On what basis were the "elect" elected before the foundation of the world? On the basis of God's foreknowledge of who was faithful to Him (Rom 8:28-30). "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. 29 For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters; 30 and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified."
Let us test your understanding with God's word.
Romans 8:28~"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose."
This is a further description or characteristic of God’s people. They are called not merely outwardly by the preaching of the Gospel, for this is common to them with unbelievers, but called also by the Spirit,
with an internal and effectual calling, and made willing in the day of God’s power. They are called according
to God’s eternal purpose, according to which He knew them, and purposed their calling before they were in existence; for all God’s purposes are eternal.
It imports that their calling is solely the effect of grace; for when it is said to be a calling according to God’s purpose,
it is distinguished from a calling according to works.
You are so wrong thinking the calling of the children of God's promises
was determined by their faithfulness to him, that is totally twisting the scriptures around attempting to make them say what
you desire for them to say to try to convince others of your false gospel, based upon man's works.
Romans 8:29~"For whom He did foreknow, He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren."
For whom.
The coordinating conjunction
for shows this verse explains
his purpose
for the called (8:28). Our sonship (8:14), future glory (8:17), and future adoption (8:23) are by God’s
purpose. Eternal glory in heaven is not by possibility, proposal, proposition, provision, or appeal. His
purpose is exalted above all other aspects (
Rom 9:11,
Eph 1:11; 3:11;
II Tim 1:9).
Foreknowledge does not lead to God’s purpose, but rather God’s purpose to foreknowledge! God’s purpose begins in
foreknowledge, which is beyond omniscience;
it is love beforehand!
The Spirit’s carefully chosen words say it is whom He foreknew, not what He foreknew.
know in the Bible has another sense different from bare knowledge,
one of special affection, approval, benevolence, and design (
Gen 4:1;
Psalm 1:6;
Jer 1:5;
Amos 3:2). He shall deny He ever knew the wicked – He
never loved them (
Matt 7:23;
Ps 5:5;
11:5). He loved His elect from everlasting, and He always shall (
Jeremiah 31:3;
Eph 1:4;
5:25). These are the elect that Paul will identify by the same root in a future chapter (
Rom 11:2). God’s choice and love of the elect also predestinated them to adoption (see
Eph 1:3-6).
He also did predestinate.
purpose toward His elect builds from affectionate foreknowledge to
predestination. It is not our choice to believe predestination or not. It is a Bible doctrine by revelation.
What does it mean? It means God determined and guaranteed our destination beforehand. In this particular context the destination is glorification in heaven as the sons of God. In the other uses of the word, it is also our adoption and inheritance as sons (
Eph 1:5,
Man is so arrogant that he assumes he has the right to make all choices of heaven or the lake of fire, though he forfeited them in Eden and all other life aspects are by a choice made for him! Man in Eden and every day chooses his future destiny – the lake of fire.
Arminians have God predestinating men to destruction just as much as any doctrine of salvation.
There is no logical way to believe the God of the Bible and reject predestination of men. If God knows all that will happen on certain conditions, why did He bring them to pass? If God knew who would not believe on Christ and be saved, why in the world did He create them knowing this certain outcome? He predestinated them to damnation.
But the Arminian confuses things horrifically by having God frustrated, trying to save them, and loving them as much as those in heaven. How is this love by a perfect Being? Predestination precedes, rather than follows, conforming, for it is unconditional election!
When God viewed man, He saw no man seeking Him or doing righteousness (
Ps 14:1-3).
It is God’s predestination that brings about His work in us that changes us (
Phil 2:12-13).
Before predestination can occur, the objects of it must be chosen and segregated, which is understood by God’s purpose (8:28) and foreknowledge (8:29) and many other scriptures.
To be conformed.
Predestination does not lead to presumption, Fatalism, or carnality as our opponents claim, because the
object of predestination and the
evidence of predestination are Christ-likeness! The ignorant or the malicious charge predestinarians with Fatalism or antinomianism, for they despise the doctrine and do not want to consider a truly Biblical explanation of it. A popular, easy way to reject predestination is to say, “Then I could live any way I wish.” Predestination’s goal is clear, and present grace agrees with it (
Phil 2:12-16;
Tit 2:11-14). Predestination’s evidence is clear, and it bears present fruit (
I Thess 1:2-4;
II Pet 1:5-11). This is the object of our predestination, which cannot be a condition for it, by definition! Believe the truth of predestination, but it will do nothing for you like conformation will.
conforming is God’s work resulting in us glorified like Christ (8:17-18,30;
I John 3:2).
To the image of His Son.
The image of a thing is its likeness or resemblance (
Luk 20:24;
I Cor 11:7;
Heb 10:1). Jesus is the image of God: the visible likeness of Him (
Jn 1:14;
II Co 4:4; Co 15;
He 1:3). Jesus is the image of God, so our conforming to Him is conforming to God, our Father.
That He might be the firstborn.
While we will be conformed in many respects to be like our Lord, we shall not be equals. Among all the many children in God’s family, Jesus will be very preeminent (
Col 1:18)!
Among many brethren.
God’s purpose in creation and saving sinners is to build a great family with Christ (
Ep 3:14). The drama of the whole universe is God’s display of saving grace in perfecting sinners!