Thomas... My Lord and my God

You have already taught Jesus was born from a mans seed, that being Joseph's seed.
No other conclusion can be drawn that Jesus must based on your teaching have a physical father.

Isn't that enough evidence that you are under strong delusion?
Or do I need more evidence to conclude that you cannot be right in your exegesis of the Scriptures?

How much evidence do I need Sir?
Who's DNA was used to get Mary pregnant then?
Who's DNA was used to get Mary pregnant then?
Hmmm. Maybe God is able to provide whatever chromosomes he wants. The tracing of the bloodline is given through Mary's lineage since God is not limited to following Jewish preferences for identifying bloodline descent. God does surprising actions throughout scripture.
Then why is Jesus descended from Joseph in Matthew 1? Just for fun to put it there?
He is not descended from Joseph in Matthew 1, only from Mary. Then Luke 3:23 shows that people thought he was descended from Joseph. So you miss the very basic stuff due to your focus on denying the divinity of Christ in the Godhead rather than understanding more of scripture.
He is not descended from Joseph in Matthew 1, only from Mary. Then Luke 3:23 shows that people thought he was descended from Joseph. So you miss the very basic stuff due to your focus on denying the divinity of Christ in the Godhead rather than understanding more of scripture.
Matthew 1:1-16 is the genealogy of Jesus through Joseph. This is pretty much standard across the board among theologians. You're one of the few deniers, but I guess it's because you have a horse in the race. Why not just stick with what the Bible says?
Matthew 1:1-16 is the genealogy of Jesus through Joseph. This is pretty much standard across the board among theologians. You're one of the few deniers, but I guess it's because you have a horse in the race. Why not just stick with what the Bible says?
It does not say Joseph begat Jesus. The reason this happens is Joseph is not part of the bloodline of Jesus. You keep missing details like this.
It does not say Joseph begat Jesus. The reason this happens is Joseph is not part of the bloodline of Jesus. You keep missing details like this.
Joseph is directly called the father of Jesus. Begotten is implied.

Luke 2
48And when they saw him, they were amazed: and his mother said unto him, Son, why hast thou thus dealt with us? behold, thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing.
Joseph is directly called the father of Jesus. Begotten is implied.

Luke 2
48And when they saw him, they were amazed: and his mother said unto him, Son, why hast thou thus dealt with us? behold, thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing.
really? do you need scripture to say every time "Joseph, who is perceived as Jesus' father"? Maybe someone can create a bible that will fill in these details. Your interpretations lack continuity with scripture.
Later editing: A basic sense in reading a single writing is that a concept presented earlier still applies in subsequent context unless there is a clear reason to see this altered.
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Then why is Jesus descended from Joseph in Matthew 1? Just for fun to put it there?
Two reasons Greek, and Jeconiah
definite article the is missing in Joseph's lineage.
No Messiah could come from Jeconiah.
Must come through King David.

You are wrong about Jesus and no amount of fable telling will make you right.

2 Timothy 4:4,
- and they will turn their ears away from truth, and be turned aside to fables
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