All things indeed are clean…What part of all is difficult to understand? All “meat”, Greek βρῶμα, which means “any type of food”, “all food” is pure.
Again, as I have said, it’s not what goes into the body, but what comes from the heart that is evil. Thus, Paul is saying eating something is only wrong if we are knowingly offending a weaker brother/sister. It’s not the food itself, but the spirit.
I agree with you and Jesus when HE says the stomach makes "FOOD", in this case "BREAD" eaten with unwashed hands "Clean". For that matter the stomach makes all "FOOD" Clean.
But for you to preach to the world that "Everything" on this planet earth is "FOOD" is stupid, actually ridiculous and quite wicked in all honesty. There isn't one parent on earth that teaches their kids that "ALL" things on earth are "food" for them. Just the opposite in fact. A child is taught the difference between what is food and what is not food, what may be eaten and what may not be eaten. This too is undeniable truth. There are things created by God that are not created as food for humans. This is undisputable Biblical fact as well. They have a purpose, they are "pure" and perfect for that purpose. But their given purpose
is not to be food. And God, in His Inspired Word, defines for HIS Children, "
To make a difference between the unclean and the clean, and between the beast that may be eaten and the beast that may not be eaten". Just as any good parent would.
But in this world, men reject God, and they despise HIS Judgments, as is written over and over in His Inspired Word. And I was born into this world and am surrounded by this Godless influence, so what should I eat or drink? Who should I seek for the answers to my question? Then Jesus, my Savior, my High Priest tells me this.
Matt. 6:
25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?
32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek
for your heavenly Father "knoweth" that ye have need of all these things. 33 But seek ye "first" the kingdom "of God", and "his" righteousness; and "all these things shall be added unto you".
So TD, if a man seeks our heavenly Father's Righteousness, will he find what Jesus' Father and my Father instructed His Children about what may be eaten and what may not be eaten?? Will HE learn what to drink and what not to Drink? (Blood for instance)
You and I both know HE did, there is no disputing this Biblical fact. It's just that you have been convinced by this world's religions to reject God's Judgments in this matter, and adopt the Judgments and traditions of religious men.
I know this world and its religions despise God's Judgments? Of course, the Scriptures teach this throughout. So since Eve, they have created their own Judgments concerning what is "clean and unclean", their own judgments as to what may be eaten and what may not be eaten.
All I am advocating for, is that a man turns to the God and Father of the Lord's Christ, as HE and Paul instructs. And that we become
"learned of the Father" as to what is "FOOD" and what is not, not the Pope or Kenneth Copeland etc. This is why Jesus, Paul, Peter, Cornelious, nor any of the Body of Christ would eat maggots, slugs, dogs or swine's flesh. Because according to their Father, these things are not "Food".
Jesus, in Matt. 15, or Mark 7 doesn't make void these truths. And neither does Paul anywhere in scriptures. You have not adopted God's Righteousness concerning this issue, you have adopted the traditions and philosophies of this world.
Does it matter? Maybe not. But it is Truth, and we deceive ourselves hiding from it.
Which is precisely why I said Jesus upset the apple cart of the Jewish traditions.
Mark 7:
7 Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. 8 "For laying aside" the commandment "of God", ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do.
9 And he said unto them, Full well ye reject "the commandment of God", that ye may keep your own tradition.
Yes, the mainstream religious sects and businesses of this world despise God and His Judgments through their philosophies and traditions. And Jesus came to upset their religious traditions and expose their religion as from man and is not wrought in God.
There are actual deceivers who call Jesus Lord, Lord, that actually preach that the Pharisees tradition was obeying God's Laws.
That is another insidious lie promoted by "many" in Mainstream Christianity. I hope they haven't snared you with that deception as well.
Even broken clocks are correct twice a day!
It's a joke to you, but not to me.
Two major issues here:
1) Define “his righteousness”; and
2) exactly how am I seeking justification for my own righteousness and where precisely am I expounding on this effort?
This is fascinating to me about this world's mainstream preachers. I asked you question after question, and you didn't offer even the simplest of common courtesies between men, of answering them. And yet you now pose questions to me and of course, expect me to show you the kindness and courtesy of answering your questions.
I get it, it's just the religious tradition of modern mainstream Christianity to expect to be treated one way, while treating others in another. The whole "Do unto others" is lost in this world's religions. That is why I came out of them. If you would take a leap of faith in God, and come out from the religious philosophies of this world, and the image of God they promote, you would look into the Law and it would show you the glaring hypocrisy in your behavior. Like Paul, the scales would fall from your eyes. But so far, you only promote justification of your behavior and like me in times past, you don't even know why you work so hard to preserve it. Jesus tells us both in John 3. I advocate that a man come to the Light, for the very purpose of exposing the darkness they know they have and love. It will break you, but what remains if worth the "cost".
I will answer your questions though, as I would have you do unto me.
"1) Define “his righteousness”;"
Because I am not my own, and I believe all that is written in Scriptures, I will let the Spirit of God answer your question.
Psalms 119:
172 My tongue shall speak of thy word: for all thy commandments "are righteousness".
2) exactly how am I seeking justification for my own righteousness and where precisely am I expounding on this effort?
Here is your preaching. "
He "created Judaism" with all of "its" high days and religious traditions. Then he sent Jesus, who rather upset the apple cart, and through his disciples changed the rules and traditions
that "God" previously established." (I will note that you have amended you preaching slightly and now say Jesus came to upset the apple cart of "Jewish Tradition")
Since this word is not spoken or defined by God in scriptures, I asked you a question concerning your meaning. You blew my questions off, and continued to promote this philosophy as if I didn't ask anything. Why would you do that?
When I challenged you more, here is your response. "but I am only transformed by the Holy Spirit renewing my mind and conforming me to the image of Christ."
How is this any different than: "
Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God."
In both cases men have rejected God's righteousness, and gone about to establish their own, and when challenged, they justify their own righteousness in spite of what is being shown. It is become a mainstream Christian tradition. Now we have dozens of differing religious sects and businesses all establishing their own righteousness, and all justifying their own righteousness when presented scriptures which bring question to it.
It's fascinating to behold all the prophesies of this world's religions living right before my eyes. But if you are under the water, you can't see what men in the Ark see. This is why Jesus said to Seek God's Kingdom, and HIS Righteousness
But if a man is only a hearer of His Words and not a doer, well you have a bible, you can read it for yourself.
This is sounding like the Democratic efforts to demean Trump; he’s guilty of XYZ, but never define what XYZ are.
You mean like you accusing me of creating doctrine around Romans 2, but never defining the doctrine I created?
It was never about you, until you started justifying. It was always about the "message".
Seek God's Righteousness, not justification for your own.