Introducing the Son of (his) Father God - John 1:18, 20:17b

The expression ‘whose going forth are from old,’ does not mean Jesus was alive in eternity past, before creation, or even existing is some other form before he was born.
From Hebraic etymological understanding shaddai stands for mountain or breast, hence, Shaddai is ‘the many breasted One’, very rich in substances and possessing the capability to feed, sustain and meet all desires of every need and want. Almighty has ten occurrences in the New Testament. Seven times as “Almighty;” once as “the Almighty;” once as “of Almighty,” and once as “omnipotent.” All the New Testamentary occurrences point to God alone.
Why would the risen Jesus, “whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting;” apply to Himself “the Almighty” epithet of Divinity? It is simply because He has the same divine essence of His Father and of the Holy Spirit. Is Jesus Christ not the “Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of peace, on whose shoulder holds the eternality of universal government? In all realms of time: past, present and future He who is Almighty has the capability to take care of all He created both ex nihilo (without existing material) and those He created from existing materials. How can God the Father be good and Jesus, His eternal, express ‘Word’, will not be good? Selah!
From Hebraic etymological understanding shaddai stands for mountain or breast, hence, Shaddai is ‘the many breasted One’, very rich in substances and possessing the capability to feed, sustain and meet all desires of every need and want. Almighty has ten occurrences in the New Testament. Seven times as “Almighty;” once as “the Almighty;” once as “of Almighty,” and once as “omnipotent.” All the New Testamentary occurrences point to God alone.
Why would the risen Jesus, “whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting;” apply to Himself “the Almighty” epithet of Divinity? It is simply because He has the same divine essence of His Father and of the Holy Spirit. Is Jesus Christ not the “Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of peace, on whose shoulder holds the eternality of universal government? In all realms of time: past, present and future He who is Almighty has the capability to take care of all He created both ex nihilo (without existing material) and those He created from existing materials. How can God the Father be good and Jesus, His eternal, express ‘Word’, will not be good? Selah!

-and wrong again.
Update for line item #24


Prior to the 4th Century AD, the earliest text of specific scripture and its meaning of the Father God having created his son was clear. Because of the Arian threat and the promotion and elevation of Jesus the man to the status of a deity they, the RCC was forced to alter scripture.

What read as, or with similar words "You are my Son, today I have begotten you" was replaced with other obscure text to minimize clarity and cause vagueness in understanding that the Father God created his Son on a specific day - 4B-2 BC. And to especially make a plausible argument and insertion for a so-called Greco-pagan absurd incarnation process for his birth.

Pertinent subject scripture/text and other associated scripture are listed below:

Matt 3:17, 17:5; Mar 1:11, 9:7; Luke 3:22, 9:35, John 3:16; Acts 13:33; Heb 1:5-6, 5:5; 2 Sam 7:12-14; Psalms 2:7, 89:27
Update for line item #24

View attachment 416

Prior to the 4th Century AD, the earliest text of specific scripture and its meaning of the Father God having created his son was clear. Because of the Arian threat and the promotion and elevation of Jesus the man to the status of a deity they, the RCC was forced to alter scripture.

What read as, or with similar words "You are my Son, today I have begotten you" was replaced with other obscure text to minimize clarity and cause vagueness in understanding that the Father God created his Son on a specific day - 4B-2 BC. And to especially make a plausible argument and insertion for a so-called Greco-pagan absurd incarnation process for his birth.

Pertinent subject scripture/text and other associated scripture are listed below:

Matt 3:17, 17:5; Mar 1:11, 9:7; Luke 3:22, 9:35, John 3:16; Acts 13:33; Heb 1:5-6, 5:5; 2 Sam 7:12-14; Psalms 2:7, 89:27
The WORD that was God was never created.

You misunderstand the Scriptures as pertaining to who exactly the WORD is.

There is a Twofold dynamic pertaining to the WORD that became flesh.

If you only look at the scriptures that pertain to His coming into this world in a physical body, then you miss out on His Eternal Oneness as Elohim.
The WORD that was God was never created.

You misunderstand the Scriptures as pertaining to who exactly the WORD is.

There is a Twofold dynamic pertaining to the WORD that became flesh.

If you only look at the scriptures that pertain to His coming into this world in a physical body, then you miss out on His Eternal Oneness as Elohim.
Can you try to specially/especially address my post? I did not discuss the logos at all in this post...thx
Can you try to specially/especially address my post? I did not discuss the logos at all in this post...thx
i did address your post

@APAK says: " What read as, or with similar words "You are my Son, today I have begotten you" was replaced with other obscure text to minimize clarity and cause vagueness in understanding that the Father God created his Son on a specific day - 4B-2 BC. And to especially make a plausible argument and insertion for a so-called Greco-pagan absurd incarnation process for his birth."
Proof Jesus was not begotten is the Bible says he was, right? :unsure:(n)
Hello wrangler,

3The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His nature, upholding all things by His powerful word. After He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.4So He became as far superior to the angels as the name He has inherited is excellent beyond theirs.5For to which of the angels did God ever say:

“You are My Son;

today I have become Your Father”c?

Or again:

“I will be His Father,

and He will be My Son”d?

6And again, when God brings His firstborn into the world, He says:

“Let all God’s angels worship Him.”e

7Now about the angels He says:

“He makes His angels winds,

His servants flames of fire.”f

8But about the Son He says:

“Your throne, O God, endures forever and ever,

and justice is the scepter of Your kingdom.

9You have loved righteousness

and hated wickedness;

therefore God, Your God, has anointed You

above Your companions with the oil of joy.”g


“In the beginning, O Lord, You laid the foundations of the earth,

and the heavens are the work of Your hands.

11They will perish, but You remain;

they will all wear out like a garment.

12You will roll them up like a robe;

like a garmenth they will be changed;

but You remain the same,

and Your years will never end.”i
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Scripture clearly describes that the Son of the Father God as a created human being who was raised to glory into heaven by his Father, who is his God and ours.

This thread is created to not only show and reveal the Son of God, to also provide a self-help Bible Study of him, his person his works and nature in relationship to us and his Father.

I will maintain a running summary of the scripture used in this thread in tabular form. as a list

No one has seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, he has made Him known.
I ascend to my Father and your Father, and to my God and your God. (NEV)

Blessings to all, whether one embarks of this trek of study or not...

Now, are you going to show the relationship between God and His Chosen people Israel, or are you going to show the relationship between God and Gentile believers because there is a distinction between them both.
If it did you would post the scripture where it explicitly states "the WORD was created".


"God created His Son"
Fade Alternative. Words are created - by the being who conceives them.

Trinitarian make believe is that the word of is a person (YHWH) is another person. The title, ‘Word of God’ is not found in Scripture to be God, not found in John 1:1.

Sons are created beings, by definition. The verse explicitly refers to a day when Jesus became his son, implying there was a day the son did not exist. This is the case for all sons.
Fade Alternative. Words are created - by the being who conceives them.

Trinitarian make believe is that the word of is a person (YHWH) is another person. The title, ‘Word of God’ is not found in Scripture to be God, not found in John 1:1.

Sons are created beings, by definition. The verse explicitly refers to a day when Jesus became his son, implying there was a day the son did not exist. This is the case for all sons.
@Wrangler, i 100% agree with your statement as follows:
The verse explicitly refers to a day when Jesus became his son.
The verse explicitly refers to a day when Jesus became his son, implying there was a day the son did not exist. This is the case for all sons.
Heresies About the Incarnation

Justin Johnson
Heresy is a doctrinal error that affects a fundamental of Christianity. Since Jesus Christ is the foundation of Christianity, getting the teaching of Christ wrong can quickly devolve into heresy.

The good news is that getting Christ right is not hard. The bad news is that there are many ways to get him wrong.

This is evident when people talk about the incarnation of Jesus Christ. Incarnation refers to Christ putting on flesh and refers to the time of his birth and after. Was he a real man? Was he truly God? How was the Word, which was in the beginning before all things, made flesh (John 1:14)?

The Biblical teaching of the person of Christ is clear and simple:

1) Jesus is a man (1 Tim 2:5).

2) Jesus is God (Titus 2:13).

3) Since his incarnation, Jesus is always both at the same time (Col 2:9; 1 Tim 3:16).
There are many heresies, but they can all be summarized by a denial of one of the above statements. Changing these statements changes who Christ is and fundamentally alters the foundation of Christianity.

Denying Christ is Man

Heresies that deny Christ’s humanity are not popular today, though you can still see them float around if you wait long enough. For example, Jehovah Witnesses’ teach that Jesus’ resurrection was not in a real body which would be a denial of his full humanity.

An ancient heresy called Docetism said that Jesus was God, but that he only appeared to be a man. Apollinarian heresy said that he had a human body, but a divine soul. Since a man is made of both body and soul, not having the soul of a man makes him an incomplete man.

Errors in this area most often arise from the tendency to protect his deity, or a misunderstanding of what it means to be a man (e.g. thinking being a man requires sin). All of these heresies teach a different Christ than what is found when all scripture is considered.

Jesus was fully and completely man in order to die for humanity, and to quicken any man to his image in salvation after death. He was in all ways like we are, human, yet without sin (Heb 4:15).

Denying Christ is God

A more popular and still prevalent heresy is denying the deity of Christ.

Unitarians, Jehovah Witnesses (modern day Arian heresy), Christadelphians, and other groups teach that Jesus was not God in the ultimate sense, but was a created being.

They vary in the degree to which Christ is magnified, but all deny Jesus as God. Many scholars of religion, Jews, and secularists fall into this category acknowledging the full humanity of Jesus, but denying he was God (modern day Ebionite heresy).

Adoptionism says that Jesus was a man and put on divinity at his baptism or his resurrection. The problem here is clear when we consider God’s attributes of eternality and necessity. If Jesus was not God for a single moment, he could not be God at any time, because God is forever.

The logic of scripture demands either that he was always God or never God.

If Jesus was not God, the Bible is wrong and Christianity is false. If Christ was not God then he could not atone for our sins, forgive a single sin, God would not be the Saviour, our faith would be in vain, and eternal life would be a wish not a promise.

Denying He is Both at the Same Time

One of the most subtle heresies and prevalent in otherwise sound Christian groups is the heresy regarding the union of the two natures of Christ (i.e. hypostatic union).

The true teaching is that Jesus is one eternal person who, after the incarnation, is described by two complete, unaltered, and unmixed natures: God and man. (Before the incarnation he was only God).

These kind of heresies are created when people allow one of the natures of Christ to change/affect/alter/limit/diminish the other nature.

Eutychianism and monophysitism are ancient heresies that taught that Jesus existed in only one nature: a mixture of man and God. A sort of superman – half-man half-God. If this were true, then, like Superman, he was not a true human, but a mutant human, and he was not truly God, but a new form of God.

Nestorianism on the other heretical hand says that there were two persons of Jesus: Jesus the God and Jesus the Man. This provides for two natures, but creates disunity in the person of Jesus who has always been one.

Kenoticism is a prevalent liberal heresy that is making inroads into more conservative Christian groups, and even in grace circles today. It teaches that in order to become a man, Jesus had to limit/diminish/empty/lay aside/subtract or in some way change his deity attributes.

If the two natures do not remain complete, full, inseparable, and without mixture, then either the Godhead must change, or Christ is not adequate to be the Saviour and mediator of men. Neither option is acceptable to Biblical Christianity, but that is why it is called heresy.


When the eternal divine Word was made flesh, he did not stop being God. He started also being human at the same time. From that point forward he was fully God with every attribute of deity, and he was fully man with every attribute of humanity. Jesus Christ is both man and God in one person.

Heresies are like poison and when ingested begin to disrupt the inner workings of the body. When taught and believed they affect how you think about God and salvation. If not now, then later when the crack in the foundation has had time to do its work.

Unlike other teachings which may be trivial or inconsequential to your salvation, getting the doctrine of Christ wrong throws into question whether you are a true Christian or not. If we teach another Jesus, then it is not the true Jesus Christ who is God and Saviour, Head of the Body, and in whom we are complete.

It is important to know the true teaching of Christ, and beware of the heresies throughout history that have often deceived men by fine words against the truth. Truth about Christ is necessary to be a true Christian.

- Know the Heresies
- The Divine Incarnation
- Jesus Equals God Minus Nothing
- The Natures of Christ
- These Three are One
- Mark 13:32 and the Deity of Christ

Feel free to peruse at your leisure.
Heresies About the Incarnation

Justin Johnson
Heresy is a doctrinal error that affects a fundamental of Christianity. Since Jesus Christ is the foundation of Christianity, getting the teaching of Christ wrong can quickly devolve into heresy.

The good news is that getting Christ right is not hard. The bad news is that there are many ways to get him wrong.

This is evident when people talk about the incarnation of Jesus Christ. Incarnation refers to Christ putting on flesh and refers to the time of his birth and after. Was he a real man? Was he truly God? How was the Word, which was in the beginning before all things, made flesh (John 1:14)?

The Biblical teaching of the person of Christ is clear and simple:

1) Jesus is a man (1 Tim 2:5).

2) Jesus is God (Titus 2:13).

3) Since his incarnation, Jesus is always both at the same time (Col 2:9; 1 Tim 3:16).
There are many heresies, but they can all be summarized by a denial of one of the above statements. Changing these statements changes who Christ is and fundamentally alters the foundation of Christianity.

Denying Christ is Man

Heresies that deny Christ’s humanity are not popular today, though you can still see them float around if you wait long enough. For example, Jehovah Witnesses’ teach that Jesus’ resurrection was not in a real body which would be a denial of his full humanity.

An ancient heresy called Docetism said that Jesus was God, but that he only appeared to be a man. Apollinarian heresy said that he had a human body, but a divine soul. Since a man is made of both body and soul, not having the soul of a man makes him an incomplete man.

Errors in this area most often arise from the tendency to protect his deity, or a misunderstanding of what it means to be a man (e.g. thinking being a man requires sin). All of these heresies teach a different Christ than what is found when all scripture is considered.

Jesus was fully and completely man in order to die for humanity, and to quicken any man to his image in salvation after death. He was in all ways like we are, human, yet without sin (Heb 4:15).

Denying Christ is God

A more popular and still prevalent heresy is denying the deity of Christ.

Unitarians, Jehovah Witnesses (modern day Arian heresy), Christadelphians, and other groups teach that Jesus was not God in the ultimate sense, but was a created being.

They vary in the degree to which Christ is magnified, but all deny Jesus as God. Many scholars of religion, Jews, and secularists fall into this category acknowledging the full humanity of Jesus, but denying he was God (modern day Ebionite heresy).

Adoptionism says that Jesus was a man and put on divinity at his baptism or his resurrection. The problem here is clear when we consider God’s attributes of eternality and necessity. If Jesus was not God for a single moment, he could not be God at any time, because God is forever.

The logic of scripture demands either that he was always God or never God.

If Jesus was not God, the Bible is wrong and Christianity is false. If Christ was not God then he could not atone for our sins, forgive a single sin, God would not be the Saviour, our faith would be in vain, and eternal life would be a wish not a promise.

Denying He is Both at the Same Time

One of the most subtle heresies and prevalent in otherwise sound Christian groups is the heresy regarding the union of the two natures of Christ (i.e. hypostatic union).

The true teaching is that Jesus is one eternal person who, after the incarnation, is described by two complete, unaltered, and unmixed natures: God and man. (Before the incarnation he was only God).

These kind of heresies are created when people allow one of the natures of Christ to change/affect/alter/limit/diminish the other nature.

Eutychianism and monophysitism are ancient heresies that taught that Jesus existed in only one nature: a mixture of man and God. A sort of superman – half-man half-God. If this were true, then, like Superman, he was not a true human, but a mutant human, and he was not truly God, but a new form of God.

Nestorianism on the other heretical hand says that there were two persons of Jesus: Jesus the God and Jesus the Man. This provides for two natures, but creates disunity in the person of Jesus who has always been one.

Kenoticism is a prevalent liberal heresy that is making inroads into more conservative Christian groups, and even in grace circles today. It teaches that in order to become a man, Jesus had to limit/diminish/empty/lay aside/subtract or in some way change his deity attributes.

If the two natures do not remain complete, full, inseparable, and without mixture, then either the Godhead must change, or Christ is not adequate to be the Saviour and mediator of men. Neither option is acceptable to Biblical Christianity, but that is why it is called heresy.


When the eternal divine Word was made flesh, he did not stop being God. He started also being human at the same time. From that point forward he was fully God with every attribute of deity, and he was fully man with every attribute of humanity. Jesus Christ is both man and God in one person.

Heresies are like poison and when ingested begin to disrupt the inner workings of the body. When taught and believed they affect how you think about God and salvation. If not now, then later when the crack in the foundation has had time to do its work.

Unlike other teachings which may be trivial or inconsequential to your salvation, getting the doctrine of Christ wrong throws into question whether you are a true Christian or not. If we teach another Jesus, then it is not the true Jesus Christ who is God and Saviour, Head of the Body, and in whom we are complete.

It is important to know the true teaching of Christ, and beware of the heresies throughout history that have often deceived men by fine words against the truth. Truth about Christ is necessary to be a true Christian.

- Know the Heresies
- The Divine Incarnation
- Jesus Equals God Minus Nothing
- The Natures of Christ
- These Three are One
- Mark 13:32 and the Deity of Christ

Feel free to peruse at your leisure.
Thank you Johann for this statement you posted.
"Heresy is a doctrinal error that affects a fundamental of Christianity. Since Jesus Christ is the foundation of Christianity, getting the teaching of Christ wrong can quickly devolve into heresy."

This applies to all that the LORD Jesus spoke and taught beginning in Genesis and thru the Prophets, the Gospel, the Apostles and Revelation.

There be many many heresies out there today and some that seem so benign like = 'pre-trib' rapture.

To preach/teach a doctrine that goes directly against the words of God should be a Big NEON Sign of WARNING to every Saint.
There be many many heresies out there today and some that seem so benign like = 'pre-trib' rapture.
The COMING Rapture
“Then we which are alive and remain shall be
caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air:
and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”
~ 1 Thessalonians 4:17

1. Review

a. End times study concerns when Christ returns and Prophecy will be fulfilled

b. Chronologically, the rapture is first, but in your study the kingdom will be learned first

c. The rapture doctrine is a consequence of the revelation of the mystery

d. The real issue in eschatology is not rapture, tribulation, translation, but right division

2. The Rapture

a. A word not in your Bible unless you speak Latin in 1 Thess 4:17

b. It is a resurrection, but not only, it is also a change and relocation – 1 Cor 15:51-52

c. Paul mentions the appearing in Titus 2:13, Col 3:4

d. Paul teaches the church’s deliverance from wrath – Rom 5:9, 1Th 1:10, 5:9

3. The Controversy

a. It is mocked and ridiculed by poor presentations in movies and books (Left Behind)

b. The controversy among believers is when the “rapture” happens

c. There are pre-tribulation, mid-trib, post-trib, and recently pre-wrath positions

d. It is a strange event. So is… Gen 5:24, 2Ki 2:11, Act 1:9, 8:39, 2Co 12:2, Rev 11:12

e. There are people who get to heaven during the tribulation – Rev 7:9, 14:1-3, 14:16

f. Some say it is after the tribulation according to Matt 24:31, 24:36-44, 13:36-40

g. Will the church be a part of the tribulation? (Next week)

4. Separating Prophecy from Mystery

a. The strongest defense of a pre-trib rapture is rightly dividing Prophecy/Mystery

b. The rapture is secret because of how it was revealed – Rom 16:25

c. The church is not mentioned at all in Prophecy, so neither is it’s catching away

d. God’s operation/doctrine today is different than it will be during Dan 70th week

e. The gospel is different – Rev 14:6-7 vs. Gal 1:6-8, Rev 12:17, 14:12

f. The ministry is different – 2 Cor 5:18-19, Eph 6:15 vs. Rev 19:10

g. Israel must resume standing with God (not just a nation) – Rev 7:4 vs. Rom 11:32

h. It is a different time – we are not of the night or of the darkness - 1 Thess 5:1-8

5. What This Means?
a. The next thing God will do is return for His church

b. The rapture of the church is not even a prophetic end time event

c. There are no signs of this mystery return, all signs are for his prophetic return

d. The rapture of the church could happen at any moment, no intervening events
e. We are not even close to the end, we are always at least 1,007 years away

The COMING Rapture
“Then we which are alive and remain shall be
caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air:
and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”
~ 1 Thessalonians 4:17

1. Review

a. End times study concerns when Christ returns and Prophecy will be fulfilled

b. Chronologically, the rapture is first, but in your study the kingdom will be learned first

c. The rapture doctrine is a consequence of the revelation of the mystery

d. The real issue in eschatology is not rapture, tribulation, translation, but right division

2. The Rapture

a. A word not in your Bible unless you speak Latin in 1 Thess 4:17

b. It is a resurrection, but not only, it is also a change and relocation – 1 Cor 15:51-52

c. Paul mentions the appearing in Titus 2:13, Col 3:4

d. Paul teaches the church’s deliverance from wrath – Rom 5:9, 1Th 1:10, 5:9

3. The Controversy

a. It is mocked and ridiculed by poor presentations in movies and books (Left Behind)

b. The controversy among believers is when the “rapture” happens

c. There are pre-tribulation, mid-trib, post-trib, and recently pre-wrath positions

d. It is a strange event. So is… Gen 5:24, 2Ki 2:11, Act 1:9, 8:39, 2Co 12:2, Rev 11:12

e. There are people who get to heaven during the tribulation – Rev 7:9, 14:1-3, 14:16

f. Some say it is after the tribulation according to Matt 24:31, 24:36-44, 13:36-40

g. Will the church be a part of the tribulation? (Next week)

4. Separating Prophecy from Mystery

a. The strongest defense of a pre-trib rapture is rightly dividing Prophecy/Mystery

b. The rapture is secret because of how it was revealed – Rom 16:25

c. The church is not mentioned at all in Prophecy, so neither is it’s catching away

d. God’s operation/doctrine today is different than it will be during Dan 70th week

e. The gospel is different – Rev 14:6-7 vs. Gal 1:6-8, Rev 12:17, 14:12

f. The ministry is different – 2 Cor 5:18-19, Eph 6:15 vs. Rev 19:10

g. Israel must resume standing with God (not just a nation) – Rev 7:4 vs. Rom 11:32

h. It is a different time – we are not of the night or of the darkness - 1 Thess 5:1-8

5. What This Means?
a. The next thing God will do is return for His church

b. The rapture of the church is not even a prophetic end time event

c. There are no signs of this mystery return, all signs are for his prophetic return

d. The rapture of the church could happen at any moment, no intervening events
e. We are not even close to the end, we are always at least 1,007 years away

"Chronologically, the rapture is first," = this is exactly the definition of a heresy = replacing Truth with man's words(religion)

Maybe i'm wrong???

The only way to KNOW is to SEE what Christ and the Apostles wrote down for us to BELIEVE.

PLEASE post the scripture(s) that declare BEFORE His Coming and BEFORE the Resurrection there will be a pre-trib rapture.
"Chronologically, the rapture is first," = this is exactly the definition of a heresy = replacing Truth with man's words(religion)

Maybe i'm wrong???

The only way to KNOW is to SEE what Christ and the Apostles wrote down for us to BELIEVE.

PLEASE post the scripture(s) that declare BEFORE His Coming and BEFORE the Resurrection there will be a pre-trib rapture.
Please read the post again and the link given.
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What is the distinction?
The Jews have Covenant and prophecies and promises.

The Gentiles don't.

1 I say the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost,
2 That I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart.
3 For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh:
4 Who are Israelites;
to whom pertaineth
the adoption,
and the glory,
and the covenants,
and the giving of the law,
and the service of God,
and the promises;
5 Whose are the fathers,
and of whom as concerning the flesh
Christ came,
who is over all,
God blessed for ever. Amen.
Rom. 9:1–5.

24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
Mt 15:24.

31 And I knew him not: but that he should be made manifest to Israel,
Jn 1:30–31.

Salvation is of the Jews.
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