The Definition of Grace

Simply put, "GRACE" is the reason I WASN'T IMMEDIATELY DESTROYED when I sinned FOR THE FIRST TIME, and was permitted to survive (under sentence of death) for 20 years until I became Born Again, and was cleansed of my SIN by FAITH in the SIN OFFERING of Jesus on the cross..

"Grace" doesn't SAVE ME, but it does give me the opportunity to BECOME SAVED predicated on what I do under CONVICTION OF SIN by the Holy Spirit. 60 years ago, I repented, and cried out in faith for salvation, and everything changed.
For by Grace we are saved, through faith. God’s actions are always needed beforehand and it is God’s action that saves us, thus we are saved graciously, not by merit or obligation. God’s actions save me, and all his actions are gracious!

You teach a race salvation based on ethnicity, a total denial of Grace.
Hello @brightfame52,

With respect, you are under a misapprehension, which has been created by your use of Romans 11 as your proof text initially. and the attempt by others, including myself, to show that the verses you had chosen had quite a different application.

If you read the whole of the chapter I believe all will become clear. If I try to break it down, I will only destroy it's beauty and magnificence, which rebounds to the glory of God.

Praise God for His glory, and His grace!

Thank you
In Christ Jesus
Hello @brightfame52,

With respect, you are under a misapprehension, which has been created by your use of Romans 11 as your proof text initially. and the attempt by others, including myself, to show that the verses you had chosen had quite a different application.

If you read the whole of the chapter I believe all will become clear. If I try to break it down, I will only destroy it's beauty and magnificence, which rebounds to the glory of God.

Praise God for His glory, and His grace!

Thank you
In Christ Jesus
Amen !
No Gods grace is for all mankind as Paul teaches. The grace of God appeared to all men, mankind, the entire human race, everyone, all people etc.....

"For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men"

Acts 17:30
Although God overlooked the ignorance of earlier times, He now commands all people everywhere to repent.

1 Timothy 2:4
who wants everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

Titus 3:4
But when the kindness of God our Savior and His love for mankind appeared
I like those passages that show God's grace is for everyone.
'Even so then at this present time also
there is a remnant according to the election of grace.
And if by grace, then is it no more of works:
otherwise grace is no more grace.
But if it be of works, then is it no more grace:
otherwise work is no more work.
What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for;
but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded.'

(Rom 11:5)

Hello @brightfame52,

From your replies #13, #14, through to #29, the discussion has been centred on trying to rectify the problem you have caused by making application to yourself, a portion of Scripture that was intended to explain to the Elect remnant of Israel, the reason why they, out of the nation, had been saved by God's grace, but the nation, as a whole, had not.

Thank you
In Christ Jesus
As you have pointed out the remnant in Romans 11 are the Jews who are God's elect. This shows how Calvinism and election are incompatible with Pauls argument in Romans chapters 9 through 11. Paul makes the counter argument to Calvins predestination and unconditional election.
Hello @brightfame52,

With respect, you are under a misapprehension, which has been created by your use of Romans 11 as your proof text initially. and the attempt by others, including myself, to show that the verses you had chosen had quite a different application.

If you read the whole of the chapter I believe all will become clear. If I try to break it down, I will only destroy it's beauty and magnificence, which rebounds to the glory of God.

Praise God for His glory, and His grace!

Thank you
In Christ Jesus
The context from which the statement is derived from doesnt take away from the biblical nature of Salvation by Grace, for Salvation by Grace is for any ethnicity, its simply how God saves sinners. So if you and the poster want to keep bringing up the fact that Paul was writing about the jews of national israel when making that statement about Grace and Election, then I have no alternative but to identify you as one who conditions Salvation by Grace on jewish ethnicity, which is apostate and denies Salvation by Grace altogether.
If you read the whole of the chapter I believe all will become clear. If I try to break it down, I will only destroy it's beauty and magnificence, which rebounds to the glory of God.

Praise God for His glory, and His grace!

Thank you
In Christ Jesus
would you agree Gods grace is undeserved ?
Grace in unmerited but not unconditional....

no grace apart from conditionally being "in Christ" 2 Tim 2:1
no grace apart from conditionally having faith Eph 2:8
no grace unconditionally apart from the word of God Acts 20:24

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Grace in unmerited but not unconditional....

no grace apart from conditionally being "in Christ" 2 Tim 2:1
no grace apart from conditionally having faith Eph 2:8
no grace unconditionally apart from the word of God Acts 20:24

Not true. The world is FULL of people who are ALL UNDERSENTENCE OF DEATH because of their SIN.

"Grace" (unmerited favor) is the only reason they're still physically alive, even though Spiritually DEAD.

And "GRACE" is why God CONVICTS US OF OUR SIN - giving us FAITH so that we can be Born Again.
Not true. The world is FULL of people who are ALL UNDERSENTENCE OF DEATH because of their SIN.

"Grace" (unmerited favor) is the only reason they're still physically alive, even though Spiritually DEAD.

And "GRACE" is why God CONVICTS US OF OUR SIN - giving us FAITH so that we can be Born Again.
All men have physical life and air to breath because of the grace of God yet when it comes to salvation, God's grace has always been conditional. Tts 2:11 God's grace hath appeared to all men yet all men will not be saved by God's grace for all men will not have faith and obey God's will..
Sorry but they dont, thats you reading into them that error.
Eph 2; Rom 5 there is no UNconditional reception of God's grace apart from faith.

Tts 2:11 God's grace that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men yet all men will not be saved (Mt 7:13) for all men will not receive God's grace for failing to meet God's condition of obedience to His will.

Most men will serve "sin unto death" rather than serving "obedience unto righteousness" Rom 6:16.

Rom 6, Paul's point is even though the Christian is saved by grace that does not give the Christian the license to sin for the Christian is the one who has died to sin. Hence reception of God's grace is conditional upon one's obedience for the disobedient all will be lost.
Eph 2; Rom 5 there is no UNconditional reception of God's grace apart from faith.

Tts 2:11 God's grace that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men yet all men will not be saved (Mt 7:13) for all men will not receive God's grace for failing to meet God's condition of obedience to His will.

Most men will serve "sin unto death" rather than serving "obedience unto righteousness" Rom 6:16.

Rom 6, Paul's point is even though the Christian is saved by grace that does not give the Christian the license to sin for the Christian is the one who has died to sin. Hence reception of God's grace is conditional upon one's obedience for the disobedient all will be lost.
Doesnt say that.
What has never been shown is reception of God's grace is totally unconditional, that grace can be received unconditionaly apart from faith.
Precious friend, then what would this be called,...?:

"...The Father...He maketh His sun to rise on the evil and on the good,​
and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust." (Mat 5:45)​
...if not Unconditional Grace?

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