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Life, air to breath, sunshine and rain are given to man by grace, unconditional gifts given to man by God.Precious friend, then what would this be called,...?:
"...The Father...He maketh His sun to rise on the evil and on the good,and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust." (Mat 5:45)...if not Unconditional Grace?
But God's grace is conditional in receiving grace's benefits and enjoyment in how its used by man. Man has been graciously, unconditionally given seeds, soil, water and sunshine. Yet if I desire a vegetable garden then I must take what God has graciously given and till the soil, plant and water the seed till the seed germinates and comes up thru the soil to receive sunshine and grow and I must tend to and weed the garden. But if I rely on "grace only" and do nothing, then I would never have a garden and mss out on the benefits and enjoyment God's grace could have provided me by my use of it.
This is why there is no conflict between God's grace and man's obedience to God's will. For when it comes to salvation, God's grace has always been conditional....conditional upon man having an obedient faith in order to receive God's grace. Hence, as man must till, plant, tend to and water the seed to receive the benefit and enjoyment of God's grace, likewise man must obey God's will to receive the benefits and enjoyment of salvation God's grace provides. If I do nothing and rely on "grace alone", then I would never receive the benefits and enjoyment God's grace provides.
Therefore obdience is not the same as works of merit or works of the law.