GINOLJC, to all.
101G was brought up on the teaching of the trinity. 101G was like Paul who was brought up on the teaching of the Law. 101G believed his teachers, for they were here before 101G came on the scene, and 101G believed them, (had no other reason not to believe them). and that was the KEYWORD "believed" ..... them, the teachers. until 101G was ordained a teacher himself, then 101G for the first time, actually started to READ what the bible actually said, and 101G was shocked, for what was being taught was not adding up to what God said. so, 101G asked questions, many who were in position of leadership did not have convincing answers to 101G's questions. so, 101G asked God in FAITH and got all the answers that 101G was looking for. so, just because one was taught in ERROR before, if one seeks the truth, God will reveal himself to anyone who seek him in FAITH.
ye have not because ye ask not. ask God or his wisdom, and he will give it liberally.
101G (AKA the anti-christ)