laughing will not help you........ (smile),
(smile),Your heresy was already obliterated in Zechariah 13:7.
LOL I love how weak arguing trinitarians claim victory or claim that I lost or dodged. Truth is, I could not discern a cogent question. Truth is, there are dozens of lords in Scripture. Joseph, Moses, Elihaj, Daniel, Jesus and YHWH are all refered to as lord - even Isaacs' servant is called lord.You dodged the OP in that you could not differentiate your creator and your craeture-jesus.
Keep hiding.
Truth is, I could not discern a cogent question.
One thing I love about the VOICE translation is its manuscript format makes explicit who is talking. Jesus begins talking in v5 and speaks for the rest of the voice. The "he" in v28 that Jesus is talking about is Jesus God, the only true God in Scripture, who we relate to as Father.The Father or the Lord Jesus?
Matthew 10:28 (Him)
One thing I love about the VOICE translation is its manuscript format makes explicit who is talking. Jesus begins talking in v5 and speaks for the rest of the voice. The "he" in v28 that Jesus is talking about is Jesus God, the only true God in Scripture, who we relate to as Father.
A good translation + basic reading comprehension would help you a lot.
Hope this helps!
Projecting. Just because you cannot figure it out doesn't mean that I cannot figure it out.You can't figure out who your creator is and who your creature-jesus is.
Projecting. Just because you cannot figure it out doesn't mean that I cannot figure it out
.Sons, by definition, are created Beings.
Not quite. Father's, by definition, do the creating.Fathers by definition
Not quite. Father's, by definition, do the creating.
Projecting again.Keep dodging.
All you can do is point to ambiguous text you assert favors your doctrine while ignoring explicit text that destroys your doctrine! Too funny.By contrast , who God is - that is NOT Jesus - is stated explicitly. In the Bible, there is only one true God (John 17:3), Jesus’ God (John 20:17, Rev 3:12), whose eternal name is YHWH (Ex 3:15) - who we relate to as Father (Eph 1:2).
No. Not one passage. See post # 14.1 passage!
Wow. Don't strain yourself.
See posts 5 and 6.
Projecting again.
All you can do is point to ambiguous text
No. Not one passage. See post # 14.
101G is not triniterian.....From your link in your post 158:
you just destroyed your trinity doctrine. do not the trinity say that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are CO-EQUAL.... BUT DISTINCT AND SEPARATE? if separate then each have to be "EQUAL" ... "TO" one another, because they are separate and distinct from each other...
The above is a total mess and does nothing to refute the Trinity and of course totally dodges what the Hebrew word means.
You doctrine concerning God is a noxious weed that will be uprooted from the garden of truth.
More claiming victory. Again no response to explict verses that destroy your doctrine.Your lame excuse to hide again.
See my comment above.
More claiming victory.
Again, see post #14.The OP is being avoided by you.
Quite obvious.