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Yet there is only ONE Lord, Is Jesus Lord? or is the Father Lord? Which is it?
They are one and the same. Father = Lord. Jesus = Lord. Holy Spirit = Lord. For they are ALL the same God.
In Hebrew, the word ‘Adoni’ pronounced ‘Andon-ee’ means’ my lord’ in English. They meant master(s), rulers, and never the one God Almighty.
The word ‘Adoni’ Is used about 195 times in the OT for a created superiors over men, even angels.
So, in its context of the verse, the phrase within it ‘my lord’ means the Messiah, and superior and glorified human being.
Now Adonai sometimes written as ‘Adonay,’ is used for the one true God, my Lord, and never anyone else.
Adonai is referred to God but Adoni to human superiors.
Adoni — ref. to men: my lord, my master [see Ps. 110:1]
Adonai — ref. to God…Lord (Brown, Driver, Briggs, Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament, under adon [= lord]).
“The form ADONI (‘my lord’), a royal title (I Sam. 29:8), is to be carefully distinguished from the divine title ADONAI (‘my Lord’) used of Yahweh.” “ADONAI — the special plural form [the divine title] distinguishes it from adonai [with short vowel] = my lords” (International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, “Lord,” p. 157).
(Psa 110:1) Yahweh says to my (l)Lord, Sit at My right hand, until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet. (NEV)
Can you see the clear distinction now Doug?