John 17:3-what Jesus taught

No the Messiah told all to pray to his Father.

Every JW I’ve ever spoken with, and I’ve spoken with many, says the same thing you just said.

My best friend in Junior High School was a JW. We had a lot of great conversations and, at my request, he provided me with a large amount of JW literature. (As I’ve mentioned elsewhere, I want to know what people believe about such matters and why they believe it.)

So JWs don’t ever speak to the Messiah. Jewish monotheists do.

This is something which JWs and Jewish monotheists don’t have in common.

What do we have in common? The belief that the one God is none other than the God and Father of the Messiah.

Some of the trinitarians would like for us to slay one another in the arena for their amusement and pleasure.

My JW friend that I mentioned above was a conscientious objector. So am I. We had great conversations. Trinitarians would have been bored to tears, had any of them been listening in on us.
@Matthias just left click their photo and it comes up


1. I’m not interested in using an ignore feature. I never have used it on any forum and never will. You may not understand or appreciate this, but I want people to show me and our readers who they really are.

2. I‘m using an iPad. If it’s possible to left click on an iPad, I don’t know anything about it.

3. I don’t want to touch anyone’s picture / avatar.

Others may find the information you provided useful and helpful. On their behalf, I thank you.
Didn’t Jesus clearly identify who the one person is?

Again you are assuming the numeral one refers to person without establishing that.

What if I said, God has only one attribute because I'm a monotheist.

You say, "What? How does that follow?"

I answer "It's right in the name, silly—MONOtheist. He can only have one attribute, duh. It's right there, God is ONE."

See, the one does not refer to attributes—so there are senses in which God is NOT one for both of us.

Your God is not one! What? One what? One attribute! Well... no, he's not. He has multiple attributes.

That is exactly what your logic will sound like to me.
So JWs don’t ever speak to the Messiah. Jewish monotheists do.

This is something which JWs and Jewish monotheists don’t have in common.

According to the teachings of the Jehovah's Witnesses, your words to Jesus are not heard.

The Watchtower: Why, then, do some people feel that their prayers are not answered? To be heard, we must pray only to the God of the Bible, Jehovah, not to any other god or to ancestors. (Is Anyone Listening?, October 1, 2015, page 4)

The Watchtower: Among the many gifts from God is the opportunity we have to approach him in prayer at any time, knowing that the “Hearer of prayer” listens to us. (Psalm 65:2) Jehovah has delegated to his beloved Son the authority both to rule and to judge. However, he does not delegate to others, including his Son, the hearing of prayers. (Love the God Who Loves You, December 1, 2006, page 24).
Again you are assuming the numeral one refers to person without establishing that.

What if I said, God has only one attribute because I'm a monotheist.

You say, "What? How does that follow?"

I answer "It's right in the name, silly—MONOtheist. He can only have one attribute, duh. It's right there, God is ONE."

See, the one does not refer to attributes—so there are senses in which God is NOT one for both of us.

Your God is not one! What? One what? One attribute! Well... no, he's not. He has multiple attributes.

That is exactly what your logic will sound like to me.

I’m talking specifically about Jesus. His God is the Father, right?
That was a typo
I kind of like it though. We ignite the fuse and just blow the whole thread up. But seriously folks the solution is don't make your posts personal. If you don't like what someone posts just give your opinion and leave them out of it. You don't have to reply... just make a post about how you see things. That way "Everyone" can share their beliefs and no one gets singled out.
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