I am considered a Pentecostal

Doesn't logically prevent that.

I'm sure you would admit at least two kinds of tongues already, as some are foreign languages, and those don't need interpreting to the recipients.
The passage is relating to the difference between tongues that cannot be understood, and prophecy that can be understood, concluding gifts should be used to edify the church.

The tongues being spoken of in 1st Corinthians 14 are the ones that require an interpreter. The acts instance did not.

The Pentecost wonder from Acts is something else, where the Holy Spirit was acting as interpreter for each person present. Paul isn't talking about that event.
I originally spoke in tongues for years, then read in the bible that I should pray to translate.

I did this, but could no longer relate to pentecostal or charismatic theology.
I'm not sure what you could not relate to, or what Pentecostal church you attended. I attended the Church of God based in Cleveland TN. Here is a link to their beliefs. I no longer attend the Church of God, but have no real issues with their doctrine. No one is perfect, including me.

After receiving the gift of tongues, I would speak out loud during worship and praise not knowing what I was saying. And during prayer time at home, I would pray in tongues but my mind was thinking about earthly things like football. It was not long after that I read what the Apostle Paul wrote, "Therefore let him who speaks in another language pray that he may interpret. For if I pray in another language, my spirit prays, but my understanding is unfruitful. What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also. I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also." (1Co 14:13-15)

I have read those verses many times, but they never registered until the day the Lord pointed out that was me. Not only was I speaking out loud and not knowing what I was saying; I was not edifying anyone (verses 23, 28). I had zero idea what my spirit was speaking, so I prayed to the Lord that my mind would be fruitful and understand.

I began slowly to understand, like a child learning to understand when spoken to. I would have an understanding perhaps the matter or person, and finally like a child that understands his spoken language, so to it is me. I know what I am saying to the Lord, and He has used me many times to speak in tongues to others when I minister, interpreting what He is saying. He will also speak to me personally through the gift He gave me.

Speaking in tongues can weird some people out, and I began to desire that when the Lord would speak through me, that He would give me His message to speak in English. He has fulfilled that desire too. When ministering, He will fill my spirit with His message and it comes out to edify, exhort, and comfort the hearers. Prophesy is a wonderful blessing for the body of us believers!

May God bless all who read this to know He still gives spiritual gifts to His children for works of service within the body and even out.

God Bless
There is a demonic counterfeit to speaking in tongues.

Something I think everyone should be aware of, and exercise discernment in, if a person is not walking in holiness.
I am considered Pentecostal because I speak in tongues as the Lord has gifted me. When I was a boy 8-12 in the sixties, the only religious influence in my life at that time was my Methodist mother and one of her bibles. I read the four gospels and Acts and totally expected people to speak in tongues once they were saved. So it was no surprise to me that it happened to me.

Here is my testimony of being baptized with the Holy Spirit.

After many years of conviction, I repented of sin and began a new life to God by faith in Christ. I was just a babe in Christ and was home alone on my knees worshiping and praying to my Savior when this wonderful sensation began in my belly and started to whelm up and spread upwards my esophagus. It was the most pleasant feeling. As it was spreading upwards, my throat and tongue began to feel stiff, at this point I became fearful of what was happening to me and stopped worshiping. Immediately the sensation subsided and withdrew the same path it took. In my spirit these words rang out, "when you are at church ask to be baptized in the Holy Spirit".

A couple of weeks later at Church the Pastor asked for anyone needing prayer to come forward. Many people went up to the front and were prayed for by the Pastor and the Elders. As they began praying for people, without knowing a reason why, I went up to the altar too. I began to question myself why I was up there, and as the Pastor and Elders worked their way down to the end where I was standing, the words rang out in my spirit to ask to be baptized with the Holy Spirit. As the group of men moved my way from the person on my left, my Pastor stopped in front of me and kindly asked me what I needed. I was so anxious and could barely get the words out of my mouth, and then the Pastor and the Elders laid their hands on me and prayed.

The very same thing that happened when I was home alone praying began to happen again. This time it wasn't fear that stopped me from receiving but doubt. As soon as the thought of doubt, "is this really of God" shot through my mind, the inward sensation subsided the same way it did earlier when I was in fear. I became resolved to believe that which was happening to me was in fact of God. As soon as I made that resolution in myself the sensation began again, and this time I fully believed and gave myself over to worshiping God without fear.

The next thing I experienced was as if I was slowly waking up. I noticed that my arms were lifted up and my mouth was moving with noise coming out. As I became more aware of my surroundings, I realized that I was worshiping God inwardly and expressing it through my mouth. I lowered my arms and looked around to gather my bearings. I was in such a state of euphoria, and unbeknownst to me I was up there for a good while and the service had let out. Many people were still there praising God and expressing their joy for what had happened to me. As I sat down to gather myself together, those who stayed came by and expressed their joy with me. Assuming from what they were saying, but not really knowing, I asked my wife if I spoke in tongues, she laughed and answered with a resounding, yeah, did you ever!

That was many decades ago and to this day I worship God in other languages as the Spirit of God has enabled me. Back then I was just like a kid not knowing the use or the value of that which was given to me, but now because of the anointing of the Holy Spirit, I’m able to worship God with my spirit and my mind. And the gift that was given to me for edification is also used to benefit other believers in their faith and worship of God.

I’ve testified about this event so that you may know that Jesus Christ is truly the Son of God, and that God's gift of the Holy Spirit and His empowering gifts are true as recorded in the Bible.

God Bless,
Joe, you need to finish it off by being baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins. Then you will have officially obeyed Peter and you are part of the church of 3000 at Pentecost.
Joe, you need to finish it off by being baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins. Then you will have officially obeyed Peter and you are part of the church of 3000 at Pentecost.
I have been water baptized. It was after receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

God Bless
I have been water baptized. It was after receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

God Bless
Was the name of Jesus specifically spoken over you during your baptism? That is what is called baptizing in the name of Jesus. You need to really make sure because that is what causes remission of sins. I’m a real stickler on the name of Jesus. God bless.
Was the name of Jesus specifically spoken over you during your baptism? That is what is called baptizing in the name of Jesus. You need to really make sure because that is what causes remission of sins. I’m a real stickler on the name of Jesus. God bless.
I've baptized others in the name of Jesus Christ, but myself was baptized in the name of the Father the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Lord has not informed me to be concerned and get re-baptized, and He is meticulous on shedding light on truth. :)

Thank you for your input.
God Bless
I've baptized others in the name of Jesus Christ, but myself was baptized in the name of the Father the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Lord has not informed me to be concerned and get re-baptized, and He is meticulous on shedding light on truth. :)

Thank you for your input.
God Bless
I would baptize myself in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins if I was baptizing others the same way. You should do that. You sound like an honest person.
Baptism, in the name of Jesus Christ is specifically for the remission of sins.
your worse than a parrot your like a broken record one last time WITH OUT THE SHEDDING OF BLOOD THERE IS NO REMISSION OF SINS 1 john 1:7 the Blood cleanses us.. your like a Mormon and Jehovah witness you been programed and that's all you know(n)🖕
your worse than a parrot your like a broken record one last time WITH OUT THE SHEDDING OF BLOOD THERE IS NO REMISSION OF SINS 1 john 1:7 the Blood cleanses us.. your like a Mormon and Jehovah witness you been programed and that's all you know(n)🖕
Think about it for a second. Peter said be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins. The scripture said without shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins.
Now you get it?
Baptism in the name of Jesus for the remission of sins equates the blood application.
Think about it for a second. Peter said be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins. The scripture said without shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins.
Now you get it?
Baptism in the name of Jesus for the remission of sins equates the blood application.
what i get is YOU DONT GET IT.. your about as blind as a Jehovah witness. you would think a light would go off as much scripture that has been posted your eyes would be opened .
no amount of water will take sin out of our life... Jesus was baptized yet he had no sin 2nd cor, 5:21 He paid the price on the cross. not in water. you are posting false teaching your adding to the word of God. you been programmed with garbage teaching . your blinded by religion .

I don't know of any other way to say it.. i do not nor will not agree with the apostolic teaching on salvation and the oneness teacher of no trinity. if you keep trying to prove your point with your false theology, i will block you so quick. i don't mind discussing Bible with anyone.
but your watered down theology is very wrong not only is it wrong it is so false it makes you look like a fake. water baptism follows salvation . if you think being baptized saved you . all you got was just get WET(y):(o_O
what i get is YOU DONT GET IT.. your about as blind as a Jehovah witness. you would think a light would go off as much scripture that has been posted your eyes would be opened .
no amount of water will take sin out of our life... Jesus was baptized yet he had no sin 2nd cor, 5:21 He paid the price on the cross. not in water. you are posting false teaching your adding to the word of God. you been programmed with garbage teaching . your blinded by religion .

I don't know of any other way to say it.. i do not nor will not agree with the apostolic teaching on salvation and the oneness teacher of no trinity. if you keep trying to prove your point with your false theology, i will block you so quick. i don't mind discussing Bible with anyone.
but your watered down theology is very wrong not only is it wrong it is so false it makes you look like a fake. water baptism follows salvation . if you think being baptized saved you . all you got was just get WET(y):(o_O
It is the name of Jesus spoken during the symbolism of water baptism(burial with Christ) that remits sins.

Water alone is nada.

The titles are nada.

Sins are not remitted without obeying Acts 2:38.

Don't even think about taking that chance.
Sins are not remitted without obeying Acts 2:38.

Don't even think about taking that chance.
obviously you never think.. i have no time for your watered down theology......end of discussion Isiah 8:20 “To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” your in darkness of error good day to you dont bother me with such junk
obviously you never think.. i have no time for your watered down theology......end of discussion Isiah 8:20 “To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” your in darkness of error good day to you dont bother me with such junk
Watering down is doing this...

38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, DELETE and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

from this...

38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Watering down is doing this...

38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, DELETE and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

from this...

38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
your like a broken record keep playing same thing over and over again. I do believe I am dealing with artificial intelligence your absolutely programmed that all you know is act 2:38 . its sickening to read such watered down theology . we are done i am putting you on ignore . i have no time for anyone that cant get past acts 2:38
your like a broken record keep playing same thing over and over again. I do believe I am dealing with artificial intelligence your absolutely programmed that all you know is act 2:38 . its sickening to read such watered down theology . we are done i am putting you on ignore . i have no time for anyone that cant get past acts 2:38
Quick question, since you consider yourself a Pentecostal, if you were Peter at Pentecost, would you have said what he said in Acts, chapter 2 and verse 38? If not, what would you have said?
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