Romans 4:5 disputes the Calvinist Ordu Salutis

There's a phrase used sometimes someone has gone off half cocked, which was an analogy referring to people using old firearms and not having it properly loaded or set correctly. It also referred to being half drunk or tipsy. Calvinistic theology is a very tipsy thing and it has taken verses from passages going off as we can say half cocked yes taking a truth like the natural man understands not the things of the spirit but they have not shown patience or restraint in getting the full picture of what was being said in the overall passage. The 1 Cor 2:10 verse has to do with the deep things of God the things that take spiritual maturity to perceive which comes with growth. Salvation truths ARE NOT deep things of God and Paul calls them MILK and not MEAT.

And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ. 2I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able. 1 Cor 3:1

So clearly he could not speak unto them of deep spiritual truths for they were walking too much like natural men. But to them he said back to the milk that is the basic salvation truths for that is what you and all men can at least understand.

So again what you have with Calvinists is their cherry picking one small verse from 1 Cor 2 (natural man understands not the things of the Spirit) and going off with it as we could say half cocked and thinking they've got the smoking gun against the more reasonable ;understanding of scripture and that is natural men can understand the gospel and it's meaning enough to act upon it.
Yes and when we think about Gods Glory and what brings Him the most glory we can see this Glory and the greatest act of love the world has ever known or seen in the cross. Gods glory is best seen in the fact Jesus died for all sinners, His enemies, He loved His enemies and died fore them. While we were yet enemies/sinners He died for us. Ephesians 2, Romans 5:8. So Gods glory is best seen in His sacrificial love for His enemies. Which is why Jesus said to love your enemies and to pray for them- bless them and not curse them. Calvinism gets this wrong. For them Gods glory is best seen in how God condemns the reprobates, the enemies of God, sinners etc...... That God predestined them for damnation. brings God glory. It's the exact opposite of who God is in the Bible. For them Gods hate is glorious and a loving act of God. Half cocked calling good evil, right wrong, hate love etc...........
There's a phrase used sometimes someone has gone off half cocked, which was an analogy referring to people using old firearms and not having it properly loaded or set correctly. It also referred to being half drunk or tipsy. Calvinistic theology is a very tipsy thing and it has taken verses from passages going off as we can say half cocked yes taking a truth like the natural man understands not the things of the spirit but they have not shown patience or restraint in getting the full picture of what was being said in the overall passage. The 1 Cor 2:10 verse has to do with the deep things of God the things that take spiritual maturity to perceive which comes with growth. Salvation truths ARE NOT deep things of God and Paul calls them MILK and not MEAT.

And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ. 2I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able. 1 Cor 3:1

So clearly he could not speak unto them of deep spiritual truths for they were walking too much like natural men. But to them he said back to the milk that is the basic salvation truths for that is what you and all men can at least understand.

So again what you have with Calvinists is their cherry picking one small verse from 1 Cor 2 (natural man understands not the things of the Spirit) and going off with it as we could say half cocked and thinking they've got the smoking gun against the more reasonable ;understanding of scripture and that is natural men can understand the gospel and it's meaning enough to act upon it.
A theology in search of a proof text rather than an exegetical understanding of the whole context of scripture.
Yes and when we think about Gods Glory and what brings Him the most glory we can see this Glory and the greatest act of love the world has ever known or seen in the cross. Gods glory is best seen in the fact Jesus died for all sinners, His enemies, He loved His enemies and died fore them.
Yes....but Calvinism takes the phrase for the glory of God and they use it much to give an impression their philosophy is REALLY showing humility towards God. As I say going off half cocked but they need flagged down and be told now WAIT A MINUTE! What actually is bringing glory to something or someone? It's actually pointing out noble and good qualities about another so that others will find such a character appealing......

So Calvinists can find appealing one who commands his creation to repent with no possibility now and the future that they will be able to do so? And also that he puts in one but not in another an irresistible grace he's not willing to give to all? That puts God in a good noble light which is what bringing glory to God means? So they say these things like a mantra "to the glory of God" to cushion their doctrine to look good and sound good but upon closer examination it 'sadly mere empty rhetoric.

Yes and when we think about Gods Glory and what brings Him the most glory we can see this Glory and the greatest act of love the world has ever known or seen in the cross. Gods glory is best seen in the fact Jesus died for all sinners, His enemies, He loved His enemies and died fore them.
Yes God's glory is best reflected by his love not his determination of all things or the destruction of those he makes his enemies
The cross spoke? I would submit God glory is shown equally in love as it is in judgement. There are not degrees of glory taught in scripture.

it was the greatest testimony of God's love and provision for all of mankind ever seen

God is love

it was the greatest testimony of God's love and provision for all of mankind ever seen

God is love
I will submit again, which you ignored, there are not degrees of God's glory. God's glory is just as great in His justice as it is His love.
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