be present on both his and his Father's Throne. So you've exposed your ignorance of Trinitarianism once more for all to see.
What do I do with these verses that say God raised Jesus from the dead... Acts 2:32; 4:10; 5:30; Rom. 10:9; 1 Cor. 6:14; Gal. 1:1; 1 Thess. 1:9-10?
You can't ignore them or exclude them but "see [them] together" (synoptic.)
This is a term(synoptic) given to the Matthew, Mark, and Luke gospels which each writer provides a witness from each perspective of the same event or occasion.
So you can count up to 2. Excellent! You're starting to see the light. Jesus is already God as the OT Theophanies prove and as Jesus explicitly declared in the Book of John.

I've always maintained that there are 2 Thrones. How many do you count?
Your silly argument is about counting to the number 2. Get some better material. Jesus is not already God nor is there any support for your conclusion based on Revelation 3:21.
I said that Christians sit on Christ's Throne, not on the Father's Throne. Can you understand that?

Ahhhh, actually it's you who doesn't understand Trinitarianism. Since Jesus is God then he has the property of omnipresence. He can simultaneously be present on both his and his Father's Throne. So you've exposed your ignorance of Trinitarianism once more for all to see.
Mhmm. So you've worked yourself into a corner because you thought it was clever to mention Revelation 3:21, when actually it doesn't help you. Let's cut to the chase. When those who overcome sit on the throne of Jesus, are they sitting on the throne of God? Yes or no.
Your silly argument is about counting to the number 2. Get some better material. Jesus is not already God nor is there any support for your conclusion based on Revelation 3:21.
Better material than the OT Theophanies and Jesus' explicit declarations in the Book of John???? Sorry, your hallucinations are not "better material" than the word of God. :rolleyes:
Mhmm. So you've worked yourself into a corner because you thought it was clever to mention Revelation 3:21, when actually it doesn't help you. Let's cut to the chase. When those who overcome sit on the throne of Jesus, are they sitting on the throne of God? Yes or no.
I've already told you that Christians sit on the Throne of Christ. They do not sit on the Father's Throne. How many times must I repeat myself??? What part of my statement do you not understand?
@synergy they will be there for this

Phil 2
10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.
@synergy they will be there for this

Phil 2
10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.
Uni's will see the follies of their heresies and will end up sending prayers and worship to Christ who sits on the Father's Throne with the Father.
Better material than the OT Theophanies and Jesus' explicit declarations in the Book of John???? Sorry, your hallucinations are not "better material" than the word of God. :rolleyes:
Assuming that Trinitarianism is true for the moment, it remains impossible to determine which of the many alleged theophanies in the Old Testament might be a Christophany. The Old Testament does not specify which "theophanies" represent the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit. Therefore, since the Old Testament does not differentiate between the persons of the Trinity, identifying a particular theophany as a Christophany is ultimately arbitrary.

You are, thus, the one hallucinating.
I've already told you that Christians sit on the Throne of Christ. They do not sit on the Father's Throne. How many times must I repeat myself??? What part of my statement do you not understand?
This question is making you squirm because you know what happens if you say yes and you know what happens if you say no.

When those who overcome sit on the throne of Jesus, are they sitting on the throne of God? Yes or no.
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