Why The Trinity is Wrong: Lord v LORD

Think that's before my time! (Pre-2014).
What about trinitarian Ray Goldsmith? I had Predestined do a tribute to him on our website. He died a year or so after you joined. He has some published works. We became friends and he mentored me. We use to have lots of talks and FaceTimes. He was a real soldier for the Lord. I saved allot of his posts from the old forum when he would interact with the guys I mentioned and John Milton. I even got Robert Bowman to join for about a year until he got to busy to put unitarian John Milton in his place with the Greek :) He is an excellent scholar and apologist when it comes to the Unitarians.
What about trinitarian Ray Goldsmith? I had Predestined do a tribute to him on our website. He died a year or so after you joined. He has some published works. We became friends and he mentored me. We use to have lots of talks and FaceTimes. He was a real soldier for the Lord. I saved allot of his posts from the old forum when he would interact with the guys I mentioned and John Milton. I even got Robert Bowman to join for about a year until he got to busy to put unitarian John Milton in his place with the Greek :) He is an excellent scholar and apologist when it comes to the Unitarians.

I wish I had joined a year or two earlier, seems like I missed a lot.

A guy I remember that really impressed me was called "Bavinck" or something?
What about trinitarian Ray Goldsmith? I had Predestined do a tribute to him on our website. He died a year or so after you joined. He has some published works. We became friends and he mentored me. We use to have lots of talks and FaceTimes. He was a real soldier for the Lord. I saved allot of his posts from the old forum when he would interact with the guys I mentioned and John Milton. I even got Robert Bowman to join for about a year until he got to busy to put unitarian John Milton in his place with the Greek :) He is an excellent scholar and apologist when it comes to the Unitarians.
What was Ray's or anyone else's best Koine Greek (or English) verses to prove the Trinity?
I wish I had joined a year or two earlier, seems like I missed a lot.

A guy I remember that really impressed me was called "Bavinck" or something?
He was amazing and we became good friends. He got tired of the way it was going downhill and left. You joined when it was still really good before it started going downhill. They had some top apologists from both Calvinist and Arminian camps. Bavinck was a Calvinist who was also proficient in NT Greek.

@sethproton will remember some of those discussions he had with Bavinck :)
I’ll email you some of their posts from back then. I saved many of them. If it’s ok with you I will get your email from the admin.
Absolutely! Looking forward to it!

Also wondering how can anyone be proficient in NT Greek and still a Calvinist, like Mr. Bavinck? NT Greek and Calvinism are mutually exclusive, like matter and anti-matter.
Except for the many ways he is not.
  • Jesus died
his fleshbody died... not him
  • God is greater than Jesus
it doesn't really disprove christ is deity.
  • God knows more than Jesus
i don't know what you mean here...
  • Jesus was raised from the dead by God
  • God sent Jesus
Jesus volunteered.
  • God told Jesus what to say
He helped Christ. here we help each other.
it proves nothing about a man being more than another.
  • Jesus has a God

God, His spirit, and the son love and adore each other.

doesn't mean anything related to christ's nature as deity.
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Absolutely! Looking forward to it!

Also wondering how can anyone be proficient in NT Greek and still a Calvinist, like Mr. Bavinck? NT Greek and Calvinism are mutually exclusive, like matter and anti-matter.
perhaps he reads wearing tinted glasses .
You yourself said the Word is Jesus. See here:
No, I didn't. Sad that you have to resort to deception. Jesus is not 'the word.' Rather, YHWH put his word into one he chose among the people in fulfillment of Deut 18:15-18. Who this chosen person is, is Jesus. But this does not make him the word as the container is not the contents.
Yes the Greek word for YHWH.
That's not true. YHWH is the unique, eternal name of the Supreme Being. A title of 'lord' ( κύριος,) applies to dozens in Scripture. Changing languages from Hebrew to Greek to English does not alter the fact that captial-LORD is used in place of YHWH and Jesus is never referred to as YHWH, only lowercase-lord.
No, I don't know him personally. And I don't know what CARM is. But I have found his analysis spot on.
I use to debate him all the time on CARM which is an old forum many of us use to post on for many years.There are much better unitarian apologists that I’ve known and debated than him.
I said:
You alleged "deception":
No, I didn't. Sad that you have to resort to deception. Jesus is not 'the word.' Rather, YHWH put his word into one he chose among the people in fulfillment of Deut 18:15-18. Who this chosen person is, is Jesus. But this does not make him the word as the container is not the contents.
Let's investigate who is deceiving who, shall we?

This is my question:
You didnt answer this question of mine: Which person do you suppose John is pointing to when he said that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us?
This your answer:
Oh my reference to John 1:45, I thought made it clear; Jesus.

John 1:18 disproves the trinity in that it is the Father and son show. Your fatal flaw is trying to use monotheist text to prove the trinity.
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Just so we all get along I think it would be a good idea to change "Deception" To "Opinion"

I don't think any of us are trying to deceive anyone on this Forum. We're just sharing our thoughts and ideas.
Just so we all get along I think it would be a good idea to change "Deception" To "Opinion"

I don't think any of us are trying to deceive anyone on this Forum. We're just sharing our thoughts and ideas.
I am glad it is not a over-caffeinated debate-focused forum.
That's not true. YHWH is the unique, eternal name of the Supreme Being. A title of 'lord' ( κύριος,) applies to dozens in Scripture. Changing languages from Hebrew to Greek to English does not alter the fact that captial-LORD is used in place of YHWH and Jesus is never referred to as YHWH, only lowercase-lord.
there is no upper or lowercase in the original languages greek and hebrew.
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