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I left the evangelical church over legalism, hypocrisy and theology. My father was a non-practicing Jewand I became a Messianic Jew. My Gentile mother made us go to the IFB Christian church when we were growing up. Since then my brother converted to Catholicism and I to Messianic Judaism
I have no tolerance for legalism and hypocrisy. My spiritual and moral compass comes from Yeshua, my Complete JewishBible and the Jewish Didache (early church manual). If you are looking for a minister to guide you to a spiritual paradise you will be surely disappointed. Man is fallible, but Yeshua our Savior, Redeemer and coming King is infallible and so is Adonai's Word.
I will be praying for you my brother that Hashem will give you wisdom and understanding.
Shalom Aleichem
After I wrote you, what I wrote you. I thought maybe I should of just asked you what your theology is, and replied if I agreed with it or not. In general terms I agree with you. I am always grateful to anyone that feels called to pray for me.
My "friend" once told me that the Church you choose is based on your preference. I feel that is a very immature thing to say. Also people tell me, "no Church is perfect because people are not perfect". I also consider that to be an immature thing to say. Yes it is true, but it is not a helpful statement. My "friend" once said, "how can you be a Christian not go to Church?" That is a very immature question. The Bible does say Hebrews 10:25 "25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." But this verse assumes that the people in the Church are trying to treat each other right. From my experience, the people in Churches I've been too, pick and choose who they will treat right. They can always say to themselves, "we are not treating the other people bad, we just ignore them." "If those people don't fit into our Church then they can just go find another one." The problem is you might not be able to find another one. People are fickle. I can give you guys reasons why I think people don't like me. 1) I'm a janitor for a school. People seem to look down at any person who does a low end job like that. It is kinda like how so many people look down at homeless people. They justify it by saying, that person could get a job. Or they chose to live in sin. These are judgments made without even knowing the people personally. They go no idea what the story is. Number 2) The way I look and my personality. Christian people seem to think if you are a true Christian then you will have a smile on your face. They never seem to consider that maybe the reason why the person is not smiling is because they don't feel good physically or maybe emotionally. They seem to forget that honestly is also very important in Christianity. It is like nobody wants to minister to anyone unless they think it turn into something great. One time I was sitting in Church, and I had my finger in bandage holding it straight. The pastor came up to me, and asked what happened to my finger. I explained that I did manual labor at a School, cleaning it. I cleaned so many sinks with a rag that the joints in my finger got sore. He could of responded that He would pray for me and my finger, but instead he bragged about how He never had to do manual labor.