Can you believe in Allah and go to heaven?
Yes, of course… if by “believing in Allah” we mean
submitting our life to Allah, just s Jesus did.
Now, If by “ believing in Allah” we mean a mere theoretical assent to the existence and oneness of Allah, then that does not make us go to heaven.
“Demons” also believe Allah is one, and they don’t profit from it. Why? Because by definition a “demon” tries to act in opposition to the will of Allah.
John 8:24,
- therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins for unless you believe that I am He you will die in your sins
Jesus is very strict isnt He?
Yes, He is. If we don’t follow what he taught, if we don’t repent and are born again into a life of love and submission to the will of God, we will remain dead as slaves of our sins. If we repent and crucify the old man, we are resurrected in Him to a new life.
Better get His word rightly divided or according to Jesus, you will die in your sins(His blood will not cover your sins)
Division is between those who do evil and those who do good.
Those who do evil don’t follow Jesus. Those who do good follow Jesus.
If you don’t understand this, I gently recommend to ask a five year old girl from Sunday School. Her clear soteriology will help yours.
Did Jesus give any exception for not believing in who He truly is? If so give Scripture please.
Of course there are
several examples in Scripture about Jesus don’t caring at all who people thought He was.
I can quote them one by one.
Are you willing to examine the evidence of these passages?
I would really like to keep this conversation open. If after reading these passages you will embrace Jews, Zoroastrians, Muslims, Baha’i and Sikhs as your brothers and sisters, I will be very happy and praise God for you.
So, what do you say, Titus? Do we walk together through these passages?