Thomas... My Lord and my God

You just made a statement without any proof whatsoever. This is typical of heretics.

You forget that Jesus also has a human will. He showed how our human will can be aligned with God's will. There is no "nonsense" in those facts.

True to your name, you continue to run away from the following observation concerning Phil 2:6:
You forget that you have no evidence of Jesus being a god man from the Bible.
Jesus clearly stated that he sat down with his Father on His Father's Throne in Rev 3:21. Do you understand English?

(Rev 3:21) To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.
Wanna hear something very scary for them .
WHAT did JESUS say will be the judge
MY WORDS will be your judge on the last day . NOW didnt he say I AM ALPHA and omega
first and the last , was dead and is alive ............
HOW many say , NO you LIE JESUS you are not that . Remember HIS words will be their judge .
This is far more serious than folks realize .
Jesus clearly stated that he sat down with his Father on His Father's Throne in Rev 3:21. Do you understand English?

(Rev 3:21) To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.
On the day of the LORD when the sheep and goats are gathered .
HE who said I am alpha and omega , first and the last , was dead but is alive , GONNA be the judge .
HIS WORDS will be the judge .
On that day many will weep as they realize too little and too late
MAN we was calling HIM a liar the whole time .
That is a serious wakeup call to remind us all , ITS TIME we actually as children START believing ALL THINGS HE SAID .
cause GOD cannot lie and many will wail on HIS day .
I pray that all heretics would stop hallucinating and actually read the Bible for once.
Remember when the pharisees demanded of HIM
IF YE BE THE CHRIST tell us plainly .
And HE said i have . ITS HIS WORDS , IT was his testimony itself proving HE was .
I have but you did not hear me .
JUST like today many say HEY JESUS if ye be the alpah and omega , the first and the last
BUT LOOK all over the scrips .
Look at his langauge .
IT all adds up . THAT GOD INDEED IS HIS WORD , just LIKE JOHN said so in his gospel.
BUT THEY dont want to hear it . very very scary for them .
Jesus clearly stated that he sat down with his Father on His Father's Throne in Rev 3:21. Do you understand English?

(Rev 3:21) To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.
Did you actually read Revelation 3:21? The one who possesses Jesus' throne is Jesus. The one who possesses the Father's throne is the Father. The Father's throne and Jesus' throne aren't the same thrones. Furthermore, you lose significant ground in your attempts to advance trinitarian philosophy.

According to your reasoning in Revelation 3:21, since those who overcome sit on Jesus' throne, then in turn they must be sitting on the throne of God. Now, the church is God. Think these things through before just pasting refutations of your own theology.

Revelation 3
21The one who conquers, I will grant him to sit with me on my throne, as I also conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne.
Who else have you seen is "being in the form God"? Oh, I forgot.. you said you are "high". That explains everything! :LOL:

(Phil 2:6) who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God,
The Father is never said to be in the form of God because He already is God. Do you know what the word form means in Philippians 2:6?
Jesus clearly stated that he sat down with his Father on His Father's Throne in Rev 3:21. Do you understand English?

(Rev 3:21) To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.
🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗 man the crickets are chirping loudly tonight . cause i sure
aint seeing any real responses from him at all . could hear a pin drop my friend . I am very very worried and deeply
concerned for many folks in these latter hours .
Ever read Revelation 3:21? The ones who over come sit on the throne of God too?
seated in HIM . sorry dude , but i will at least hand it to you for actually trying to make some sense .
Now repeat after me
In the beginning was THE WORD and the WORD was with GOD
and GOD was the word .
And that there word became flesh . HE also from heaven later says
I am alpha and omega , first and the last .......
SO seeing its HIS WORDS that are gonna be the JUDGE . I SUGGEST and HIGHLY SUGGEST
you actually believe HIS words rather than TRYING to omit or twist them . cause that wont bode well .
seated in HIM . sorry dude , but i will at least hand it to you for actually trying to make some sense .
Now repeat after me
In the beginning was THE WORD and the WORD was with GOD
and GOD was the word .
And that there word became flesh . HE also from heaven later says
I am alpha and omega , first and the last .......
SO seeing its HIS WORDS that are gonna be the JUDGE . I SUGGEST and HIGHLY SUGGEST
you actually believe HIS words rather than TRYING to omit or twist them . cause that wont bode well .
Revelation 3:21 says that those who overcome sit with Jesus on his throne. So Christians sit on the throne of God? No? Don't go too far with Trinitarians philosophy. As you can see, your premise that Jesus sitting on the throne is something that makes him God is heresy.
Revelation 3:21 says that those who overcome sit with Jesus on his throne. So Christians sit on the throne of God? No? Don't go too far with Trinitarians philosophy. As you can see, your premise that Jesus sitting on the throne is something that makes him God is heresy.
debatable but no deal . but here is something very simple
to see . JESUS HIMSELF says I am alpah and omega the first and the last
THE ONLY ONE who ever said that was GOD . you gonna try and twist that too .
That right there should end this debate .
But there is more , lots more .
TRY reading again even the simple words of JOHN that he left us in his gospel .
VERY PLAIN that is too . there are other places . BUT MAN you probably gonna try and twist and or omit them too .
You do realize what peter wrote was true
JUST as they twist other scriptures UNTO THEIR OWN DESTRUCTION .
and friend I DONT desire your destruction . SO its bess YA END this now , for your sake .
Did you actually read Revelation 3:21? The one who possesses Jesus' throne is Jesus. The one who possesses the Father's throne is the Father. The Father's throne and Jesus' throne aren't the same thrones. Furthermore, you lose significant ground in your attempts to advance trinitarian philosophy.
You are frantically trying to neutralize Jesus' clear words that Jesus sat on His Father's Throne.

(Rev 3:21) To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.
According to your reasoning in Revelation 3:21, since those who overcome sit on Jesus' throne, then in turn they must be sitting on the throne of God.
How do you figure that? There are 2 Thrones. Can you count up to 2 or is that asking too much for a heretic to do?
Now, the church is God. Think these things through before just pasting refutations of your own theology.

Revelation 3
21The one who conquers, I will grant him to sit with me on my throne, as I also conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne.
No matter how much you spit on Jesus' words, Jesus' words are 100% true. The sooner you stop your hallucinations and face reality, the better for you.
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